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Posts posted by LookMaxx

  1. On 8/30/2022 at 3:26 PM, BaldV said:

    NW6 or NW7 is basically the same lol, you are bald in both cases, quit fin and go on with your life, take care of your health, of your diet and enjoy your life mate.


    On 8/30/2022 at 7:34 PM, ciaus said:


    If you're experiencing rapid weight loss and increased depression, you've got bigger issues than finasteride. Go see doctor(s) for these symptoms if you aren't already. Don't worry about helping others at this point, in fact pouring out your thoughts and experiences on the forum in your current condition is more likely to do harm than good.

    If I have PFS I should be hopeless and doctors not be able to do anything. That’s what I keep hearing.

    Nothing new to report, I can definitely see the psychological aspect of PFS more and more and experience it, the more I read the fearmongering and content of PFS foundation, my heart sinks and depression increases but when I am distracted I feel fine, happy even. 

    I wonder how long before I snap out of this gloom and doom PFS like brain fog and depression. I feel like it’s just around the corner, probably need to not visit PFS forums Hahaa 






  2. 12 minutes ago, jr1986 said:

    Why do you say its pointless taking fin at 36? 

    I often read posts and articles on hairloss that state that hairloss slows after 35. Or if you make it to 35 with most of your hair your probably not going fully bald. I'd really like to believe that as like the op, I've at lot of hair at 36 without meds. 

    Yet you also read posts by guys who say their dad was nw1 at 40 and all hell broke loose, and they were bald by 50.

    Is it really true that by 35 you are past the danger point?

    In my case I was nw1 then progressed rapidly to nw6 after 30. 

    The years hairs are really important are 20 until 50 for most people, if you’ve made it to mid-30s without severe hairloss, I feel like fin is pointless as the hairloss clearly isn’t severe enough. You can get amazing results from HTs if you’re less than nw5 which op clearly is.

    Finasteride I think makes more sense for the progressing to nw7 in early 20s to enjoy the good years


  3. So almost 20 finasteride free days now, I am sort of making a journal for myself for my perusal but also perhaps for people to see what a fin supporter experiences lol

    Libido is same I guess, definitely more intense enjoyable but idk for the most part same as fin. Fin libido was more intense and now it’s controllable but I like it without fin with less intensity. Hard to explain. No difference in erection power. Certainly not like how others have mentioned.

    Itchy oily scalp improved now. 

    I am losing weight rapidly, I always suspected fin made me fat but I don’t feel like eating as much anymore either. Definitely finasteride made me fat


    Now to the bad stuff.

    I am definitely a lot more depressed and don’t feel like doing anything for long time. I have to get the motivation when before I would find it pleasurable and have the will to do it. Yeah there’s a definite brain thinking difference sort of brain fog. 

    My hairs are falling out lol, idk if it’s progressing to nw7 or just thinned out nw6. 

    At this point I can see someone freaking out and getting the PFS tag but I am being calm and I have to be realistic. I don’t remember how I felt like and my brain was before I started fin and it’s been a long time that I am used to feeling different on fin. Depression can be psychological and just a change of environment stresses people out so this no fin is a big change and so is seeing my hairs fall. 

    In any case, I am going to be off it a little longer but I have to get back on it to stop the hairloss and not be a nw7. Curious to see if my depression is cured with fin or without it with time.

  4. In my opinion, you don’t need to use finasteride at all and pointless given your age and level of hairloss. Seems like you will only progress to nw3 or 4 and not a severe Norwood level. 

    Get a small ht with any good doctor and you should be set for a decade at the least. 

    All the nw6-7 guys I seen get that level before 30, your loss isn’t severe and you’re past the danger age. So yeah pointless to use medication, you’re not going to use it for life anyway and your loss isn’t severe so you can enjoy the good years without it

  5. 5 hours ago, mister_25 said:

    I’m going to be honest, I don’t think there are doctors in turkey that I would say have consistent results and a great portfolio for Norwood 6.

    There have been some results in Norwood 6 level patients in Turkey before. But they aren’t as consistent and really fall below the elite clinics that have built reputations for Norwood 6 level patients.

    Stay away from Turkey. 

    Dr Turan seems impressive 


    • Like 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, Gobrel said:

    I have an in person conultation with basinga in brussels in one month. When he says HT is possible I will only focus on the frontal third. When it is dark outside it looks ok on the front, but in the sun it is like there is nothing. If I can get that to NH4 it would be great.

    Are there any visible marks on the transplanted place when someone with a HT decides after years to shave his head?

