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Posts posted by Eli_Avdikian

  1. 17 hours ago, XavierJB said:

    Anyone have quotes from Freitas? He charges a custom rate per case according to his site, but not sure what the ball park would be

    I was quoted 3.375 euros/graft for 2400 grafts by De Freitas. I guess if the number of grafts were higher, the price/graft would be lower, and higher if we are talking about a small number of grafts.

  2. Roberts et al (1999

    1 hour ago, alopie said:

    That's great, thanks for your time! Do you have the sources of those papers? It looks like a 0.2% concentration would outperform or be equivalent to 1mg orally. Could that be true?

    The first graph I believe comes from the Robert et al study (1999), though I'm not sure. The second one is compiled by Rob English of perfect hair health.com. Just type "finasteride DHT inhibition curve" on google, and you'll see a bunch of studies and graphs.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Melvin- Admin said:


    You can disagree with him and even say you don’t believe it, but calling him a scammer is unjustified. He’s not selling anything or promoting anything. If he believes it’s working for him, then that’s his opinion. Let’s keep the insults off of here 🙏

    I didn't call him a scammer. I was talking about the youtuber he was quoting. 

  4. 22 minutes ago, Jlee said:

    Your point number 1.
    What part of my hair is improving and clearly getting more full we’re i had a bald spot is misinformation? 
    when that’s clearly the result and I’m just sharing my experience and others have agreed, 

    Your point number 2. 
    you say my only post or comments is about natural ways to improve the hair,   That’s not true I have many other posts about transplants and my own experience with having a hair transplant, 

    And you laughing at the last post of me showing the video we’re the guys hair grows back shows me your not even interested in what’s right or wrong you just want to troll

    Claiming that that a youtuber grew his crown on a carnivore diet, and that you regrew yours on supplements is misinformation for other hair loss sufferers. It would lead them to believe that these things actually work for MPB, and therefore would waste time and money before hopping on any real treatment.
    And if you really have a thread about your own hair transplant, then I believe you wouldn't mind sharing a link ?

  5. 20 minutes ago, Jlee said:

    I only tried to give this community my honest results and show any other success stories I knew of to give people hope, and I appreciate all of the positive feedback and also the messages about possibly using medication in the future if I have too at some point, I’m not trying to sell or promote any products or services and now I have the broccoli key board warrior trolling and calling me a scammer,       
    I don’t think I’ve ever come across someone so jealous and negative,       This forum is made to help others and share experience not spread negativity and troll, 

    This forum is not made to spread misinformation either. You have MPB, as most of the people who go on this forum. You're not doing them or yourself any favor by claiming that natural supplements and changing your diet can regrow a blad spot on the crown. These things can be helpful for promoting the general health of hair follicles as well as fighting things like Telogen Effluvium, etc. But they would never reverse hair miniaturization caused by DHT on their own.   
    You joined the forum recently, and your only thread/comments are about natural supplements, so I have every right to be suspicious. 

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