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Posts posted by LookMaxx

  1. 7 hours ago, jr1986 said:

    How is wattery seamen nocebo?

    The fact you noticed it means you were on the lookout for it. 48 hours later on 0.2mg dose yeah that’s very quick. There’s semen stored you know unless you’re yanking it everyday in which case it will be watery still as not enough time to recover. 

    You also experienced tinnitus which is such an odd symptom and you found other people having it too. 

    It seems clearly you’re experiencing nocebo given the extreme fearmongering surrounding this drug. I mean the fact you’ve a thread dedicated to this means you’re on high alert. 

    But you are free to believe whatever and do what you wish. I didn’t notice watery semen 1.4 years later when I read someone else getting it from fin, funny enough it became OK when I didn’t care. Ironically I am suffering from PFS now but when I am busy with other stuff, I am normal. 


  2. 33 minutes ago, jr1986 said:

    So thought I'd give another update if anyone is interested.

    Last Thursday got hit pretty hard with brain fog. Not a pleasant feeling, it cleared somewhat the next day but I decided to skip 2 days and took 0.2mg yesterday morning. Once again I developed a hazy feeling, and even today I felt off. 

    Since last Thursday when I got hit hard, I had very slight tinnitus which was only really noticeable in a quite room. Didn't even know this was a possible side effect but I found numerous anecdotes of it online. I hope its something that will clear if I stop.

    Tonight I also noticed my seamen has become more wattery, not terrible but noticeable. The drug is clearly having an effect on my body even at a very small dose. I'm quite surprised actually.

    Erection quality is fine, libido might be down a bit hard to say.

    Scalp feels amazing, no more irritation. I actually think I'd respond very well to the drug over time.

    I know fin can affect neurosteroids in the brain and cause problems such as brain fog. It's not really somthing I want to have to deal with or put my body through.

    Since I seem to be sensitive to fin, I'll either have to lower the dose or I'm thinking of moving to topical.

    Will keep you updated.

    I think you should stop because clearly you’re having nocebo effects. You can try it again few years later without touching the internet.


  3. 5 hours ago, Kassar said:

    From the years of digging around the interwebs it seems that technique is the determining factor in both, extraction/survivability and good/naturalistic results. You can have all the survivability in the world, but if you don't get the placement right it's meaningless. That's how you can have 750 grafts look like 1600 and have 2500 look like it's 750.

    And when it comes to advanced cases all that matters even more, because of the already limited donor, and large recipient area. If the surgeon doesn't do it right, there is no redo button.

    I disagree. The difference is only survival. You can have the best angles and placement but they’re going to look pretty damn terrible without good survival as has been shown by bad results here. If you’ve 100% survival it will look damn impressive which world class surgeons get close to. 

    Eugenix has the best graft survival that’s why they can use beard and body hair and are the go to place for higher norwoods. 

    Do you think a norwood 7 will look impressive with 50 amazing placed hairs that managed to survive versus 5000 badly placed hairs (whatever that means?) Funny thing is even Norwood 7 have few hairs on top that have best angles from nature that survive the DHT onslaught and that looks funny as hell. Survival definitely wins over angles. Even people with bad hairs/mop of unstylable hairs look better than a bald Norwood 7 with few amazingly angled stragglers. 

    I hear Konior is the best in the world right now but if he has bad results for higher norwoods then maybe he’s not the best.

    This is of course my opinion but I will go to a doctor that can move my hairs with 100% survival, I don’t care if they’re angled wherever. Because I have thinned out great angled hairs from nature but I look bad. If I had badly angled hairs I wouldn’t be looking so old. 

    Here is an example that this forum considers crap results and bad hair transplant but I would be happy with this result - good survival bad angles


    So yeah in my opinion the art part of this business is blown out of proportion for marketing purposes. It’s all about who can move hairs without damaging them 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Kassar said:

    Thanks for the suggestion. I already looked at his website. The hairlines on some of his advanced hair loss cases look odd, or too high and not natural. It might be just the pictures. And his name doesn't seem to come up regarding advanced Norwood cases.

