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Posts posted by LookMaxx

  1. 1. I mean Asmed/Erdogan has a machine for this but it doesn’t mean good results.

    2. Not sure how this will ensure good result and no clinic is going to agree to refund. Doing a small test isn’t going to prevent overharvesting or bad growth. So the doctor implants a few grafts they grow it doesn’t mean the 2k-4k grafts that get implanted in full surgery will all grow 100% as well. 

    I think this assumes that there are clinics out there that can fail a small simple few grafts test which I think is funny but not true. Even the worst hairmill results have 70% graft survival but any HT with less than 90% graft survival looks bad. 

    3. I agree and good point. I don’t know if this happens often.

    4. Agreed

    5. I think most clinics do give this information and in fact is used as a sales package?. But yeah this should be a given.

    6. Agreed

  2. 8 hours ago, mr_peanutbutter said:

    the difference in density really is visible, i think if the rest of the sides would have the same density it wouldnt be that bad, the problem is not thr density itself but the contrast

    The surgeon says there’s shock loss and it will recover. The patient is over the moon with the growth at 4 months already. 


  3. Here is from sides


    I can expect the same result since I am same Norwood as him and it looks horrifying to me frankly but I keep hearing that even with a good transplant you can’t keep small hairs anymore and have to keep them longer. 

    Surprisingly there aren’t any pictures of the donor area of good transplant patients here so I could compare what a normal donor should look like vs overharvested. All are a year out fully grown hairs, people are more interested in showing their hairlines lol

  4. Sure but the main issue is extraction and graft survival for non-beard BHT. Most surgeons don’t even bother because they don’t have the punch size tools available to even try it and end up transecting the graft leading to poor yield.

    Your surgeon might pack it dense but it might grow patchy due to bad yield.

    I don’t think grafting hairs from less dense area to denser area matters at all as long as they get nutrients to grow. BHT transplant are successful and they are implanted into much denser area ( scalp )

  5. 21 hours ago, FITA said:

    There wouldn’t even be an issue if he was just up front about it. But doing it this way is obviously more effective in influencing people to choose Mwamba. So I would call it deceitful.


    I think the more serious issue is him discrediting and insulting people. He made me think I was crazy for thinking this is a terrible result for a HUGELY expensive doctor  and a free touch up should be offered. He can shill all he want under guises but the problem is with bullying. 

    I want to believe this guy is just doing this on his own because it reflects terribly on the doctor. Which is unfortunate as this doctor has such a great reputation otherwise. 

    You know the saying who needs enemies when you’ve got friends like these 🤌

  6. I think it depends on your personal choice. To me a FUT scar looks great if it’s not done badly and makes you look badass. I think there was a guy in some TV show who had FUT scar and it looked great on him. It’s like a line across back of your head. 

    But that’s just me. I would go with FUT if the surgeon offered and allowed more yield. 

  7. Does this look like overharvesting? 

    This is a Norwood 6 person and the result on recepient is amazing but I don’t know if the donor is overharvested or this is how it’s supposed to look like. This is 4 months after surgery.


    For context, this is the patient of the clinic I said I was researching. The other patients that I could find all were a year out so the donor area couldn’t be judged and neither were they this advanced cases.


    Please let me know your opinion. I am really close to actually going with this clinic because their recepient growth results are great and if their donor management is ok too for a higher nw6 person like this then I don’t see a reason why not get it done cheaper. 



  8. 20 hours ago, Ganderson said:

    Think about it like this - we’re trying for the first time to use this medication in humans (outside of our eyes) to see what the effects will be. We have no idea what the correct dosage, amount of injections, combinations, delivery method, etc should be, but on this very first experiment we may get 10/1000 hairs regrown. We may get 40% better scarring. It may not sound exciting to you today, but it’s very unlikely we get the “best result” on our first experiment. That’s why everyone is so excited… Dr. b is testing a concept, not displaying a cure. 

    Gotcha, that’s a fair point 

  9. This is terrible. 

    The positive to look at perhaps is there might be some shock loss so it might look better in a few more months. Also you are not bald on top so at least you don’t need a donor anymore. Maybe you can keep your hairs long and that should hide the worst of it.

