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Posts posted by Shaik

  1. 14 hours ago, keratin_matters said:

    I will certainly post a more detailed experience when I receive the HD photos. The advice that I can give is

     1) Keep some notes of questions on your mobile notes app. And when Dr Arika comes in, just make sure you go through all of them.

    2) Besides this I also asked them to introduce each technician to me with their years of experience to increase my trust. You can do this as well. 

    3) Communication and awareness is key, they will take care of everything but do make sure to communicate every small thing and expectation. I was constantly asking about the steps being performed, the number of grafts yielded from a particular area, punch size being used, density per sq cm being given,etc. 

    4) Also, a funny thing I noticed is that there were some concerns that Dr Arika is stretched between too many packages. But it seems that their Mumbai clinic has only 3 OTs in total so they literally cannot pack anyone more than that. On the other hand, the Delhi clinic has 7-10 OTs I guess, so if you're choosing anything less than the super-premium package, the Mumbai clinic might not be a bad option.

    Thanks for sharing these points bro. Even in some other thread I read like there were 7 surgeries were going on the same day. Hope they continue to keep up the quality.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Far123 said:

    Thank you. I am loving it. One less thing to worry about in life. I look exactly how I did in my early 20s when I had 50 percent hair left.

    @Far123Happy to see your results Bro.

    Are you still taking regime that were following?. Can you please share some details on your routine and precautions that you took like, diet, daily routine, even if its small. it may help others. like me.

    Are you using Finax ?

  3. @keratin_mattersThanks for sharing with pictures Bro. it helps others. It looks clean work. As @Gatsbysaid looks like you have great donor. Please share your detailed experience about the way your surgery went, when you get some comfortable time. Let us know if there are any point that are important to keep in mind when others plan to HT at Eugenix. I am planning for HT at Eugenix in October. 

    Thanks and Take Care Bro.

    • Like 1
  4. On 9/15/2022 at 10:10 PM, SLA said:

    Hi @Karan Chawla- Over time on this forum, I have come across your same question and have saved some of the advice which I included below.

    Some may be outdated if it relates to traveling during the height of COVID- GOOD LUCK! You are going to an excellent clinic!


    I'd get a power converter / adapter. I got one and it was a life saver both in the room and also with the many hours and days spent at the clinic. I was working on the trip and could not have dealt without reliable power for both my cellphone and laptop. Bring a very small travel size spray bottle for hydrating the grafts. Something small enough that can go thru airport security. Bring some sweatshirt like, zip up jackets. Clinic can be very cold at times. 

    Don't worry about medical caps, they give you a ton of disposables if you need extra. Otherwise, I think you'll be good. Eugenix for the most part, will take care of everything else you need. Even extra finasteride, which I'd highly recommend getting from them. It's a lot cheaper!

    have some rupees on hand when you arrive or you can exchange at the airport. If you haven't provided the clinic with all of the blood tests before arriving, you have to pay a clinician to come to Eugenix and do the rest of the tests. About 2000 rupees. Plus you will need a negative PCR test to fly back to Canada. Eugenix will arrange. I was told the cost was about 1000 rupees.

    - bring a comfortable neck pillow to sleep on for first two to three days. Bring something to wrap around the pillow so that you don't get blood on it during the sleep. There will still be a little bleeding after the surgery, particularly when you lay your end down at night.

    - no need for converter. The hotel has plugs which will take N American devices. 

    - My phone did work at airport but wifi requires that an SMS verification code be sent to phone and that didn't work. There is a kiosk located just prior to the exit doors after baggage pickup. They can give you a wifi password to use if you are communicating with your Eugenix rep via WhatsApp


    - Hotel has complimentary breakfast buffet. Definitely eat a good breakfast each day of surgery since you have to take a few pills prior to surgery and the breakfast keeps the stomach strong with the meds

    - Make sure that you have the area being worked fully anesthetized.  That's an uncomfortable process as they run a needle over a large area to numb the area having surgery. After they apply the anasthesia, have them poke the whole area to see if they missed a spot. That happened to me a couple of times. When they went to extract or implant in an area not fully numbed, it really hurts. The point is to have no pain at all in the area so make sure you communicate with the techs.

    - at the tail end of my day two surgery, I believe that the number of grafts extracted fell short by the number of slits created by Dr. Bansal. Suddenly, it seemed the techs were rushed to extract the right of grafts and so they had to numb the areas again. The one tech, who didn't do the anesthesia before, was now applying it and missed some spots so when another tech when to extract the grafts with the motorized punch, it was coring into a part of the scalp that was not numbed. I had to stop the surgery and make sure that the entire area was prepared properly before commencing because it hurt like hell! Still hurts in that region of the scalp.