    He doesn’t have many recent cases here either but he’s highly regarded. I figured if a surgeon has decent graft survival rate then Norwood level shouldn’t matter after all at higher norwoods graft survival matters since you’ve so little grafts to move. 

  5. 6 hours ago, ciaus said:


    Don't take this the wrong way, but this topic is a forum poll on whether or not members have experienced side effect symptoms, not a personal journal for your experiments with finasteride. 

    And as I've said before, someone dealing with depression can cause more harm than good. Everyone will be better off if you focus on dealing with that first with your doctors.

    It’s about fin sides and my depression is definitely fin induced. Not sure why you hate my posts, you can just ignore them ya know. 

    • Like 1
  6. So I have some changes to report

    My libido is on another level. Here’s the difference between fin/no fin. With fin, I still had strong libido to the point of painful but it was sporadic, without fin, it is constant and more stretched out over the whole day. No difference in erection strength etc

    The sides with brain continues. Can’t focus or think properly, maybe I am not used to DHT overload, I do have sex a lot on my mind now. Memory is also shot which wasn’t the case a few days ago. 

    Hairs continue to fall obviously, now looking like a proper nw6 when before it was nw5 ish

    Like I said at this point I can see PFS patients freaking out but I think it’s just massive hormones change with floodgates of DHT unleashed and as a result the brain preoccupied with sex a lot. 

    I think I like fin mindset more, was able to get things done and focus. I do wonder when I will snap back to normal. Will report. Today noticed changes with memory and libido (painful)

  7. 2 hours ago, SeanToman said:

    I have a bitter sweet opinion on those who bash Turkey for low prices.
    It's clear that people on this forum are giving honest advice and wanting the best for those who are in need.  It's really nice to see.

    But at the same time, there is a harsh critique on traveling to Turkey as a whole when Turkey does have a few solid doctors at reasonable prices (an example is Dr. Yaman).  Instead of saying the guy is doomed, maybe we should point to the solid doctors within Turkey and give advice as how to avoid a botched transplant.

    The common argument that technicians are the root of all evil doesn't sit well with me either.  The same people who would argue this are also the same who would vouch for places like Eugenix in India which also has technicians on staff.

    Personally I went to Istanbul after a ton of research.  Quite happy with my result.
    Be smart, do your research, you'll find horrible clinics all over the world.  Find the one that's right for you and fits your needs.

    I have come to the conclusion it’s all about results. Hairmill use techs, top rated docs use techs. 

    just choose a clinic that has consistently good results, it’s irrelevant if techs are used or not. 

    look at this picture


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  8. 3 hours ago, BeHappy said:


    So I'm lying when I say it worked the first few years and I think I may have grown back a bit of hair, but then after around the 3 or 4 year mark I started losing hair again? I was on finsasteride for 11 years. I stopped because I was losing hair anyway. I've seen other people on this forum write similar things. What makes you sure we must be liars?


    It wasn’t directed at you, just generally. My bad

  9. 11 minutes ago, didu911 said:

    As I said this is my point of view: I don’t think a second Transplantation will ease out the problems, that I mentioned about the thinning hair look, especially in the crown. It will always be a illusion of density and it’s hard to fulfill the illusion as it goes all over the head.

    karl is on another boat, he still has thin hair but it looks age appropriate. 

    I was once thinking like you @Melvin- Moderator but my mind hat shifted. Not attacking anyone, also sitting in the same boat, this is just a personal preference and what I as a individual think is aesthetic. 

    I thought the shave it bro was a meme and nobody actually shaved cause they thought they looked good lol. There are only few people on the planet who look good bald but even they would look good with a nw0  


  10. 35 minutes ago, BeHappy said:

     I was a NW 7 when I started, but you are missing the point. You said hair isn't bacteria that gets resistant to finasteride. No. It's not getting resistant to finisteride. It's that the enemy genetic forces are eventually able to break though the finasteride wall.

