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Posts posted by mafpe

  1. i can't say much since i'm not really sure what i'm looking at nor am i experienced with judging... but i guess a few of your native hair got affected by shock loss? afterall they did get a wound due to the HT. i think it's mostly that your transplanted one hasn't grow yet though imo.

    if it's the 4th month, you're not an early grower but that's ok, it would probably be much thicker at month 6.

    who is dr ahmet btw and what clinic? i haven't really heard of him before. can you tell us how's the package and price point?

  2. how old are you? i think it might be diffuse hair loss... and if that is the case, not that you're just "thin", then you're looking at a nw6 in the future. i can't tell if your donor is affected or not, but if it's unaffected, you'd need grafts all over your scalp for density. no idea on your front since there's no picture of it. 

    you can also just get concealer if you're worried about the view on top if the front is ok. i recommend taking meds though if you haven't. i doubt there'd be many clinic willing to operate on you if you are a DUPA guy with no meds.

    *there is chance of side effect on meds, so do your research and think on it if you're willing to jump at it.

  3. just saw his vid since you posted this... and i think his crown is larlgely unchanged. he has always been covering it with products, unless he was showing the bare condition + hars lighting.  it did seem to slightly thin however compared to what i remember. he's really lowdosing finas, so we can assume his DHT blocker effectiveness is just around half of normal dose, and even with normal dose we will still recede.

    i don't think he can or should get a 4th transplant since his donor is already exhausted, and his last surgery with dr mwamba, actually took on the edgemost of "safe" donor area. although these areas can still be farmed since they didn't take much, he can probably only get another few hundreds graft unless he does a fit farming.

  4. 47 minutes ago, SimpleLife said:

    Guys this is going to sound incredibly dumb, but why cant I just cut 2 similar holes in my leg, apply this to one and see how it heals compared to the other?

    What am I missing?

    um... that no one really want to do self harm? with experimental drugs, there are possible side effects that are not known of, how it react with human body etc.

    when you apply with people fresh off HT, they are meant to have the holes due to FUE harvesting, so other than antibiotic, it's just acting as a supplement with hopes that it would introduce full regrowth, without any extra bodily harm.


    although... if anyone did poke some holes on themselves and applied verteporfin... please do tell us how it went 😅

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  5. Update for D+10

    scabs are all off, and i can clearly look for any unusualness on my new hairs. noticed a few multigrafts on my temple and 2nd row of hairline but they shouldn't be very noticeable, and fortunately i think for my hairline all the frontmost are singles. it seems that i have lot's of multi grafts so i after the result is out my scalp shouldn't be "see-through" anymore, which is great.

    unfortunately shock loss is starting to show on donor, but knowing this is normal, i'm not really anxious about it. 


    WhatsApp Image 2022-06-20 at 8.40.27 PM.jpeg

    WhatsApp Image 2022-06-20 at 8.40.28 PM.jpeg

  6. it is "unnecessary" since you're not really having hair loss i think, more like just a mature hairline with a big forehead.

    there is a very slight loss on the hairline but that's it.

    you can have a HT but it really comes down to your own decision. it won't be life changing to you as compared to many people here, but it would improve your look slightly if it succeeds. and like gatsby said, there's risk with the surgery, not to mention the cost + convalescence. for many here, it's worth it because it would "change their life", but for you it's a slight improvement. if you decide not to, it's all good, i can confidently say no one is going to say you're balding if your hairline stays that way. if you decide to do it, please do your research well, and good luck with it.

    • Like 3
  7. good one man.

    in a way it's true what they say "your worst critic is yourself", especially when dealing with insecurity.

    people do judge you based on your head of hair sometime, but most of the time it you yourself doing it when looking at the mirror every day. sure your attractiveness is better when you seem to have a head full of hair, but what's better is self confidence. it is hard, and you'll have to fake it till you make it. but after that? if you wonder why some men with bald head is having better luck with the chicks than someone with a head full of hair, that's one of the reason.

    people who are the worst critic are usually people who are dealing with the same problem, an expert at it, or your plain old grinch. i've seen several threads here that said their or other's hairline looks pluggy. hell, there are only a few of them, not even more than fingers in one hand, not to mention they're all doubles, not thick quadruples. most of the people who looks at you won't even know that it's a transplant. i've just gotten mine, and it's not perfect but so far i'm good with it.

    my hair loss has never been my biggest problem although it does contribute a lot to it. i can say these because even before my HT, i did this 'fake it till you make it'. It worked. for me. i make a joke out of my insecurity, and people actually opens up to me more, and gave me better confidence. same as what people call vicious cycle, it repeats itself, but this isn't vicious, it's good. it then gets easier for me to change my attitude toward my own life, because i've accepted myself.

    with problem, do what you can. but if it's out of your control, there is no use worrying about it.

