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Posts posted by Eli_Avdikian

  1. image.png.1db8902f95840b1ea31d624a28c677e8.png


    21 hours ago, alopie said:

    if 20% of finasteride is absorbed, does that mean that using a 0.5% 1ml topically (translates to 5mg of oral finasteride), then 1mg would be absorbed and therefore equivalent to the oral version? That's probably why hims and others choose to go for 0.3% topical finasteride. The issue is that finasteride has a smaller molecular weight, so comparing it to minoxidil in terms of absorption may be incorrect, but this subject is interesting. Regardless, even if I get 0.2mg from it, it's still better than swallowing 0.2mg orally and metabolising it through the liver. It is difficult for me to evaluate the efficacy of topical finasteride since I am also using oral minoxidil 2mg daily, which on its own may postpone the process by decades. 


    8 hours ago, alopie said:

    Honestly, if someone could guarantee that 0.2mg oral fin lowers dht by 61% vs only 50% for 0.1% topical, I would definitely go for the oral version

    The first graph shows that the 0.2 mg oral dose inhibits dht by 61% on average, while the second graph shows that 0.1% daily of topical finasteride inhibits serum dht by almost 55%

  2. Yeah roughly speaking.  I agree with you that it's not very accurate to compare it to topical minox, but it was just to illutrate my idea.
    0.1% topical fin, unlike lower versions such as 0.025 and 0.01%, largerly goes systemic and lowers serum DHT by about 50% (versus 61% which is the decrease induced by 0.2mg oral fin daily). So why all the hassle of daily topical application to the scalp if you get the same effect by swalloing a pill ? 

  3. I'd recommend Dr.Pitella or Dr.Zarev. However, I think you are a Norwood 7 and not 6 since your crown dips down well into the occipital zone. Moreover, your donor looks quite thin (probably as a consequence of your previous surgeries). Therefore, I am not sure you'd be a good repair candidate, even with the utilization of beard and other body grafts given that the balding zone is considerably big.

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  4. 11 hours ago, alopie said:

    Are we sure about it? 0.1% topical finasteride (1ml) means roughly 1mg of finasteride daily on the scalp. The net amount of finasteride is more with the topical solution. 

    So are we saying that 0.25mg orally will be more effective than 0.1% 1ml topical?


    My urologist said it is very unlikely that finasteride is causing testicular pain, especially at the low dose of 1mg orally. He does not want me to use finasteride beyond 10 years as there are no solid studies about its effects. He is optimistic and says that the overall safety profile is good, but he would not want to risk it on me. (I saw high-grade prostate cancer, gyno and male breast cancer mentioned, that is due to the imbalance of estrogens to androgens in the long run) -- so topical is good

    It's true that you are applying the equivalent of 1mg of finasteride topically on your scalp, but only roughly 20% of it is absorped in the dermis (depending on the vehicle and some other variables such as the size of the drug molecule). We already know this from topical minoxidil when we apply 5% minox, it's not like 50g of the drug is absorbed by the scalp, but only a small portion of it.

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