    Any of the top surgeons should hopefully be able to repair it by using body hair.

    I know you must feel devastated but maybe find some solace in the fact there have been people who are bald on top and their donors destroyed where they have to live with that.

    Unfortunately this is why you need to research which clinic you go to. Hairmills are the absolute worst place to go to in hopes for a transplant 

    • Like 1
  10. So final update then.

    I think it’s 30+ days now that I stopped fin, haven’t been keeping track of the exact date. 

    I feel fantastic. The brain fog/memory/future well-being sides I had are completely gone. To be frank, maybe it was just a nocebo because the last time I had stopped fin for a two week break, I noticed nothing of this sort  and the only difference back then was I wasn’t reading forums to be influenced by. 

    I understand what was happening for sure now, I now have an increased DHT circulating and that’s just a different mindset than when it was low. I am constantly more horny whereas it was at random times on fin which means less time to think and be productive etc. Fin gave me a sort of mental clarity when I wasn’t preoccupied with sex thoughts.


     I don’t know when I want to start again, it had definitely stabilised my hairloss. Unfortunately seems like I am heading to NW7 slowly or perhaps a true NW6 when it was bad NW5ish before. 


  11. 6 hours ago, NARMAK said:

    They decided to test a dosage that is barely noticeable in the bloodstream for Phase 2 clinical trials and onwards. So yes blocking AR receptors may do what you're saying if it wasn't for the fact that based on the clinical trial data so far, it's localised to the scalp and actually doesn't seem to register into the bloodstream to really affect the other AR receptors in the manner you mention. 

    It's a promising treatment and time will tell what side affects are officially listed and then become known, but just like people were happy to take the COVID-19 vaccines in billions of doses without long term safety studies etc. and the side effects are still being discovered, i'm sure a scalp localised treatment for hair loss shouldn't fare too badly helping most people. 

    Do you know what they say about vaccines? PFS sounds rational compared to that 😂

    You seem to think the world has normal rational people and it’s cute but oh man, you have no idea 

    That’s what we’re alluding to, it’s a stronger androgen blocker through a different mechanism, there’s a great chance PPS will happen hehe when people hear it also messes with androgens. 

  12. 58 minutes ago, mustang said:

    You think so?

    I see growth everywhere but you know your case better of course.

    Whatever did not grow `below 90% should obviously be re-done for free.

    I really don’t want to get involved in this mess anymore than I did already but you’re a funny guy like I said 😂

    You were sure of 100% growth but now backtracking and questioning it. You told me I don’t know how hairloss or surgery works for suggesting an elite doctor should give better results and a free touch up when it doesn’t happen at the very least. Now you’re suggesting he should get a free touch up. 

    Mate, shilling has to be done subtly and don’t attack people attracting attention. That gives you away 😉

    • Like 1
  13. 14 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

    What's your basis for calling this stronger than Finasteride? It doesn't lower DHT in the body, simply stops the scalp DHT from binding to the ARs and so far the only sides seem to be contact dermatitis based which does leave the door open for them to adjust the formulations and have that become less of an issue. A bit how topical Minoxodil sold by cheap brands has a lot of PG and alcohol bases causes the skin to dry out. 

    This blocks out androgen receptors, DHT isn’t the only androgen in the body you know. DHT, T, DHEA A4, A5, Andosterone, estrogen, maybe prolactin etc etc that act on androgen receptors. Whereas finasteride blocks some percent of an enzyme to DHT pathway but it’s still not completely and not the sole pathway. So this is definitely stronger than finasteride.

    And it does get into the bloodstream so they tried lower dosages then the amount that gets into bloodstream is very low.



  14. 1 hour ago, FITA said:

    “Whatever was implanted grew” might be true, but the noticeable gaps to the native hair must go down as doctor error. He clearly hasn’t calculated correctly and implanted enough grafts. I really don’t know how you can defend this and say a free touch up isn’t warranted.