    - you can bring a couple of smaller bottles to transfer the saline solution in for the return flight. You need to keep the recipient area sprayed every other hour through the day for 7 days. But Dr. Bansal can write a medical note exempting the airline from withholding a large bottle of liquid if it is used for medical purposes. She is giving me a note tomorrow or Thursday so we will see if it gets it past the security checkpoints at the airport.

    Let me know if you have?'s

    Thanks for these points. very useful. points related scenarios that u faced at the time of surgery will really help others when they are going for surgery. they can inform their lead doctor to avoid these things.

    Thanks for sharing.

    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, MazAB said:

    Month 12 is finally here and looking back there is a lot I’ve learned in the process. For one, even if you are an early responder post HT, that does not necessarily mean that your maturity ends earlier. No matter what, you should always give it a full year for the maturity to set in. When the hair is not fully mature, it is much more difficult to manage which typically limits you in terms of hair styles early on. Density is always improving throughout the year as well even when all the grafts have fully grown. Trust me, there was a major difference between months 8 and 12 for me. 

    Always keep in mind that no hair transplant is perfect, and it’s important to have that expectation from the on-set. Every surgery is a risk and regardless of the clinic’s track record of success, be sure to have every “what-if” scenario mapped out in your head before having surgery. And know that since perfection is not the goal, be ready to embrace those imperfections, make them your own, and be prepared that 2nd or even 3rd procedures are most often necessary over the course of time. Unless the work is extremely minimal, the “one and done” hair transplant is many times not enough, so don’t sweat the small stuff. Stay optimistic and know that your own personal transformation is a lifetime commitment, so every move you make should be a very well educated, calculated decision that you own and have 200% confidence in. And if things don't go as planned, the "what if" scenarios are already mapped out and it's easier at that point to course correct and right the ship. The "Rome was never built in a day" metaphor applies greatly to the this entire process, so take your time with every decision. Believe me, your mental sanity and full head of hair will thank you for it!

    With all that said, it’s time to hit the reset button and start the process over again.😅 That’s a very tough thing mentally because I absolutely love how everything looks right now, but I’ll be having my 2nd procedure done on October 2nd. Exactly 13 months to date from my first procedure, and will have to endure, once again, the painfully long, drawn out process of recovery and regrowth. I’m very excited and have 100% confidence that @Eugenix Hair Sciences will help me achieve all of my hair goals with this next procedure. 

    I’m incredibly grateful for all of you on this network for helping and motivating me every step of the way. I would have never had the strength to go forward with a hair transplant without the continued support of all of you!

    See you on the other side in October!

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    @MazABOne of the best suggestion that I got from this forum is be prepared 'what if'. I sensed same thing when I had a discussion with you from your words. thanks for that Arman. Good Luck for your second procedure. Will try to meet you when you are in Delhi. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. On 9/1/2022 at 3:32 PM, Eugenix Hair Sciences said:

    MR. AJAY, 31 YEARS
    NW GRADE 5 

    With Eugenix you are allowed to stare at your hair as long as you want. Our surgeons and technicians will play the magic which will transform your look entirely. Mr. Ajay at the young age of 31 faced the issue of baldness. But the world does not end there for him. The hair world actually began when you choose the right clinic. Mr. Ajay made the right choice and came to Eugenix for his transformation.

    He was a Norwood grade 5 patient. Thus, it was evident that he lost his confidence to move in public. But, team Eugenix made sure that he gains back his confidence and flawless looks. A total of 4500 grafts were required to bring back his dashing looks. All the grafts were extracted from his scalp. His donor area was managed well keeping in mind future needs. 



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    Wow , this will change his confidence in public gatherings. great service Eugenix.

    can we know the number of months took to reach this result, to this person. ?

    • Thanks 1
  7. Hi All,

    I am planning for hair transplant from Eugenix in August or September.

    I am 39 years old. I am from South India(Andhra) , I have taken this decision after a lot of research. this is very important for my personal life(hope you people understand) and future.

    Please share if any precautions, suggestions that I need to take before consulting Dr.Arika Mam, and before surgery for successful hair transplant and result.

     i am planning to have Video consultation with Dr.Arika Madam this week.

     Thank you.



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