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Everything posted by mr_peanutbutter

  1. if you are scared of sideeffects you could start with topical finasteride
  2. there are no doctors in my area who are specialised in hairloss or could do a trichoscopy so i wonder if i cant just do it myself? microscope these days are reasonable cheap, for example i own a Yinama WiFi Microscope (50-1000x Magnification Microscope) which was less then 50 eur. however, its not really good for looking at hair because you cant zoom out enough, i wonder what magnification would be ideal to look at miniaturized hair?
  3. yes i think the maternal uncle is the closest to the balding pattern of william very interesting, the other uncle has still most of his hair, so basically william had only one closer male relative with that kind of aggressiv hairloss at that age and this was enough
  4. a bit unrelated but arent grey hairs better then dark hairs for the transplanted area because the hair scalp contrast isnt so high?
  5. people here made me think when they respond to my other threads and said even though your family history can give you hints where the journey will go you never can be so sure. and they are exactly right, look at prince charles for example prince william with 39 his father around the same age grandfather his maternal grandfather, john spencer maternal great grandfather
  6. these discussion lead to nowhere i find it interesting though that there is something similar caused by antidepressants called post ssri syndrome which recently got officially recognized
  7. out of interest: 1.could a dermatologist spot first signs of balding 10 years before the area becomes noticeable bald? 2. could my grandad go for an ht with the hairstatus you see on the pic? the resolution is probably not high enough to give a proper answer right?
  8. true, however my father was already norwoood 5 at 24 (so im not following his path) so im not sure if its really just a coincidence since my frontal hairline is receeding i think there is no need for examination? i will just hop on finasteride and hope for the best
  9. really depends where you terminal norwood status will be and if you have reached it at the time of your hairtransplant or not i think
  10. ok i will try to make a few good shots in the next week. its probably a smart idea to document the state of my hair before meds anyways to controll if it works or not. thanks everyone for the nice replies.
  11. yes i noticed i have quite a few miniturisated hairs in my frontal hairline who are shorter and stick out when i pull my hairline back..i so maybe those will go? okay, i will see what happens. without meds they would go anyways
  12. honestly, norwood 3 would be fine to me in the future…(even though: if for some reason there is a break through in haircloning technology id consider getting my 10 year old boyish hairline back ) expect however that i will develop crown loss too and this is something id like to avoid will definitely try the meds first, but if the meds fail: could i try to close that bald patch or isnt it really recommended?
  13. this was his situation with 35 20 years later… by today standards - is that something where you can still do something? hairtransplant wise?
  14. a picture from me? yes, right. i just found it suspicious that i follow the same pattern so far in the exact time frame.
  15. im 32 years old now and its safe to say now that i follow the exact balding patern of my maternal grandfather precisely to the year, meaning with 22 (norwood 1) i had the same norwood status as him, same with 26 (norwood 1) , with 27 (norwood 2)...31...(norwood 2/3).. i can look in an old family album and i can see my future (if i dont start meds/meds dont work) which will look the following: 35/36 norwood 3 with beginning crown balding 40 crown balding will expand 45 diffuse thinning all over the norwood 5 area 50 first complete bald spots appear, crown and part of midscalp, norwood 3 hairline somehow intact 55 the balding expands to the back of the head, forming that horseshoe, norwood 6 is reached so obviously i will start meds now to slow down or maybe even halt the hairloss. however what if the meds arent working or i have to quit them due side effects? could i still get a (or more) hairtransplant "to buy a few more years" or would you advise against such a scenario? i heard especially the crown is a real folicle eater and hence its often not advised to get a hairtransplant there?
  16. is dr zarev really legit? how can he do things nobody else seem to be able to produce?
  17. yes i read the news and they posted a more recent pic of him where his hairline looked way better then what i remembered from goodfellas i didnt want to make an extra thread hence the bump
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