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Posts posted by mafpe

  1. try to get off it for a month, you might lose ground, but if the problem is gone, then it's the culprit, otherwise, other type of helps might be the answer. 

    or, reduce the dosage to a very minimum for a month, where the effect would be way less(0.25 per day, for example). this might still lose you some ground, but i can't think of any other way to pinpoint if your problem is caused by the meds or not.

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  2. Hello everyone,

    as i've been able to receive valuable information here, i'd like to return the favor by 'contributing' my own case which i just had operation on.

    my plan is to update per major event/timeline such as op day, post op day, when scabs are all off, shock loss, or any point of interest, and monthly. (Going to skip the journey service etc, but i can say that muzaffer as my intermediary from the clinic, gave me a good worriless trip, and is very helpful)

    Starting point and hairline design

    at my first thread, i was actually advised not to have any HT yet and do it later. now that i think about it, it does have merit, and i would feel more changed if i took it later after my hair recedes further. Even so, i believe even a slight improvement would do me good, and so when the day arrived, the doctors asked me for my inputs, but i decided to ask him to design a hairline that would look natural. the end result is mostly from the doctor design, with my request being the hairline to be "linear" instead of U shape when viewed.

    this is because of my asian ethnicity and that i had linear hairline on childhood, as well as the people around me. i haven't measured the distance yet (still scabbing, so i'm not touching it yet) but i think the hairline is advanced by around 1cm. To be honest i would like to have it move another cm or maybe half cm, but as i'm only 27 now, i think it's good that it's not moved much, because otherwise i might not have enough donor later.


    Apparently, unlike what i thought that i was a DUPA sufferer, i'm more to a 5A/6A pattern in total in the possible future.  i had thought i would need mostly on front to give the illusion of density, with a good number implanted regularly on the scalp. I'm actually relieved a little bit because at least this means my donor would be quite good and in less risk. I've come to term with being on high NW scale because of my father's baldness (NW6).

    one of the concern that i shared with the doctors is that my scalp is rather visible when in direct light, which highlight my balding problem. Before this, my problem was my big ass forehead, but as of late i think the fact my scalp is see through is way more of an issue, thus the doctor seems to put quite a number of grafts at my scalp as well. 

    Taking 3270 grafts, the doctor said that i should have around 3000 grafts left in donor area, which i am happy to hear about, if my donor heals well and everything goes well.

    Op day | D-0





    Got offered a xanax, which i took hoping that it will help me work with the team better by staying still and being calmer.
    Local anesthesia ok, it does feel painful because there are many spots that needed to be done, and i'm quite sensitive toward pain and or touch.

    The team said that i should tell them if i feel any pain, so they can add anesthesia, which i am glad to hear about, especially since i heard that someone claim that they felt pain near the end of procedure and didn't get extra anesthesia. As in my case, this is not so, and they were looking to have me as comfortable as possible.

    Extraction was painless, and all was done by the doctor himself. The nurses helps with collecting the grafts and counting / separating them.

    After the extraction, another round of local anesthesia, then incisions by the doctor as well, then implantation by the nurses. mid implantation i hear sounds of incision, which i am not sure about but i think it might have been the nurses trying to open channels that has clotted/closed up, because i hear a very slight scraping and penetrating sound. 

    The operation took around 8 hours in total, *i am not sure, but should be around 7-8 hours, including lunch break. 

    Post Op | D+1

    The day after, i was brought for control and wash, and instruction on how to take care of my head. My bandage was removed, and then my head was washed by a nurse.

    i'm happy with how "clean" it looks, since that way i am able to see better if anything needs attention. (which comes in handy D+3)





    Current situation : D+5

    As of now, some scabs from donor area has shed, while the recipient area remains untouched. there are several spots in my recipient area that i was concerned about as i see pus below the skin on the graft. i had contacted them D+3 about it, got instructions, and as of now, 2/3 of them has turned yellow which i think healed and scabbed, and 1/3 has no change yet. Taking antibiotic regularly D-0 as per instruction, and i think in a day or two they will turn out alright, and it's rather unlikely to become an infection. after they all go away, i would be massaging them and try to loose the scabs.