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  8. thats the advertising tactic. those term doesn't really matter much. maybe the blade will be very sharp thus less truma, and faster healing. but as blade goes, their tips will furl and dull after several incision, so unless they keep changing them very frequently which i doubt they do, it's not going to do much.

    the key things to pay attention to are a few, many other is just marketting tactics.

    1. extraction technique, punch size, extraction spacing / management, basically, the experience of your extractor.
    2. how long the graft is out of your head, and how they are handling them (temperature, moisture and solution, how much are they pinching/handling them, which leads to slight trauma)
    3. for incision there's the angle, depth, and density.

    for implantation, they are just putting in the graft in the incision slit that is done already, so usually this isn't as important to be skillfull as long as they're gentle, dilligent, and working with focus.

    that sapphire FUE, diamond FUE, DHI etc etc is just the method of incision / implantation that they use. so far they don't seem to affect HT result significantly, they just make it looks like a key point to market so it seems like their method is very cutting edge, thus they needed something novel to catch people eyes.

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  9. 15 minutes ago, A homerun is a botched job said:

    I agree except for Yaman.

    He is a nice guy but he is not safe...

    I have seen several cases of damaged donor area as well as couple botched jobs. 

    In my honest opinion the risk is way too high.

    Demirsoy is decent although his donor management is sometimes poor... I believe Gur/Turan are a bit better. 

    Erdogan was removed from this forum for a good reason. 

    At 2.5€ per graft you can get MUCH better. 

    Can't believe the Hair Transplant Mentor is advertising him...🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    HLC is okay. I was considering them but they have quite a few subpar results here and on alopeziede. Of course they are significantly better and safer than Erdogan but at 2.5 to 3€ per graft Spain/Portugal has better options in terms of quality and consistency...

    yeah, which is on the sentences after the list i said best to at least get FUEcapilar since yaman's work lately has been unsatisfactory.

    the temple angling isnt a one or two odd case, perhaps he had a new technician coming in making those incision, or if it's his own, either way the angling is all wrong.

    i can't really compare demirsoy to fuecapilar since to be honest i haven't seen many fuecapilar work, but so far all i see seems good. can't say much on demirsoy donor management because i can't tell the difference mostly, and some of the complaint i see on him is non growing grafts, which is also rare but devastating on 1 case i know.

    i had dr demirsoy for my HT, but i have a bit of mixed feeling on the graft placement by the nurse, i know some mishaps is to be expected but i just saw a multigraft on my temple, and a few in the front. thankfully none of them are in the very front row. although them being in the second or later row is still a little visible, it's still not great, but considering the pricing, and that i don't mind a few stragglers, it's still acceptable for me.

    i havent seen much on dr gur because he is on a new brand? i can't find fuecapilar until last april or so. so far though, all the post here on the work by fuecapilar seems good. pity no long term result yet but they are promising, i think.

  10. if you don't have diffuse thinning, and pick a proper doctor, it shouldn't happen.

    since this is your first time, unless the surgeon harvest only on limited area isntead all around, then yes it's possible to see significant thinning on the area compared to the rest of your head. otherwise, you should be fine. to make your donor look overharvested with 1.4k graft would need the surgeon to transect and harvest on a select area. other than that, it would be because of permanent shock loss which is very rare.

  11. is the budget including plane ticket? if so, then your option would be very limited.

    iirc the one you can afford are :
    1. dr. yaman @1 eur
    2. FUEcapilar @1.25 eur
    3. demirsoy @1.5 eur

    bicer's a safe option but iirc shes @2 eur if not 2.5.
    can't say much of HLC because i'm not really knowledgeable about them, if you can, then i suggest on having at least FUEcapilar since lately some of dr yaman result has been less than satisfactory, mostly on the temple work.

    if your budget already include accomodation and logistic, then dr.demirsoy is also out of budget for you unless you're willing to get less graft.
    I have no idea who dr bircan is, but it's best you stay away from erdogan since your pricing point means that it's the technician working on you, which is the same as a hair mill.

    if that 6k is just for the operation, i suppose you "barely" have enough, but otherwise, you should save up a little bit more for a few months. 

  12. 8 minutes ago, sukh123 said:

    2k grafts for 1cm i think you have may confused that with an inch or someone who has forehead longer than the eifel tower lol. If your lowering the hairline by 1cm depending on density it can range from 700-1200 grafts 

    huh... true, i just measured and my frontline has around 15cm width, meaning with even 60/cm2 i need only 900.

    i guess 2k is if you need to fill up the temples as well if you have NW2/3, or if you also top up the existing front for denser look.