    Nice why not go for full head of hair with bisinga , he can make it happen with beard hair. 

    I understand being conservative but bisinga is world class and he can do wonders 😁


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  7. 11 hours ago, RTC said:

    Sounds like nocebo! Dangerous misinformation, your opinion should be banned!


    3 hours ago, RTC said:

    No, only 0.1-0.3% of people experience side effects. Anybody who claims they do have side effects is imagining it.  GlaxoSmithKline would never put anybody's health at risk!



    I don’t understand, why should my opinion be banned? I simply shared my story with topical and people know about oral min for so long but the nyt article sensationalise it as a new cure when it isn’t. 

    I am guessing you are trolling me but if not, what have said that’s ban worthy? I don’t appreciate the calls for my ban and this is second thread that’s been done to me and I got a warning already.


    I agree gsk will not put anyone at harm, I used min for 2 months and the chest tightness and swollen face sides were mild but they did happen to me unfortunately. If you don’t believe that, it’s your problem but why should I be banned and how am I spreading misinformation. Maybe it was a nocebo effect, I didn’t even care about sides lol I stopped cause the topical would get into my eyes and sting and I had eye problem as a kid so I was very sensitive to hair/sebum/topical getting into my eyes. The sides were not bothering me at all and transient 

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Gobrel said:

    I forgot the top picture. What I want is the red space to be filled and even this would satisfy me, that is what I mean with thickening the exising hair. I don't know if I have enough donor hair to build an entire new hairline especially at the front.


    I see what you mean you want to look like a receded nw3 like Jude law

    It also seems you’re a nw6 and not progressing to nw7 or at least will do slowly. 

    I think what you’re asking should be achievable for any good doc easily. However those miniaturised hairs might not make it after HT due to shockloss

    The doctor probably will have a better idea. 



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  9. 1 hour ago, Ninja said:

    Thanks Melvin for the prompt response.

    that is the same bad result I mentioned in my post.

    Considering that it is a hairmill that does 20-40 HTs per day (at least 500 a month right?), I was expecting to see much more bad results than I can find online; considering the scale.

    Not only on this forum but also on youtube and other forums, I wasn’t able to find much other than results posted by the clinic and some sponsored youtubers which are usually biased and looking good in general.

    So I came here in hopes of finding some bad results, especially since most people here talk about the clinic as a clinic with bad reputation. 
    Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely respect what everyone here is doing. I’m pretty sure you guys helped a lot of people getting HTs and solve/repair some bad ones.

    I just want to see the bad and over harvested cases

    Thing is most people aren’t that obsessed about hairs so you won’t find them complaining and generally happy with their HT. For example a while ago I posted a video of a guy who had HT at Vera clinic, he was over the moon, I thought he looked great too from slick bald to now with hair but this forum thinks it’s an awful result due to doubles in hairline. In the same vein, another guy was extremely depressed despite a juvenile hairline because of doubles in hairline. 

    So yeah if a hairmill is absolutely terrible then it would get a lot of negative rep but if it gives people hairs then you won’t find much negative reports.

    This is why this forum recommended doctors are great because they don’t make these simple mistakes and generally do a good job. 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Alex94gasp said:

    There's Finasteride with 0.3 or 0.5mg? And if it's possible to know, why do you stop?

    I cut 1 mg pill. Some unrelated medical reason where it’s probably not a good idea to suppress my hormones and I don’t care about hairloss at this point anyway 

  11. 12 hours ago, Alex94gasp said:

    Hi Guys,

    So, i started Finasteride a few days ago, 16 August.

    I'm using 1 pill for day, after dinner. But I've been having some side effects.

    I noticed that my sexual performance decreased as also being more difficult to have a bone.

    What is your advise? Still continuing the medicine? And evaluate after 1/2 months? Or reduce it? 

    Thank you

    0.3-0.5mg every other day or 3 days, works for me when I was taking it. I stopped though 

  12. Well I am off fin for 9 days now and my libido is down ( which I like) and I have brain fog? ( feeling differently to how I was on fin ) I don’t seem to have flashbacks or clarity of thoughts but they do happen not as often.

    idk if I have PFS now but it’s not that bad. One bad sides is my scalp is itchy and my skin is oily and DHT clearly attacking my hairs. Fin made my scalp dry. That’s the only real thing bothering me. 

    I don’t know how long I am going to be off finasteride maybe 15 days but I don’t think the difference is that massive like I was hoping 🤷‍♀️ There’s a subtle difference in how I feel though 

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