    Well according to him, we don’t know how hairloss and surgery works. Funny guy 

    I suggest reading the Melvin thread on shills and trolls, if someone’s reply seems off and they seem to be unnecessarily defending a clinic over an obvious poor result then chances are they are a shill or with some agenda and it’s best to avoid them. 

    I have noticed I was personally attacked in two different threads related to this doctor for simply suggesting patients should get higher care and results after paying so much money and perhaps even a free touch so there’s definitely something going here that’s not obvious to the eyes. If this result came from a hairmill, they would’ve exactly the same response as we did….something to think about 😉

    • Like 5
  15. Also the reason doctors involvement is rated and charged highly is because you know that person is the constant who has been doing it and gaining skills. 

    Unnamed technicians they change and who knows may even get fired and new ones hired every single week. They’re really cheap menial labour guys completely disposable. This is why hairmills are a hit and a miss because you don’t know if the tech is a new guy or is the same for years.

    Hairmills would actually produce top class results if their techs stayed constant simply due to the sheer number of cases they do and that means more skill and experience gained. At the end of the day it’s just moving hairs from one spot to another, do it a million times and you become good at it. 

    You should use some business thinking and understand how these clinics work. It is a menial work and when a doctor earns enough money/fame, he’s not going to waste his time doing this menial labor. That’s where techs come in who are cheap labour essentially, they’re given training and they do the brunt of the work. They’re replaceable, disposable, some techs might find better high paying jobs and move on. The good clinics try to give best training to new techs to maintain quality but at the end of the day it’s still a new unskilled person learning the ropes. 

    Once you understand all this, you’re not going to put your precious grafts under the control of some unnamed tech who you don’t know is his first day or 1000th day. 

  16. An exhausted skilled person can still do better than a fresh unskilled one. 

    But you’re overthinking this. If the doctor is exhausted he or she can take a break or do it in multiple sessions which they do. There are some doctors that I know eg Pekiner that do small multiple day sessions because that’s the most he can handle.

    Also to you it seems like a big deal but they have done this day in day out for so long that for them it’s second nature. Like someone solving a rubik puzzle within seconds but we can’t do it in hours lol or F1 drivers driving same lap times for 77 laps without mistakes. There is a difference between you and someone else who is master of their field. To you, it will exhaust you and take forever, to a skilled person they can do it with their eyes closed simply from motor memory alone. 

    Hope this makes sense to you

    • Like 1
  17. 5 hours ago, NARMAK said:

    So for those of us currently suffering hair loss, the gold standard has been for many years the adapted dosages of "Accidental Hair Loss Treatments" like Finasteride/Dutasteride and Minoxodil in oral or topical forms. 

    However, this new treatment of Pyrilutamide seems to ensure that DHT in the body or scalp is not decreased but rather targets and cuts the ability of DHT on the Androgen Receptor. So this hypothetically would eliminate the concerns around Finasteride which causes a multitude of side affects for guys and concerns for many. 

    I've said before that if a suitable replacement came around and it was competitively priced, i would be eager to transition over to it, so what are your guys thoughts? 

    I believe it's currently undergone Phase 2 trials in both the US and China, heading towards the final stages. 

    Do you guys feel like we may even get some interesting combination treatments with people showing amazing results maybe even combining Finasteride and Pyrilutamide? 

    All i know is that we're long overdue true new treatments for Androgenic Alopecia and they can't come soon enough. 

    I would be seriously interested to see if there's any chance whatsoever that when DHT bindings at the Androgen Receptor are cut, whether even people with "dead zones" usually considered past the 50% point of miniaturisation might show regrowth with this new or combined treatments. 

    I don’t understand the hype or why it’s a game changer. It doesn’t regrow hair, has to be taken for life like other treatments, requires twice daily topical applications and if you’re diffuse thinner well good luck with that. 

    I guess the people who are afraid of finasteride and have made it some sort of devil drug must be ecstatic and overhyping any drug that isn’t finasteride but it doesn’t offer anything new and definitely not a “game changer”

    For me a game changer would be something that you take for once and it stops your hairloss for life. Or you take it and it regrows your hair improving your Norwood levels. Better than minoxidil. 


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