    So far, while i'm worried about the white spots below the skin, i'm hopeful for the coming days.


    notable : on minoxidil + finasteride for approx 7 years, switching to topical finasteride-minoxidil mix D+21 post ops

    • Like 6
  3. 2 hours ago, Unbrokenlink said:

    Hello, you have seen this? I thought artas was supposed to be the best?

    not directly in real life no. but if you do your research, look for reviews, their operation, and most importantly, results, then you will find out that ARTAS isn't the future of hair transplant. not yet. maybe in the future it could be, but it's limitation either on it's workfield (currently its only a very small square) and angling of the extraction, both are still lacking. 

    imo actually the graft picking by machine can be so much better than human, afterall, a machine can precisely calculate distance and spread, plus their follicle count, so that both the donor and recipient can be managed most efficiently with the highest yield. but it's still in the future if it will ever be.

    for now... just stay far from it. easiest example is zack from try guys which i suppose got a free transplant using artas. look as his before and then the after. no matter how he say's it's good (because of course, he's sponsored), it's clearly inferior to a skilled doctor at the moment. you can also see many other agreeing that artas is a bad option for now.

    • Like 1
  4. not at all man, i doubt anyone would notice unless they've been looking at HT threads or had one. 

    1. your surgeon did a good job spacing it, even if not much graft is taken. although i can't be sure since somehow it seems several areas feels like he transected the surrounding hair or is using too big of a punch?
    2. your skin tone is very similar to your scar

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, sukh123 said:

    WTF, pubic hair you want some person punching near your penis lol. I mean i know people want hair, but this is pushing it, this is a violation lol

    I'm also averse to the idea but it's up to the person i think. Desperate situation needs desperate measures. But yeah.

    33 minutes ago, deeznuts said:

    It kills two birds with one stone man. You get hair on your head and you don't have to shave your nuts (or your ass). Sadly, my hair is straight as an arrow 

    ... i certainly don't want my balls to be poked out. Scary on a whole new level. I get the part where they uses the upper part near the navel to almost there but... yeah they ain't touching deeznuts

    • Haha 3
  6. Thing is that you want your existing area to not be see through as well right? Which means you require grafts not only on empty area, but also weakening area. Most case i see here require their front area around 2k grafts since they need to be quite dense.

    I can't really tell your condition without side picture, but im guessing you will need or want at least nw 2 stage recovered to feel happy with it. When i send my head with nw 3 estimate, most doctors says 2.5-3.5k graft, and i suppose they are mostly used in front. Your hair isnt all gone but it's halfway there. 

    I think it's still definitely possible for you to have a full head though, many here have less hair and "gained" it back.

  7. On 6/12/2022 at 2:49 AM, Unbrokenlink said:

    They only use artas now yes. Is manual better? I thought Artas the way to go

    Please don't get artas.

    The punch is still big, and they harvest from a very small area, and from several cases, the results are subpar compared to a skilled surgeon.

    Yes it's still done "manually", but most now use motorized punches, which is faster and more efficient than real manual punches. Imo it's better since it means the extraction will be done faster thus less amount of it being outside of your body compared to same amount of graft vs manual punching.

    • Like 2
  8. You'd require way more than 3 4k graft depending on how much you want to restore your hairline. Although i suppose you can look like nw 2 with that much graft. Will still have a really big forehead that way though.

    Unless you and the doctor is ok with low density which won't really look good. Of course, you can combat this by regularly using concealer (fobers etc) though. If you're okay with that i think you might be able to cover enough.

  9. Scab exist to protect the healing wound underneath, and so i suppose by day 7, a film/layer would form already and its safe to open the scab as long as it doesn't tear you a new wound (that means the scab is still very connected to the tissue underneath). 

    I'm no doctor, but with HT, the wound is immediately closed with the graft, i think by then the graft have fully integrated to the surrounding tissue, and the top layer (scab) is either blood and or the lingering tissue that exist above your scalp surface. So if they have become scabs or is peeling apart, it means that it's dead cells already. 

    Like that, it shouldnt be detromental, if anything benifical to us as many wound actually heals better when exposed (same reason wounds cannot be airtight bar to special condition).

    • Thanks 1
  10. it's red and visible. how bad it is depend on how big the coverage area is. i don't know how concealers affect our recipient after the scabs are off, but otherwise, those will cover up the redness. or make up can do the same thing. then again i don't know how it will affect your recipient.

    i know this might sound like rubbish but... "wing it bro" seems like the way to go for you unless you plan to change job or go to your boss and have a special request (which he might allow or not). it's definitely outside of your comfort zone but... who knows perhaps it'd be a growing pain for you, might even help with your self confidence.

    also... people doesn't care about you as much as you think, unless your work is look related. you feel like the whole world is watching and laughing at you, but for them it's just a passing moment, maybe they would already forget your face after a few days or even hours.

