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Everything posted by Tommy1991

  1. Iโ€™m curious to know what Norwood you would class yourself as? At this stage some things are not meant to be touched, and in your case you could end up making it a lot worse.
  2. In order to know if your donor is truly comprised or the level of extraction that could still be achieved you need to be examined under magnification. Hairs per sq cm in your donor needs to be determined. Anyway, your hairline needs to taken back, itโ€™s not suiting your face whatsoever and as you get older it will be more noticeable at a glance. No irregularies whatsoever. It not a complete disaster but you need to think of the future, in terms of hairloss but also in terms of an appropriate hairline design with age.
  3. Day 1 post op: I returned to clinic for the washing of my hair by post care nurse. Shortly after Dr Holscher invited me into his office. We discussed the future plan in October, he checked hair density again, my donor area is around 70-80 per sq cm, while my crown and midsection is showing 90-100 per sq cm with little to no miniaturisation. This confirms that I stabilized my hair loss for nowโ€ฆ He provided me a script for Oral Monoxodil. I will try it for one year and see if there is an improvement. Dr Holscher took more photos after the wash. Starting to heal rapidly. The quality of photos is also excellent, showing the irregularities, and widows peak he created from extraction. Also there is a photo of where the ingrown hairs were extracted. (Unfortunately some of the photos aint uploading, just appearing as black) I think myself there is probably another 250-300 grafts to be extracted from hairline in Oct but time will tell.
  4. I flew into Brussels, took the IC train at airport from platform 2 to Hasselt which went in the opposite direction for one stop only (I got out but realised it was going back within 10minutes ๐Ÿ˜‚ so jumped back on). Itโ€™s pretty simple getting here. I will stay till the 29th just to allow proper healing and avoid unwanted attention! I have the benefit of working form the Hashotel! Not a fan of travelling with a blood soaked head either. Hasselt is a small but modern beautiful city to be fair. Lots of shops, and restaurants with great food ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ I guess cause itโ€™s a smaller city people here are very interactive and genuinely nice.
  5. Sure, although my photos donโ€™t do it justice due to resolution they do look seriously slick on the photos taken by Feriduni. They will send me the photos tomorrow aswel. Port surgery serum, spray for the recipient areas and a mousse shampoo post surgery oil for extraction zone . They send a link to download an app, which has a calendar , sends a notification for spraying or for example, shampooing every second day. They also provide antibiotics, painkillers ,vitamins, neck pillow, pillow cover and a cool pack for the forehead.
  6. Thanks man. Appreciate it. Already judging the level of work and care, I think this will be a real success for me. Feriduni expects just one more session to reach my expectation which I am delighted to hear.
  7. Update as promised: 607grafts removed from hairline. 160singles 372doubles 75were bad quality and discarded. total 532 were re-implanted. All grafts were removed by Dr Feriduni. Around 3hours was spent doing this.. meticulous is an understatement. Extracted grafts were re implanted by his two nurses to zone 2. Surgery was around 5hours in total. He also made an attempt at removing numerous ingrown beard hairs previously transplanted in donor area by Eugenix in a single area, where I developed folliculitis previously. The area was still inflamed. Time will tell if this worked. After this half an hour was spent with Dr Feriduni discussing how it looks and the next stage in October. He also followed up to ensure all grafts were secure.
  8. Next round of extraction will be 10-Oct-2024. Purely based on feedback by Dr Feriduni, as he advised there is no need to wait longer than this.
