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Everything posted by GoliGoliGoli

  1. Ah yes fair point. When you mentioned his patients having good donors in your original post I thought you were referring to ample supply of total grafts to be able to use. I see your point now though. That said, of the 2060 grafts I put into my crown in November 2022, I had 2.65 hairs per graft. My crown was a bit larger than the guy in the first pic, but his density is far above mine and I had pretty good density in my 8 month result!
  2. No one is saying he isn't legit, the question is how is he pulling off these results with such minimal amounts of grafts. Doing more with less grafts is what separates great from good Dr's, but still some of these are hard to believe.
  3. I kind of agree... I have not spent a lot of time looking at Couto's work but some of these before and after's make me slightly suspicious. Maybe he is just that good? Is there any patient posted results on here that match what we see in the above ad in terms of miracle levels of thickness with small number of grafts used? The last one in particular is insane. It mentions that all the guys are on fin/min. I wonder if they were on these drugs in there before pictures or only in the after?
  4. This is an interesting discussion. Some doctors don't want to return people to NW0 or lower hairlines too much because they think it will look unnatural as the patient ages (I know you said you aren't worried about this definition of unnatural, but you should be). But there was another person on here who was suspected to be a HT surgeon going under a pseudonym who would always respond to these concerns by saying "Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt don't look unnatural at 60!" and basically suggesting it's fine to take guys to NW0 surgically. But I think this is not very good thinking. Two guys who naturally would have zero hairloss or very little hair loss of course are going to look natural at 60 as NW0, but that doesn't mean a guy who is genetically pre-disposed for baldness will. Their faces are such that their Basically, you want to be careful messing with nature when it comes to hair because just because some A List celebrity looks good at 60 with NW0 doesn't mean it will work for your face to have a natural result as NW0 at 60 or even 40. I'll use an extreme example to make my case: An African person would look unnatural and "off" with blue eyes. because their eye color wouldn't fit with the rest of their phenotype. Similarly, a guy like you may not look natural with a NW0 because it wouldn't fit with the rest of your phenotype/facial structure. I've seen cases on here where I think older guys go too aggressive with the hairline, and to me it looks pretty obvious tbqh. But it varies case to case.
  5. Maybe this is a semantic rather than a substantive disagreement we have. Mesotherapy involves injection of a drug, not just puncturing the skin to increase absorption of the drug. You're basically saying that dut + dermapen allows topical Dut to be absorped whereas without the dermapen it would not due to it's molecular weight? That still isn't mesotherapy though.
  6. Ya I'm not sure if your interpretation of the text or Kevin's is correct. Very interested to see Dr Sergio's response!
  7. Not trying to throw stones, but this reads like an advertisement written by the clinic....
  8. Kevin's issue with the study of 1404 patients that Dr Sergio cites around the 1 minute mark is that of those 1404 patients, all had been using minoxidil for over 3 months. So despite the study showing that only 1.7% of patients stopped treatment due to adverse side effects, it's not including people who may have experienced them in the first 90 days and discontinued use. 90 days is a relatively long time to use a drug so it does make some sense that if you are going to get adverse side effects from LDOM that it would happen within 90 days... Not really taking a side either way. It's an interesting discussion and I would love if there was some sort of "debate" between someone like Kevin and Dr Sergio.
  9. It is interesting, and I don't know enough to say, but I think the smaller number of injection sites would play a big role in preventing it from going systemic. Hair follicles in general are a really great path for topical absorption as opposed to bare skin because it's easier for liquids to penetrate a hair follicle compared to bare skin, so when you then add hundreds or thousands of small wounds it stands to reason the systemic absoprtion is going to be even greater. So I think the risk of systemic absorption would be much greater with your method as opposed to legitimate dut mesotherapy because as you say mesotherapy only has a few injections. And the whole point of dut mesotherapy is to prevent it going systemic. Would be curious to see what a Dr who is experienced with dut mesotherapy has to say about the differences. I stand by my claim that topical dut + dermapen is not dut mesotherapy but I do appreciate your point as well.
  10. I don't think it's really "mesotherapy" just because you are opening up small wounds in your scalp in conjunction with applying topical dut....
  11. He claims that DHT is a trash hormone. His exact words. It's a reasonable argument to make that a lot of men can tolerate pretty drastic reductions in their DHT levels, but it's another thing to outright call DHT a trash hormone.
  12. It's always best to do a full shave prior to any HT. It allows the Dr and his team of techs a better view of what's going on and what direction your hair naturally flows. That said, it does suck having to shave your head fully if you need to go back to real life after your HT and don't want people knowing. So yes it's an option, and one that I and others have done with no regrets (As mentioned though I was only doing crown work). I think the main thing would be picking a surgeon who is comfortable with doing an unshaven procedure.
  13. Please post clear pics of your hairline exposed (AKA hair pulled back with your hand or with a headband)
  14. No, not necessarily. The number of capable HT surgeons worldwide is fairly small. If you aren't going to Pitella you run a huge risk. Do not rush into getting a HT just because you are in Brazil. Look at Nader in Mexico if you are on a budget.
  15. Does anyone have examples of Zarev cases where he purposefully over harvested? It's a very interesting idea that I had in someone elses thread recently on here. If you're willing to wear you hair very short on the sides and front with basically a high fade it seems like anyone could get pretty good results. I guess it's just a question of whether a high fade looks good on you and whether it will look good as you age to basically be stuck with that hairstyle.
  16. You guys are unbelievable... It's a 25 minute video that is directly related to your situation given the fact that you're on this forum. Just take the time to sit down and watch it lol
  17. All of the things you listed are meaningless and have no effect in terms of "getting results" or "speeding growth along" (These are two completely different topics by the way). The things that effect getting good results or "speeding growth along" are likely physiological such as how much growth hormone you have circulating and how many average hairs per graft you have. Focusing on whether or not you shampoo too much is completely meaningless. If you have more hairs per graft, some are going to sprout earlier. It's that simple.
  18. I disagree with almost everything said above. I could've gone into work a few days after my unshaven FUE and no one would've known anything had been done. Granted I only had crown work done, but because of how I style my hair I would've probably been able to hide hairline work too. I can post pictures if needed. Whether his crown loss is significant is a relative matter. I'd say somewhere in the middle. OP can easily do both hairline and crown with one procedure of around 4000 grafts. 1800 or so into the crown (Depending on how many hairs per graft average) and 2200 for the hairline. DEFINITELY no need for 3 procedures... That's absolute madness.
  19. The tricky thing about being at your level of hair loss in your mid 30's is that in order to fill in all the areas you need to fill, you will need to go outside of the "safe" donor zone. And even if you did fill in all or most of the areas that are bald, you would still have more loss in the future. So basically, you may spend a lot of money and time to get a result that only lasts 3-5 years because some of the hair that was transplanted will be susceptible to DHT. I'm not saying that will happen, but it's just a risk for guys in your situation.
  20. You're focused on things the patient can control, but the biggest factor that makes people have different results is average hair per graft. Everyone focuses on the number of grafts someone got, but if two people have the same size balding crown and both use 2000 grafts to cover the area, if person A has 2.5 hairs per graft and person B has 2.0 hairs per graft, person A is going to get a much better result. Knowing how many grafts someone got is basically useless info.
  21. I mean... The anti vaxxers were kinda right in regards to the covid vaccines..... Probably useful if you're over 75 or something, but otherwise.....
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