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Posts posted by Gramatik

  1. 13 hours ago, pahey345 said:

    Here’s a day 5 check in- tremendous itching the past few days as to be expected. I think I am healing at an average to good rate thus far. I’m really hoping the scabs/ crusts start coming off before day 10 fingers crossed. I’m still waiting on my surgery report so I can post that. 






    The donor is healing nicely. The scabs of the recipient area will go away in a few days...This is going to be a great result!

  2. On 2/23/2023 at 1:54 AM, RichieChuck said:


    So as per the title, I’m 33 years old and have relatively mild hair loss (Norwood 2 hairline, slight thinning on the crown). I’ve been on topical finasteride and minoxidil for about 10 months. I’ve been considering getting a transplant just to fill in the receded temples, but apparently that’s not such a good idea?

    I’ve had a couple of free consultations in the UK. Both clinics indicated that my crown would be unsuitable for surgery, but they did say that they could do my hairline and gave me a quote so I was a little surprised by Fuecapilar’s rejection. However, I suppose it shouldn’t be too much of a shock given that particular clinic’s reputation for conservative hairlines and only taking on safe cases.

    Dr Turan’s comments are as follows:

    [QUOTE] Following the photo analysis, Dr Turan indicated that your alopecia level seems to be a Norwood II according to the Norwood-Hamilton Scale of Male Pattern Baldness (re: the image in the next page)

    Dr Turan completely agrees with the local clinic's assessment on the crown. The density of the healthy native hairs is too much for a surgery which means you do not have a hair loss in the crown that necessitates a surgery. A surgery performed in this area will damage the native hair in another way as well since the nutrients provided by the subcutaneous blood circulation has to be shared with the native hair and the implanted hair, causing graft competition. It can affect both the development of healthy hair and the survival rate of the implanted hair.


    The doctor also has doubts that if you undergo a surgery a natural outcome will be as likely as you wish to have the natural outcome by having an implantation on the temples. You might lose the natural look you already have for two reasons if you undergo a hair transplant surgery:


       1) The skin elasticity would not allow reaching the native hair density by a hair transplant.

    There is a limit to the density that can be reached with hair transplantation. And most probably this may not meet the patient's native hair density  The density on the corners will be lower since we can not achieve the density of your native hairs.


    2) When you get older, your hairline will not look natural considering the future receding. In this case you will have a hairline which has lower density in the frontal-temporal area which creates a very unnatural look. The age appropriate hairline that you will have in the future will be affected as well.


    Due to the factors above Dr Turan definitely does not recommend a surgery. He also indicated that you have a very good looking hairline and a surgery will be more problematic than being beneficial at this stage. [/QUOTE]


    His comments about a new hairline looking unnatural after potential future recession do make sense, although can’t that largely be mitigated by continued use of medication post-surgery?

    Pictures attached for ease of reference. Would be grateful for your opinions.

    Thank you






    At this point, i would not do a hair transplant. I totally agree with Dr Turan's ethical response.

  3. 14 hours ago, kurzyeloo said:

    Hey guys, I've been a silent reader of this forum for a couple weeks and now I decided that's time to come out of the shadows. I'm writing it for like 4th time as I want to include every important information and get some feedback from you guys.

    I'm 23 years old and I've been balding since my late teens. I have wavy/curly hair so it's been somewhat easy to cover the bald spots but to be honest I can clearly see my confidence drop when my hair is messy and don't cover the bald spots or when it's just windy. My father is Norwood 6/7 (and so is my grandpa) so I'm scared that I'll end up like them. Ever since I started going bald I knew I wanted to transplant my hair and started doing some research on the topic. Thank god I found this forum which is more than enough knowledge on it's own, but to the point.

    I used to take minoxidil for like a year and a half on and off and I definitely saw some improvement, nothing crazy but still. I stopped after a call with a consultant from Clinicana Clinic (Turkey) as she told me top stop before procedure to let the hair naturally fall. Yeah, almost went to hair mill to get myself chopped but had some ick and I canceled it last minute. They quoted me 3500 grafts for like 3000 euro. Since then I stopped and I am still wondering should I start using it again or not. Also I've never taken finasteride.

    Now is the time to choose perfect surgeon to do my procedure. I looked at many different doctors but after looking at patients makeovers I feel like these are the best: 

    FueCapilar (Dr Gur and Dr Turan), Dr Pekiner, Dr Yaman, Dr Bicer

    From all of the above Dr. Pekiner is the one that I feel the most comfortable with as I've seen almost only good reviews and I know he specializes in hairline restoration which is something I desperately need. At the same time I know I most probably will need another hair transplant in the future so I need the surgeon not to overharvest the donor area. 

    So now I’m asking you for help. Here are the question that I struggle with the most and have trouble answering alone:

    -Who should I choose and how can I contact them for online appointment or call?

    -Should I contact trichologist before reaching out to them? 

    -Should I go back on minoxidil and in which form (foam, spray, pills)?

    -Should I start using finasteride to prevent further hair loss or wait after my surgery?

    Any Help would be greatly appreciated as I'm somewhat lost in the situation I'm in right now where I feel like I have some knowledge but at the same time I feel like it's still not enough and I don't want to make a decision which might make me bald forever. Below I attach photos of my current hairline and how I try to cover it. 