  9. For the hair loss community. Today I had the pre op final planning with Dr Feriduni and Dr Holscher. In all the planning was approx 2hours long. I donโ€™t like long winded posts so I will get straight to the points. The reception staff are such nice people, I think Lucie was the lady that greeted me. She is a lovely woman. Later I was greeted by Dr Holscher and we went though my expectations and what I would like to achieve from this repair. He took my measurements and drew a hairline based on my feedback. This was around 40minutes. Approx 10minutes later I was greeted by Dr Feriduni. Here he took the time to go through my previous hair transplants at which I had ready to go in preparation, in order to understand what went wrong in each stage. Letโ€™s not repeat what he said about thoseโ€ฆ. Anyway, he took measurements and density checks, he is quite happy with my temple peaks, crown and non transplanted hairs, I will get the density figures on this later. So he wiped the hairline drawn by Dr Holscher and asked me again what I expected, which I elaborated stating โ€œI would like my centre hairline restored to natural widows peak and then a gradual recession into the temples. I believe the Left side of the temple would require more extraction than the right. I think around 5-6mm taken from widows peak followed by 11mm or so on the temples and gradual blend across the hairline. The removed grafts to be transplanted to Zone 2 where signs of thinning are evident.โ€ He showed me a case very similar to mine, hair type and skin tone and each intervals to provide me some sort of road map to this type of repair. I have not seen this on the forum but it really was one hell of a result. Hairline was shaped by Dr Feriduni, he then cut the hair where the grafts are to be extracted to provide visualisation. Came to a large mirror (not handheld) to check and we made some tiny adjustments, he cut the hair and we checked again. It looked fine. The photos are below of the hair to be extracted, Dr Feriduni did take high resolution photos that no phone can compete with unfortunately, but I donโ€™t have them yet. Around 600/700 grafts is expected to be removed tomorrow. 5mm to be removed from centre hairline, 12mm from left hand temple recession and 10mm from right hand temple recession. He briefly mentioned that my temples will be closed correctly on second sitting not to worry about them for now as more hairs will need to be removed from there. Even with that part of the hairline shaved, people can see the importance of why hair should never be placed on the vertical plane of the forehead. This is such an important topic not really mentioned enough on here and should be highlighted more. Dr Feriduni finished by saying he is quite confident about this repair, which is refreshing. The facility in Hasselt is top class, unrivalled to anywhere I have been for hair transplants anyway. I will post some photos tomorrow night from day 0 extraction. Not sure the auld Irish skin tone will hold up too well with the redness ๐Ÿ˜‚
  10. Is it possible you can show photos of the entire hairline?
  11. It sounds like you are describing my experience there with them also. which was in July 2022, and how refreshing it is to see they still apply the same treatment. People applying pressure to individuals the second the surgery is over. I would urge people not to buy into the crap, this is what gives the industry โ€œfalse advertisementโ€. I have said it for a long time, Eugenix will get worse, not better. The results are showing it. More and more patients with clear neglect, poor planning and shocking ethical practices.
  12. This is beyond pathetic. More and more results are occurring like this with Eugenix and it is only going to get worse.
  13. Thanks mate! Thanks man, very kind of you ๐Ÿ˜Š
  14. Leaving these photos here for future ref rather than keeping on my phone. Hair is just wet, zero product. Repair scheduled 23_April and very much looking forward to it. I believe I have a good platform for a successful repair this time(Maybe after density check I might feel different ๐Ÿ˜‚). 2-3 sessions are expected. My temples and crown are pretty good. This repair will focus on raising my hairline and recycling those grafts to the transitional zone just behind it. Zone 2. Approx 700-800grafts.
  15. In the natural world, temples are rarely symmetrical nor is the hairline. the design does look good with a quite a prominent v shape (which usually looks good) upon completed growth. For example, Sometimes there can be a concave on one side of the hairline and a convex on the other which after a HT which is obviously not good, yours does not have this. I would be interested to see photos directly after surgery, same day or day after if you have them prior to giving further comments on this.
  16. This thread serves a purpose, just like your threads. It details a patients story of a poor hair transplant. Ultimately, the goal of the HRN is to aid in help people choosing a clinic/doctor or not, based on a persons documented journey. Whatโ€™s been done to this patient is unacceptable, end of. This whole acceptance and move on attitude because it Eugenix serves no one at all. just like you campaign for Eugenix because you have had great results, there are certain patients who campaign against them, because they have been let down, poor practices and ethical morals and ultimately poor results.
  17. I would be swinging punches at that doctor if I ever came across him again. Absolutely disgusting work. Easy fix with a top doctor if you can afford it I suppose. Dr. Ball is good in the UK. one session should be enough to remove them!
  18. Huge amount of grafts! Best of luck and I hope it works out ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ
  19. While I donโ€™t condone users slagging doctors/clinics off for well below par results (just like this OPs results) there should absolutely be no defence of any clinic or doctor producing this kind of result. Whats a common theme with certain users all over patients threads who have been to Eugenix and had good results, they are constantly stating โ€œitโ€™s amazingโ€ after 1week on other patients journeyโ€ฆ Get realโ€ฆ itโ€™s such nonsense, the very same as you tell guys to wait 12months to see the result before judging, the same should apply in reverse. We are all here to benefit each other on the forum, not squabble amongst ourselves. When a result is poor it should be stated as such, there is no hiding from that. The contrary applies when a result is good. It is so clear the OP did not get the respect and dignity he deserved for this procedureโ€ฆ that is period. How do we know this?? We base it on the result and number of issues he has.. itโ€™s a really poor result.
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