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Everything posted by arthurSam

  1. Because in France it is impossible to get 1mg minoxidil pills and because nobody know if pills will work in long term and I am about to try Xyon topical duta so I prefer not mixing possibility of side effects 🙂
  2. My doctor recommends me 1mg per day just before sleeping. But I prefere to continue with topical.
  3. Yes it is very too bad the side effects sometimes appears many month or years after starting medication, even at very low dosage. I hope too that there will be new medication wich will no goes systemic soon... Hoping on Pyri !
  4. In fact there are some people for wich Finasteride work very well but not dutasteride. Since Fina work for a larger quantity of people doctor alway prescribe fina at begining.
  5. Take the same as Xyon as it is the same gel. You can try directly 2% if you are courageous or 1% personally I order a 1% because I already try fina 0.01% and got sides after 5 months so I will try 1% 1x week 🙂
  6. Fueclinic do not use the Xyon gel as vehicule, i thonk they use trichosol.
  7. Took 0.01% topical this give me prostatis pain digestive issue
  8. Hello When I started 3x/week 0.025% I got brain fog for several day at the begining and then all was OK. I got nightmare as well for some nights. But 5 month later I got penil sensations that are weird, like prostatis symptomes... So I am trying to lower the doses... It seems to not work for me, so I will try xyon duta 1x/week I think.
  9. Can I ask what sides you got ? It's really sad to hear that you had side effects I really thought that this gel gave no side effects, especially with dutasteride...
  10. Saw palmetto reduce dht it as been proved in research paper that studied it to fight again prostatic hypertrophy
  11. MFU is not the same technique as the one used in 80th but seems to appears in 2010 so because FUE appear at same time I think only few surgeon done that nowday because it is related to FUT : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_follicular_unit_grafts The multiple grafts are only used behind the front line and result is very natural:
  12. My doctor say that it is because there is systemic that the topical drug work... so topical fina is better that topical duta because it reduce more dht... and this explain why oral fina give better result than topical fina... He say that topical duta have no interest because it is same thing as reduce percentage of topical fina... What do you think about this ?
  13. This FUT is 6500 hair only 1300 graft with pretty good result:
  14. I am now sure that Parati liposomal formulation is the same as Xyon. This is how Xyon gel is designed from the paper : and this is the parati formulation : So we can get Xyon gel in Europe 🙂
  15. I have a question regarding the use of dutasteride for a first attempt of traitement in balding. My idea is that it could be more beneficial to start with the medicine wich is less agressive (so finasteride) and move on duta when fina will stop to work or not work... Because if you start with duta, when it will no work anymore (perhaps never, perhaps in 1 years ou 3 or... nobody know), there will be nothing more agressive... In other point of view duta seem better because less systemic in blood... What do you think about that ? Thanks a lot !
  16. If I got a prescription from my doctor Parati can make it but I need to be sure that the gel is the same from xyon so I can use same dosage... Now I don't know if my doctor will be ok... I have sent all the paper to him to explain the benefits of the xyon duta gel. Wait and see
  17. Sure that ed is better but as I got sides from 0.01% standard alcohol topical fina I am a little scared with ed topical duta even with xyon liposomal gel... and as they say it works 1x a week I think it is better for me
  18. Yes you right from day 0 it is better you certainly right... good news ! Hope xyon will sell in Europe soon... I think parati have same liposomal gel with silicon but I am not sure... I will receive my fina from them and comparing the ingredients list...
  19. I think sides can be less aggressive... but it is psychological perhaps !
  20. Yes but there is another experiment with 1x week dosing in the paper
  21. Ho ! yes thanks you very much if you could get more information about the 1x/day or/and 1x/week result protocol 🙂 In the paper they just say good result with 1x/week but publish no technical data (no data on DHT in serum etc..) in contrary to the 1x/day protocol for which we got all data. And the number of people was not the same too (10 for 1x/day and 2 for 1x/week)
  22. Hello, I found all these files in google pattent. There are all free. I also tempted to use topical dut instead of topical fina, my aim is only to get stabilization but I would like to reduce for a maximm the side effects so I am very tempted to try 1x/week topical dut... I think there will be very less side effects than with topical fin but I not very sure... Yes I think this is the reason... I wrote a mail to xyon to ask them I hope they will reply to me 🙂
  23. Hello I am a bit worried about the results presented in xyon paper about topical duta. There are several people who have experienced increase of serum DHT instead of decrease (3 people for 10 total) Do you know what happen to people for which duta increase DHT instead of decrease it ? Are the hair are falling in this case ?
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