    Regarding your questions

    1. You could choose any of these you listed (FueCapilar (Dr Gur and Dr Turan), Dr Pekiner, Dr Yaman, Dr Bicer) they would give you a nice result. So the choice is yours depending on your budget. You would visit their site/page and send them an email to contact them.
    2. Its not necessary but yes you could visit a local dermatologist firstly to check your scalp (even if it looks fine)
    3. You could get minoxidil for 6-7 months during your hair transplant to help the growth rate.
    4. You should get finasteride before your hair transplant, in order to thicken up your native hairs and prevent further hair loss.
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  4. 2 hours ago, IMM1979 said:

    Hit the 9 month mark today and some updated photos. Overall super happy with the progress. Have been told by many transplanters that it was a home run months ago . Didn’t really believe it myself until recently .looks like only some gaps around the crown which is normal. Feedback welcome . 




















    Looks great even under harsh conditions such as sun light. You got the max you could get...Enjoy it 👌

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  5. 3 hours ago, antomicblitz said:

    Currently at about 2.5 months. I'm starting to see noticeable progress. I think I am also a good responder to finasteride and minoxidil. I had a large shed after starting finasteride and minoxidil but now the hair surrounding the transplant area that was previously miniaturized and wispy has come back incredibly thick after the initial shed. Donor area looks great again.I can barely get a comb through it now 😆. People ask me for ID at the bar again in America 😆. Needless to say I am very happy with Dr. Gur's work so far. I am just hoping the crown will continue to thicken since I only had 1000 grafts there. IMG_20230125_001152.thumb.jpg.0433acc38b34984b570c4019ff824425.jpg



    Good progress for 2.5 months. It seems like you are going a great result in the next few months. Just be patient 👍

  6. Some people get faster growth than the others. That doesnt mean if you have fast growth on month 4 u will get 60% percent more in the next months. The maximum growth is achieved in many cases until month 6 or 7. After these months minor changes occur like thickening of grafts etc..

  7. 15 hours ago, Tydean said:

    Hi I’m thinking about booking with fue capilar, has anyone been to Fuecapilar? I’ve heard nothing but good things about them. I’m going to book with dr gur because he has the earliest dates and I couldnt make my mind up on what doctor to chose anyway. But my question is, on the assessment dr gur said he would do a more conservative hairline with 2500-2700 grafts, is this just an estimate? could I negotiate with him on the hairline and graft amount as long as my doner is strong? (which I believe it is). 

    I’m asking on here because you can only speak with a representative on WhatsApp and not the dr himself which isn’t ideal because I want to know what I’m going to be getting for my money, I don’t want to go all the way there and leave with a hairline I aint happy with.

    is the vip package worth the extra money Because dr gur doesn’t actually implant the grafts himself he just extracts them on the vip package, and his team do the rest, so is it worth paying that extra money just for him to remove grafts? Also I’ve heard dr gur has his own website aswell is there any difference in booking through him directly, Price wise?

    and lastly I was told I was a Norwood va but I strongly disagree with.

    Sorry for the long post lol
    But any help appreciated








    From online consulation you cant expect for an exact number of grafts. The number of grafts can be changed when he examine you in person, if doctor finds out that you need more or less grafts for your particular problem. So dont worry and go on. Dr Gur in general prefers to do conservative hairlines and not low hairlines, because he want to preserve the donor capacity for future hair loss. Dr Gur's tech is skilled enough to do the extraction so its not necessary to select him to do the extractions as well. 

  8. On 1/13/2023 at 10:31 PM, moe007 said:

    Hi guys! Here is my update. It's been exactly 1 year since my transplant. The pictures below are styled with blow dryer and cream. No toppik was or concealer was used. Hair length is pretty long

    Results: The results seems to be okay, will probably go for repair work next year after saving some money. The density is not there, especially in the front. If i dont use toppik, it looks really bad. So basically anytime i have to go out, i need to use products to hide the skin. Which i kinda used to do before as well and was trying to avoid continuing after hair transplant. Some areas where i see density issues in hairline was actually communicated to the Doctor right away after surgery but they said it will all be good, clearly it wasnt all good. I am not saying its a botched job, the results are decent, i have seen good and i have seen worse as well. When i had short hair the results looked very bad, with long hair it doesnt look that bad. I am just concerned with hairline, it doesnt have density as under normal lighting you can see directly through it. There seems to be alot multi grafts in hair line as well.

    There seems to be some issue with angling of hair as well, my two sides have different angles of hair ( 2 technicians working, one on each side). Which creates it nearly impossible to style hair without using products because they dont sit well and goes opposite of each other.

    Donor seems to be doing good, no issues there.

    There has been no follow up or communication from Doctors office either and i didn't bother to contact them either.

    Overall i will rate my experience satisfied with Dr Yaman, clearly its an improvement from previous situation. Just wish he listened at that time and fixed the issue regarding hairline density at the time of surgery as now i will have to go for another surgery.

    Feel free to ask any questions! 




















    Looking good man. Very big improvement compared to your previous situation and your hairline looks very natural. Enjoy it 😀👍

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