    • Like 1
  11. noworry it was just stuck there for awhile. hopefully it' just that the new hair growing so it's pushing out the old dead hair. otherwise... im afriad it might be like what rahal said. I'm not qutie sure since i rarely hear about the follicle from HT staying that long 

  12. i think i saw several thread saying they actually needing less, with 2 common cause being :

    1. the doctor quoted a higher graft number so if the condition is worse than photo, the patient would not be torn because they might have not readied the needed amount of money for the graft. and if it's lower, meaning the patient save abit money, which isn't a problem usually.

    2. the condition looked worse in photo compared to when you are assesed physically.


    it's a good thing really, at least that means your condition isn't as bad as it's thought, and you'd spend less.

  13. 59 minutes ago, user13 said:

    Completely get it. Do you think my hair loss has slowed?  The top pictures are from yesterday. The following post with pictures are from 2019. They look pretty similar to me.

    My hair has always been thin so that makes sense.


    Are there any long term effects of any of the meds? Any advantage to doing topically verse oral?

    can't really say... hopefully yes, it's slowed down and or is stabilized, but you never know. hair loss isn't always progressing in a line like manner, sometime it's erratic with sudden loss or years that it looks like nothing changed. either way, meds would slow them.

    hard to say on the side effect, because most people say if even they have any side effect, usually they go away in months after discontinuing the meds. there are those who says they got permanent side, but it can't really be said that it is because of that, perhaps there are other reason, but the blame comes to the med because that's the easiest. i think the rate is like 0.1-3%, so for most people it's worth a try, since it seems if you stop if you feel any sides, it won't be permanent.

    topical works, it's not as effective as oral one, but less of it gets into your blood which means most likely less side effect. mind you, that even if topical, it will still go systemic. the meds is absorbed by the scalp/skin, into your body. it's just said to be lesser chance of side effect.

  14. the reason they asked you to go on meds and stabilize first is because if you just have an HT, maybe a year after the HT it will look full,
    but after that in the coming years, you will still lose hair. HT is simply migrating your hair from donor to the scalp, you will continue to lose hair.

    it's like you simply plant more trees in a drying forest without addressing the soil, environment, or nutrition problem.

    your donor....unfortunately it's quite see through... meaning either you have low hair count, or it is very fine... it's looking very sparse at wet condition, and in dry condition it's still somewhat see through on some spot.


    meds wise, it's a lifelong commitment, not just a month or a year deal. the meds stop you from losing more hair aggresively, but once you're off it, then it will be like a broken dam.

    if you think that it's too much work and commitment... sorry to say but most likely you'll be balding without them.

  15. On 5/5/2022 at 12:13 PM, Nccan said:

    You would think that, but koray erdogan hires LOCAL lawfirms to threaten and harass you... 

    i respect your decision to try avoid more harrassment and etc since these are very distruptive to life. but wheter or not you want to deal with them, i suggest you record and collect evidence that they actually do. if they did try to do anything, you can countersue or sue them for harrassments and threats. of course, if it comes to that, it will cost money however. 

    • Like 2
  16. oh and i just remembered that hair transplant doesn't grow as well in scar tissues, which is why i stopped microneedling until my HT.

    it's unproven wheter microneedling affect HT though as the scar is "microscars", i do plan to change into dermapen instead of roller because of the size of the wound.

  17. microscar... i don't know much because you'll actually need to microscope it i suppose. and yeah, there are some amazing result, i had some success, just that i stopped for abit until i get my HT. in my case, i got baby hairs back on miniaturised hair, so while not exactly back to where i want it, it does give a little density and color, masking my scalp a little.

    pain wise, depend on what you are using, a dermaroller, or dermapen, also how deep / what size are you using.

    0.75 was prickly slight pain for me which is good, but starting from 1mm, the pain is a little biting, and usually people start bleeding from 1mm up. some research says 1.5mm is optimal but the pain and bleeding worries me, and seeing that 0.75-1mm gives me decent result, i plan to only keep at 0.75/1mm. alternatively you can get numbing cream.

  18. the numbers are there, and everyone reacts differently to the meds. this apply not just to finasteride, but almost every other meds that exist. some people have antibiotic meds etc, hence why doctors always ask if they have allergies.

    just because you don't have it, doesn't mean that it's fake. and just because you got it, doesn't mean everyone else will also get it. the statistic shows that the chance is small, and to be fair, 90% is a high enough number that many men would risk it. The meds is connected to our hormone, and physical appearance does affect our performance and mindset. our body IS connected to our emotion and or brain, those of you who have bedded with people with 2 different instance of their emotion when they're on their peak, and on their lowest, know that it is different. same thing with interacting with people when horny, or when you're depressed af.

    both emotion/mind and substance have effect on our body.

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