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  13. the herd mentality and bias is true, and while the forum is leaned heavily toward the "recommended" surgeons, we can view cases of non recommended ones as well.

    in a way, this forum is operated with sponsors true, but as far as i know it, the forum relies on the sponsors to take care of their own reputation and standards. at least, it's still better than places where it's simply just marketing without any control on their standard and ethic. there is also defensiveness toward their recommendation, but at least it's not as heavy handed as most other forums are. 

    i understand you are skeptical since they seem to be heavily biased for their docs, and very much against where you went. but you do have to realise that ASMED's work while isn't as harrowing as 50-50 chance that people make it out to be, and the 99% of clinic in turkey are hair mills, these overexaggeration aren't based on nothing.

    just go through the search function and you can see how many people are scarred from asmed's work, not to mention the amount of marketing that asmed does, including asking their patients to post or having deals for that, which i am not privy to. 

    to be honest, i almost went to cosmedica or asmed. upon further research then i found the many sketchy cases, which then led me to find this forum among many. this forum isn't where i started my research, but a lot of my information i received here, just because this is where i can find them in numbers and that i find many are credible. you just have to shift through the data and then see it objectively.

    that said, i do hope that your HT grows well. nobody should or deserve to have bad work on them, whether they're trying to save money, or being ignorant and not doing any research. everyone here is suffering from the same problem and hopefully will manage to solve it.

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  14. 2 hours ago, deeznuts said:

    Kinda weird to hear that hairline density is only ~50/cm^2. I always thought native density was like 80/cm^2 or something like that.

    for non balding person, yeah it can even be denser. for thinning people though, i see many posters here say that their density is at 60/cm2. one of the factor that highlight baldness is the fact that your side area (donor) are way thicker and fuller, while the front and top is thinning or see through. now if the donor is as thin, maybe both at 50, people would think that the person just have very thin hair but not exactly balding (still less desirable, but somehow it's percieved better). 

    also if the native density is 80, you'd probably take 20/cm2, so they'll end up at 60. so like that the hair on your whole head would look way more uniform.

    this tho...

    15 minutes ago, Kashnw7hope said:

    50 would be great , although a lot of other things are at play (Hair type , thickness ...)

    i wish my hair is damn thick, thet will solve alot and means you will need less graft for a way fuller look. perhaps just 1 average HT can make it look dense in that case

  15. On 6/15/2022 at 7:12 PM, Big Rome said:

    might be my inexperience but I don’t think that’s a bad hairline at all 🤣🤣

    for the price, it's not. but this is the guy hitting the jackpot. most did not get that hairline. a small number end up botched irreparably. the rest gets... a somewhat below average result with several pluggy grafts. the problem is the high chance of getting a botched work compared to other "proper" surgeons.

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  16. 8 hours ago, lunch_owl said:

    The plan is to use 3k or more in the frontal/mid section. Going for the crown in a second procedure using beard grafts as well. I dont expect great density, more like average density. As long i have to worry about getting a haircut im good 😃

    not to burst your bubble but... that means you would need to either take quite a number on your donor to make both your recipient and donor to be at similar density. otherwise the donor will look thick and recipient seems thinning/balding.  if not, then you'd need to make use of concealers etc. after all, a hair transplant density is more like half of a healthy non balding people's density.

    best of luck! i hope you get what you want

  17. 36 minutes ago, IMM1979 said:

    sounds like Asmed isn't popular on here. If you read my post, am here to keep a record of the photos to track the progress. If you have any feedback on that, much appreciated. Didn't know an official photo with Asmed in the background was required but happy to put one up if it helps.

    asmed is infamous since it's option without the main doctor himself is considered a hair mill, and there are several bad result even with the main doc. Coupled with tons of user here with botched results. and lately there are several new user that comes out and just post asmed work.

    from your first post it seems you take multivitamins and minox?
    just an input, but your minox can be changed. for hims overcharge for the product and isn't more effective compared to most, it's the same. and you can consider finasteride since it slows your hair loss. ofc, finas has it chance of side effect so do tread carefully.

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  18. not really unbelieveable. as far as i see his work here, i there are only a few results, but all of them are good and i haven't heard anything bad from him yet. it might be because of the low number of cases but he seems to be somewhat well regarded at the very least.

    back before dr bicer exploded in popularity, she charges 1.25€ per graft, which then becomes 1.5€, and then 2€. i heard lately she changed into 2.5€ which is rather expensive for her. then again she is in high demand at the moment so i guess she can raise her pricing. although at that price point, there are more proven dr.

    for dr gur, he isn't popular with tons of demands at the moment, so i think it's quite a good deal if we're just looking at his successes and that he does all the crucial steps himself. there's dr yaman at 1€ per graft but he won't be doing the steps himself as iirc he does 3x operation a day, so theres some technician / other dr work. mine was at 1.5€ by demirsoy which is slightly higher than dr gur.

    i think if thats the budget you can afford, it's a good option. otherwise, there are many good doctors in europe that does great job. they will cost you around 2.5-4€ though.

    for turkey, 2.5€++ is already on the top pricing range.


    *edit : for your information, hair mill usually takes 4000 grafts for 2-3k, which means around 0.5-0.75€/$ per graft. they sometime even force you for high grafts number even if you only want a little, maybe because otherwise their shoddy work will be very apparent. alot of grafts are wasted, dead, or transected.

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