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Otis james

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Everything posted by Otis james

  1. Such a tough decision! First you research to find who is good. Then you research to find who is great, and within your budget. Then you research who does the kind of work most suited to you…. Then you bang your head on the table!! seriously though, it seems if I go abroad, they do more dense hairlines, but in the UK they are more “conservative”…. Would Dr Ball’s estimate of 1100 would be way too low?
  2. No way would I go that low, mate. I’d look ridiculous when I’m 60!! Most are suggesting a half a cm lowering….
  3. Hi lads! Still learning here but below are the expected graft amounts by each doctor I’ve spoken to.. all have said it would be a “conservative” hairline! Dr Ball seems very low… what do you think guys? Fuegenix - 2300 dr Ball - 1100 Dr Reddy - 1200-1500 Dr Bassinga - 1800-2000 Dr Ted Miln - 1800
  4. No, mate…. It’s no biggy. People think I’m pushing a Dr! I’m not. I’m not a child
  5. I seem to have upset a few people, while enquiring about this Dr. I’ve received messages and shall not mention him again. If someone does get work done by him, or anyone else who isn’t a “big name”, in the UK, please DM me.
  6. Yeah, I agree! Do you know that chap JT(how odd! Won’t let me type is name! J*e Tillm*n!)? I was speaking to him about him, on Instagram! He’s only heard of him recently too. Says he’s surprised to see a young dr offering FUT…. would love to hear from more people about him!
  7. I think we are hoping that some of the more “connected” members of the forum could find out sone more info! Having had a consultation with him, he seemed really nice and I think he looks good at what he does. But I’m fully aware that o don’t know much about hair transplants!
  8. He’s based at HQ Hair transplants, in Cardiff. I’be also had a consult and liked him a lot. Work looks good, but I’m not terribly experienced in clocking the bad stuff!
  9. I should have asked! Looking at his website, and Mittal’s, they seem to be charging per area. Hairline, frontal third etc…
  10. Ted Miln has told me it would be £5600…. may have been £5800 actually..! Can’t remember. Does that sound reasonable to you?
  11. Hello lads. after quite a while of deliberating, I’ve decided I’m going to book myself a hair transplant! For reason I’d rather not go into, I’ve chosen to stay in the UK. I know, I know, better can be had abroad!! I’ve narrowed it down to three doctors Edward Ball, Ted Miln And Mani Mittal. They’ve all estimated I need between 1500- 2200 grafts. Ted Miln is the cheapest, followed by Mani Mittal. Ted seems to be the least well known but really does care about his craft and results look good to me. I’d love to hear your opinions and advice. links to profiles are below… Miln - Mittal- Ball-
  12. Hi mate… just wondering if you pursued Ted Miln any more? I’ve spoken to him as well and liked him a lot… did you make a decision?
  13. Hi everyone. I recently came across this chap. He works at HQ hair transplants in Cardiff… I know, I know, he’s not Bisanga, but woukd like to know what you think of his work… cheers all
  14. Hi guys! I first started worrying about my hairline 4 years ago. I’ve been on finasteride ever since and I’m just trying to gauge how much worse off I am now… Lifting is different and my hair is a lot longer. I never seem to loose hair when washing or combing… First two are from 4 years ago… cheers all
  15. Hello everyone! just letting you know, I’ve still not had anything done! Still on finasteride, and still have the same hairline! Hair is quite a bit longer now, and off my face, which is making me notice it even more. still researching and thinking what the best thing to do is…. move moved house since my original post and life has been busy but I do keep coming back to my barnet!! As stated before, it’s not bad at all, but I do dislike it especially when my hair is long!
  16. It’s funny… I think these look good. They have receded but the hairline left still looks dense, if you know what I mean? My hair hasn’t crept back as much but it’s just a lot more thin in its appearance! Am I making sense?
  17. Another thing…. My hair is quite fine, apparently. So would I be right in thinking I’d need more grafts to get density, than someone with thicker, coarser hair? Know what I mean?
  18. That’s interesting, thank you. I’ve a zoom consultation with a chap. Asked David, who works for Dr Ball, tomorrow. Do you think, with such a small number of grafts, there’s a chance my hairline woukd still look thin? As I said previously, I’m not after a perfectly dense hairline. Just a bit fuller! Also, sorry to be a pain, but Coukd you possibly post examples of the differences between what Dr Ball would do vs someone like Bisanga? I’d really appreciate that…
  19. What exactly do you mean by “conservative hairline”? You mean he wouldn’t alter it much? That sounds like what I’m after though, really… 🤷🏻‍♂️
  20. Hi all. I appreciate your feedback to now. To add to all the confusion, I’ve just heard from Edward Ball, at the maitland clinic, who has suggested 1000 - 1100 grafts to “add density to the hairline”. I really have no idea who is offering the best advice! Bisanga has said 1800 to 2000, Ball says 1100, Bicer says no, Farjo says it’s possible! What a minefield!
  21. Honestly, my expectations are to leave the hairline where it is, but make it fuller! Less see through. I don’t want a lower, or straighter hairline. Just a bit more fair where my hairline already sits. But it’s obviously not straight Forward… So you think there’s too much risk involved?
  22. I dont know much about minoxidil… it’s something I’d have to stay on, like finasteride? Tablets or lotion… many reported side effects?
  23. Thank you, lads! I appreciate your responses. It probably doesn’t help that I draw over my face… stops you seeing the whole story! I do have a slightly bigger than average forehead, so tgat probably doesn’t help… wonder if I should try minoxidil..? This was my hair in 2009. Not a drastic difference, I don’t think..
  24. Good morning all. I have long hair and a mildly receding hairline. I’ve been on finasteride for a couple of years to halt its progress. I can live with it how it is, but there’s a part of me thinking, ‘why should I?’! anyway, Dr Bicer has said no, via a zoom consult, and I’ve just heard back from Bisanga saying he’d do 1800 - 2000 grafts. They’ve asked if I can travel to London to meet him for a consultation. I’m also speaking to a nice chap at FARJO, who I also have a consult with in a couple of weeks. anyway, I’m not sure if I should Pursue any of this, now Bicer has told me it’s unnecessary.. I’d love to hear what you all think. my hair is quite short for my standards, but when it’s long, and off my face, my hairline does bother me! Im 38 Would love some opinions before I do (or don’t!) commit.
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