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Posts posted by LookMaxx

  1. I always say nobody does finasteride for life, it’s just not a feasible plan. You can only take for a few years.

    If you aren’t experiencing any sides then there’s nothing wrong. Simple as that. Don’t read more into it. At your age, fin might be helping with prostate but if you don’t have prostate enlargement then no reason to take it. 

    I would advise stopping finasteride and getting a hair transplant especially at your age. For the simple reason that drugs suck and when you can have alternative drug free life, go for it. At your age your Norwood level must be apparent now and hairloss slowed or stabilised for the most part.


  2. 12 hours ago, Mike10 said:

    so medication works for everyone ? Minox only works for 2 out of 3 people. And Fin works for about 90%

    He’s using oral minoxidil, there’s no way it doesn’t work unless he doesn’t have a functioning liver. 

    And he’s on dutasteride and finasteride which completely nukes his DHT levels.

    If it still doesn’t work then either his hairloss isn’t androgenetic or his hair follicles are so sensitive that just seeing the sight of DHT they commit suicide hahahaha 😂


  3. 16 hours ago, NARMAK said:

    I try not to berate or talk down people who state they have side affects and believe they are genuine in nature generally, however there are some very clear and recent posts imo that are perhaps in serious need of the person seeing an actual medical professional for the issues they describe having stopped the medication.

    I don’t know why people keep suggesting me to seek medical help. The doctor will laugh at me if I mention my brain sides are due to stopping finasteride. I will laugh at myself if I heard myself say this out loud. I think it’s close to 4 weeks now that I am fin free.

    The only difference I feel is lack of thoughts about future you know plans etc and a little depression. Last time I posted issues with memory but that’s resolved itself where I randomly remember events going back to my childhood and good memories. 

    I think I understand why this is happening or have a theory. I have been on fin since 2020 so I am now experiencing increased DHT levels and lower T levels most likely since the T will get converted to DHT. 

    I don’t know if I have PFS and how long it will last. The only really bad side is lack of motivation and planning for future, I am just too centered and in the moment which sucks because there’s a certain enjoyment in dreaming of goals in future and accomplishing them. 

  4. 9 hours ago, Hairtroubles said:


    If I say I don't think about this every day, I would be lying.  It's gotten to the point that I feel that even at work I feel down and insecure.  I look at myself in work meetings on video calls or in the mirror, and I just know everyone is thinking about my hair.  

    I tried Finasteride, I got too anxious and had to stop taking it. I tried minoxidil, it was going okay for a month and a bit but then had huge anxiety attacks at night and then had to stop which was a shame.

    I am now slowly waiting for my hair to get to a point where it is so bad, that I can then start a hair transplant knowing I may need a top up one in a few years time. I just wanted your thoughts on all of this, because I think that time is now.

    If you know anyone in my similar situation, or if this is possible and I am okay to proceed, please let me know, I really feel down.  The ironic part, it is the front where it is receding quite rapidly.




    Try lower dose of fin. But if you can’t, it’s not the end of life. Nobody takes fin for life anyway neither should they. 

    I don’t understand what’s the issue. Go for a HT, if you’ve beard hair you can use those.

    You seem to be developing into NW5 but it could just stay in this nw3-4 pattern. What’s your age. 

    You are depressed for nothing man, there’s balder nw7 people here who got a new lease on life. If you get an HT now you will enjoy few years then get another when hairloss progresses 

  5. 7 hours ago, Rasputin said:

    You need to go for several small procedures. First one would be hairline and gulfs temple. Being conservative with it.

    Second, filling it gently the midscalp and crown.

    Then, when all of your native hairs are gone, go for one more to give more general density.

    The most important is to find a surgeon that will give you a proper planning of the future.

    Finasteride is a gamble to me, at the end of the day, it is how much you care for your hair. I personally do, a lot. But still, no fin for me. I'd definitely do it if non balding guys had no DHT or just less DHT than those with male pattern baldness. But since they have the same amount, and it is just balding men who have genetic hair sensitivity to it, I won't give it a chance. Although I'm sure it's working well for many.

