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Posts posted by airporteffect

  1. 10 hours ago, Steeeve said:

    Tbh, this all looks really decent thus far. Your concerns about everything you’ve mentioned so far are valid; it’s impossible to tell how the density is going to turn out since, as you mentioned, some hair came out as the scabs off. It’s pretty common to see better density once you’ve reached full maturation.

    It happens pretty often, also, that one tech implants grafts in a different way than the other. Try not to get too caught up in that, though, as more often than not the grafts grow in fine and even if they are a little off no one is going to notice that except the person looking in the mirror. Unless they’re really sticking out in wild directions but you would have a pretty good idea of that now while they’re still getting ready to shed.

    I think if all hair grows in as it should then the density should be quite nice as what was transplanted into the mid scalp what spaced out enough since that area was somewhat diffuse. It looks as if the doctor implanted a little more tightly in the hairline to keep everything uniform once it all grows in.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for you. I’ll be following along. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Happy Growing!

    For sure — I think I am just in "validation seeking mode" at this point and I just need to chill and let it play out. I brought these concerns up with my doc and he agreed but seemed rather annoyed. We'll continue documenting progress month-to-month and hope for the best. Thanks for the reply 🤙🏻.

  2. My doctor has been hesitant to prescribe me oral Finasteride because I am diagnosed ADHD and take prescription stimulants (Vyvanse). According to him, patients with psychiatric diagnoses are at increased risk (though nobody knows what we are at increased risk for). I've been trying to find supporting research on this and can't find much of anything. Has anyone heard of this before?

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  3. 7 hours ago, JoDimaggio22 said:

    I have not heard of this doctor but I do live in Texas so he isn’t crazy far. I hope you have an incredible result. Be patient and don’t read too much into Reddit, etc

    He came highly recommended from a few friends, former patients I found on Reddit, and my GP. That being said — there are forum recommended docs in TX. As @Melvin- Moderatorsays, real documented patient experiences are the only only true evidence. That being said, Buchwach was recommended on here many years ago so I took a chance. I also hope it turns out well 🤙🏻.

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  4. Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard. ON owns most of the factories that produce the whey so many “competitor” products are the same but repackaged. The ON price point is highly competitive and quality is the most proven. No need to try anything else unless you’re looking for flavors they don’t offer IMHO. 

  5. On 1/2/2023 at 4:29 PM, Melvin- Moderator said:

    I saw this post on instagram, and a few issues stand out. 

    #1. The hairline is way too straight.

    #2. The placement is too patterned. It’s like someone drew it on. Hairlines should be irregular. 

    #3. The grafts looked like they’re angled from right to left. Now, this may be okay if he plans on combing his hair this way, but will present some real problems if he ever wants to change hair styles. 


    It almost looks photoshopped. 

  6. On 11/1/2022 at 1:41 PM, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


    You can absolutely cut your hair and croo it down as short as you want as quickly as one week to 10 days after hair transplant surgery. In terms of how much it’s going to minimize the effects of the “ugly duckling“ phase will depend on a number of factors. At the end the day, you may still experience postoperative redness/inflammation, shock loss, shedding of the transplanted hair, etc.

    Now obviously, the effects of postoperative healing will be less noticeable with your hair cropped short than it would be if your hair was longer -  with the exception of any postoperative redness would be more visible with your hair crop short.

    Long story short however, you can crop your hair a short as you would like as early as one week to 10 days after surgery and definitely at one month without any problems.

    Best wishes,

    Rahal Hair Transplant 

    Yep, I just did a #0.5 to #1 buzz cut fade 11 days after surgery with no issues. The clippers did nick a section of built up dead skin and there was the smallest amount of blood but I doubt it harmed the grafts.

  7. On 12/16/2022 at 6:30 AM, SteveUrkel02 said:

    Actually I’m going to post a picture after 1 week growth. In 1-2 weeks I will hit the 6 month mark. I just wanted to get assurance if this looks like decent growth overall. When I was at 5 months it was 4-5 times as long and it looked decent when I kind of spiked it up (I will attach a picture of that too). In this state( buzz cut)  I can definitely say that it looks very very sparse in basically every lighting ( especially when you look at me from the front ). I know that this was a transplant on a fully bald area and I also have very thin hair. I just wanted to ask if anything looks off ? Will it look better when grown out longer? Is it normal for a transplant to look sparse with a buzzcut? 

    I am in the same boat. I think it looks great and at least your temples are symmetrical in patterning/density. I had two techs, with two varying levels of experience, placing grafts on different sides of my head and there is a stark difference in density and how the hair lays.

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