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Posts posted by Hairwolf

  1. On 2/1/2023 at 6:14 AM, BackFromTheBrink said:

    Here's the day afterwards showing placement. As you can see, the grafts were placed at different density in 3 areas from front to back.


    Unbelievable efficacy of grafts here- unreal that there was enough of the 3100 to fill in the crown also and still provide such a great density. 

  2. If I had a successful outcome,  I would probably stick with the same surgeon if I were you as they  already know your specific case and you are confident in their abilities and comfortable. That said, HairTran is a great value clinic, and has delivered decent results. Guess it comes down to who you believe is the higher calibre surgeon and is it worth to switch now to save some $.

  3. On 5/1/2024 at 3:39 PM, bandanaman_no_more said:

    You really don't want to go for more than ~3000 in a first FUE procedure with 3 techs and 1 lead harvester. Much more than that and you start running into possibility of over harvest on untested patient (my first proc) and grafts too long out of body. 

    That’s a fair point. The conservative route is wise. Happy growing 

  4. Good to see a report from this Dr, who has been heavily promoted by a prominent YouTuber. Works looks good, but some before pics would be good to get a better idea here. You mentioned they could only get 3000 from your donor? Was that due to donor capacity?

  5. 6 hours ago, Berba11 said:
    On 4/18/2024 at 10:37 PM, Mitu Allogenic said:

    Why should not be for real? My case was presented in a medical magazine. Just google Allogenic hair transplant. Surgery was in Romania.


    I will come with photos if there is any interes. But I am not agree with ethical issue. I have a disease and this was an option. I consider sharing my case could really help some other ppl.


    Some pics would be great. So you are still taking immunosuppressants?

  6. 1 hour ago, Mitu Allogenic said:

    I had like 4 k follicles in 3 sessions each 6 months apart

    Are you for real? Pics? Who was your ‘donor’ then. To paraphrase AI above everyone has a unique genetic code and so you risk the grafts dying from attacking antibodies. 

    If they were able to somehow do this successfully it would indeed be a breakthrough. So I’m skeptical about this post .

  7. 2 minutes ago, bobbos2020 said:

    cheers mate, I know I need further transplants to thicken the front up as it's not as thick as I'd hoped but I was very bald before so I think for the price it was prob the best I could achieve. I think I have a decent amount of hairs come through it's just they aren't thick so it makes it look crap lol, so I'm hoping they mature and thicken up in the next 6 months. I am actually on oral minox and dutasteride for the past year so the only thing I can do is just wait and cross my fingers it keeps getting better.

    Well then you are doing everything you can now. As you mentioned, realistically, this is a decent result and the 2nd time around should give you a significant cosmetic improvement. 

  8. Doesn’t look too bad considering your starting point and your anxiety with the techs and multi-patients. Hairline looks pretty natural and has more time to densify further. Did the doc recommend any medication? Maybe Oral minox may give you a boost here, but of course speak to your Dr first.

  9. I agree that there is nothing you can do now but wait,  however the area is completely bare compared to the rest of the recipient area. Also it is in the area where the dark blue heaving scabbing was, so I’m sorry to say it appears like it may indeed be a possible case of necrosis. Although of course I’m not a doctor, so consult with a professional on this.

    Furthermore, work was planted in rows,  but doesn’t seem like the worst angled work ever which is a positive thing.

    Are you back on the minoxidil? This could have triggered a shed or may not be helping matters so I would lay off it for a while imo

    You can shave it down after 4 weeks so go ahead with that and if the worst comes to the worst then it can be fixed by a quality surgeon. Would avoid Turkey imo and definitely don’t go back to them a second time.

  10. 47 minutes ago, SeanT1 said:

    Hi, the discussion of non-shaven was more prominent in whatsapp exchange.

    Such proposal PDF documents were then adjusted to meet these needs.



    It was stressed numerous times that 1500-2000 grafts can be expected with non-shaven, and that density will be improved by adding more hairs inbetween existing.


    As for the DHI process, it felt a lot more gentle on the scalp. :)
    I was able to sleep much easier during the surgery due to this.

    I have some concerns regarding the angle of the grafts, however, I think my mind is being tricked by the scabs.
    We'll see once the scabs are removed.  Dr Turan is a well known surgeon, I can't imagine he's even capable of making such angular mistakes.


    Ah they are in the wrong then by backtracking like that at the last minute. I know what you mean by angulation anxiety. I remember from your previous thread re your first procedure in Turkey about grafts hairline sticking up. Was that any cause for concern this time around?

    • Like 1
  11. 21 hours ago, SeanT1 said:

    Thank you sir, yes; it was a lot of pressure in the moment to decide between shaven or not.  I chose non-shaven ultimately to stick with the original plan since I have some events coming up in a few months and I need to look my best for. :)

    You're absolutely right about graft preservation, especially at the age of 28. 
    This is one benefit from the reduction of grafts.

    For reference, here is another screenshot showing the agreed amount of 1500-2000 grafts for a non-shaven procedure;

    The only thing here is that I don’t see confirmation of non-shave here, so perhaps something was lost in translation. Btw how was the DHI process? Any discernible difference from pre-made incisions?

  12. 2 hours ago, ichigo said:

    So in an interesting turn of fate, I have secured a surgery date with Dr Laorwong in early December. I finally received a reply to my LINE messages late last night requesting to send some more information via email, to which I did this morning and after a few emails back and forth, the date was secured and deposit sent. I was actually very close to booking Dr Patty (at Hairtran), but as much as I like her work, Dr Laorwong has a more extensive track record. I am over the moon that this is finally going to happen!

    Glad to hear it! I’ve booked in with Dr Laorwong again for the summer but have been unable to reach him again since. I’ll try Line I guess. 

  13. 13 hours ago, SeanT1 said:

    I understand man, but from the initial conversations and interaction with FUECapilar I was very clear that I wanted non-shaven, and they agreed 1500-2000 grafts will be possible with such a procedure and wrote it into the PDF agreement.  So to be told that less than half is possible 30 minutes before surgery is a bit of a blow.  

    It is certainly far from ideal to be told that 30 min before the surgery. I understand sticking to your guns  here; however I understand others would bite the bullet here and go shaven. You are still a young lad, so keeping some grafts in the tank for further down the line is wise also.

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