    I don't really believe in the nocebo effect. There have been studies showing that peppermint oil or rosemary oil are just as effective as minoxidil 5%, however reports of people trying are quite negative. Why no placebo effects then? I could give more exemples.

    Also, minoxidil gives sexual side effects as well, and most of people who got them (me included) had absolutely no knowledge of this potential sides from minoxidil. You scroll online, you'd find only heart palpitations, hypertrichosis, headache, rash, anxiety etc. (and I got none of it, funnily enough)

    So, this nocebo effect is mostly people saying that to reassure themselves that nothing will happen to them. One of the other stuff they will say is usually that it is revealing that you have underlying condition etc are you sure you haven't check your hormones, do you have diabete blablabla. They are worried, they don't need other people talking about negative experience cause they care too much for their hair and really need the drug.

    I absolutely agree that fin and minox can give amazing results, and for some, no sides, and that's amazing for them, but the fact that the ones who have sides have either underlying conditions or nocebo effect is just straight up BS.


    Nocebo effect is as real as placebo, to deny it means you have zero knowledge of biology. 

    There’s a reason pharma companies spend millions conducting double blinded randomised placebo controlled trials even for extremely serious diseases 🤦‍♀️If nocebo didn’t exist , big pharma is very nasty and WHO as well to not give some poor sobs effective treatment who even end up dying. 

    Come on we’re in 2022 not the dark ages. Let’s not devolve our knowledge, huh?

  6. Wow, this looks pretty weak honestly. Maybe you need to keep your hairs long and then it will look good. It just looks like you don’t have dense growth so maybe it’s shock loss and it will become dense in few months ?

    If it still bothers you, you should get a free touch up from Mwamba again because sheesh you paid a lot of money and Mwamba is considered elite ethical doctor so hold him to that. 

    I feel sorry bro your hairloss isn’t advanced and you went to a top doc this should’ve been done once and forget type of deal 


  7. 1 minute ago, Grant Giller said:



    I would not say my hairline has "lots of doubles". It has a few doubles but it is mostly singles. Also the direction of my hair is very very good.



    Didn’t think you would reply so fast 😄, edited my post on second thought didn’t want to get into an argument.

    For what it’s worth I found your YouTube first before this forum and were blown away at the results. I didn’t even know you had doubles until you said it yourself but maybe cause I am not that hair obsessed. I use your videos as an example of Dr Gur amazing work so imagine my surprise when he calls it bad and to avoid it 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 31 minutes ago, Xander said:

     Thanks for your comments, @mafpe@StillAlive @Ronnie21 @DHT

    Yes, his results are harder to find compared to Dr Turan on here and other forums but what I have managed to find is positive. Any ideas on where else I could search?

    Would anyone recommend one surgeon over the other?

    Also, they’ve recommended 4,000 grafts for me. Dr Gur will do the incisions and extractions himself. Originally it was two days but mentioned it could now be completed in a single day, any concerns with that?


    Dr Gur result


    I don’t think you can go wrong with either one but fuecapilar will be cheaper. 

    Eugenix is really popular and a lot of international clients so they are cashing in. If you’ve the money go for Eugenix otherwise Fuecapilar is just as good. 

    A doctor doing the work is always good but it can be a BS gimmick at times and techs do a better job. Results is what matters not the title of the person doing it. 


  9. 3 hours ago, baldbalderbaldest said:

    Thanks.. thats what i thought..also makes me a little skeptical if the site hasnt been taken over by these clinics for "shilling" their HTs. Due diligence in place. I have though made a list of other clinics as well which are more featured in this group and will take a look at them as well.

    Well, there’s clear biases here for and against certain clinics and countries by users here but no, afaik the recommended clinics are actually good. There’s always going to be an element of shilling or selling you on something but I mean that’s not a negative thing and quite natural if it’s about good clinics and how the forum runs keeping up with costs. 

    There are definitely a ton of high quality clinics outside the recommended list here by admins or users but the difficult thing is knowing if they’re good or a scam whereas you can trust this forum’s list. 

    Yeah best to do your research and make your own mind up. I actually wish people posted their results from more clinics so we would have more choices. At the end of the day it’s moving hairs not rocket science so the actual good clinics definitely aren’t limited to 20 or 30 over the world for sure

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