    Look at it like you're fighting an enemy army. You are on the follicle side and you are fighting DHT. If the DHT is only using bows and arrows then a finasteride wall can maybe hold off that DHT enemy for the rest of your life. But if the DHT enemy is using cannons, a finasteride wall can hold them back for a while, but eventually they will break though and kill all your follicles.

    So basically if you have very aggressive hair loss you are probably going to lose no matter when you started. If you have mild loss you can hold off the loss a lot longer, maybe the rest of your life for some people.

    Not everyone will be a NW 7 even at 100 years old while others are NW 7 before 30. Finasteride is going to have a much better effect on the ones who aren't headed to NW 7 too early in life.



    Studies show fin works long term though as fas ahead as 10 years getting better every year 

    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11809594/#:~:text=Results%3A Treatment with finasteride led,identified during long-term use.



    It makes perfect sense because levels of DHT drop as we age and hairs recover the damage they receive. 

    I don’t know why people think fin will stop working, it’s thrown around as an established fact when it’s a clear lie. 

  11. 32 minutes ago, BeHappy said:

    This is not true. There have been plenty of cases, myself included, where finasteride worked the first few years and then hair started falling out again. Now perhaps you can claim that it's still working in that the hair is falling out slower than it would have without fin, but I think most people would consider it no longer working if their hair loss starts up again.


    Did you lose a Norwood level? 

  12. So after spending some time on this forum, I have learned the only way to find out is through results. Even the top clinics use techs, for example this photo I found posted here 


    very few doctors do the surgery themselves all rely on techs. 

    I still don’t know if the clinic is trash, I don’t care about multis in hairline which is the only downside as long as I get results I am happy. They don’t seem to over heat either.  I have a little more time before I decide so gonna research more

  13. 2 hours ago, mafpe said:


    i've been less active here compared to when i'm researching, and waiting for the HT. because now all i can do is just wait, and enjoy the result later. i doubt i'd be staying here after the final result aside from posting my own observation / random visits. i've gotten my answers to my research, and would move to other topic to improve myself or my look. otherwise i'd still be here pretty much everyday in hope of an answer.

    the side effect exist, and is much higher than the producer claims to be, yes.

    for some people, side effect disappear in 3 months of continued use for some people, and other are affected minorly and doesn't consider it much. but these things aren't quantifiable in numbers except our blood test result, which doesn't always correlates to the same thing to each people.

    then there are those who are very sensitive to the med that taking it mean a ton of change to their life.

    i mean, who can say how much libido loss is a quantifiable result? at most we can only do it similar to hospital's "how in pain are you from 1 to 10?", which is pretty much subjective. the other more serious effect on the other hand, we can see better, such as if they are unable to get erect, or if it is severe enough like PFS that  

    the medicine isn't as innocent, nor as evil as it's made to be, it's mostly tolerated by it's users that even now it's acknowledged that finasteride is one of the most effective meds for hair loss, in which many thinks that the risk is well worth it because of the low occurrence and severity. 

    i myself do feel the slight libido decrease, heck, there are even rare moments of ball ache that is pretty much a question mark for me, as i don't know if it's the med, or something sinister such as testicular torsion / cancer, or maybe just plain blue balls. *apparently blue balls is a thing, and heck it's annoying af. i thought before it's just a joke.

    I felt better on fin mentally than without lol, don’t know if I have PFS or what 

  14. 1 hour ago, Gatsby said:

    I saw this video on YouTube by you Melvin. My heart dropped watching it. I know his teens in high school would have been hell for him. You know and one thing that is sad today is that hair loss is the last bastion that is 'ok' to shame. Try fat shaming, gender shaming, etc and you could find yourself on the end of a law suit if someone wanted to go to the extreme. But bald shaming still prevails which is really sad. I feel for this young guy and hope he's coping through his own humour, etc. Thanks for sharing!

    I feel like that’s because there’s a lot of politics involved with those while baldness doesn’t. Don’t want to derail so I won’t go into details but just to explain what I mean, gender shaming is associated with lgbt and they’re extremely powerful these days, fat shaming has to do with feminists movement/trans movement.

    Baldness is men specific and men just don’t care to push it as a right or get political with it. 

    Good thing is we have options now 

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