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Everything posted by GeneralNorwood

  1. Do you mean first consultation that was online? Actually first proposition had more sense, because, they proposed 1500-1700 grafts for the crown and 2500 for the front. But i did send them more pictures and asked if really crown needs so much grafts. Then i had video talk with dr Arika and she told me that actually previous evaluation was wrong and i don't need grafts at the crown at all. So basically they were changing their mind just to please my ideas and to keep me as a client. And then when i was already in India and they made photos before surgery, i asked them to send them to me. I was looking at this photos, low density at the crown concerned me and i had serious doubts that in 1st plan they proposed 1500-1700 grafts and now it is suddenly 0 gratfs "to not harm native hair". And again to please me dr. Priyadarshini offered that she can implant "carefully" at the crown around 300 grafts. Now i have this funny little island of transplanted hair at the crown 🙃
  2. Listen, i don't know if you read this whole journey, but density on my hairline is not the point. Before HT i had receding hairline, however it looked natural and my hairstyle looked natural. And after HT my hairstyle looks unnatural, mostly because of "disconnection" but also because of contrast between frontal third and midscalp. I can agree with you that density on the hairline is good, but so what? I had to shave it off to look neat. And i am not being overdramatic here, just look at the pictures in this topic. Density on the recipient area is not only factor that matters in HT. And my case proves it. And just think what if i couldn't afford next surgery? I would be stuck with this result for years.
  3. Isn't it obvious that after 1st HT they shaved your donor differently and this is how it looked? Look how short your hair at the back is on this pictures. You can go to barber and ask to cut your sides and back like this and you will have more homogenous hairstyle.
  4. To be honest. No. 6 weeks is nothing. You should wait 5-6 months since the surgery and then start to take the conclusions. And now. Why sides are looking so sparse when growing? My guess is that is because of the first surgery. You mentioned that during first HT they overharvested the donor. This is how the overharvested donor looks at this lenght of hair. When hair grow longer it is not noticible and it looks like on the pictures with longer hair that you presented. Did taking 100 grafts from one side and 50 grafts from another would change anything in your donor situation? No, it's such small number and extraction was spread, it won't make difference. Just wait 4 months, hair will grow longer and everything will be fine. Just look at 1 month pictures after your first HT. I don't think donor looked nice then.
  5. Yes, im comfortable with shaved look. Every few days i cut sides, back and transplanted hair with guard 0. I don't cut miniaturised hair on the top of head since they grow so slowly. Thanks. I am focused on finding best clinic for my case. I am aware that it will cost me more then HT in Eugenix.
  6. I must say that extractions from the hairline is not my biggest wish since i don't see many benefits I think it won't change much in terms of appearance, because my desired hairstyle is not slickback, but natural forward growth, something like in this post: Eugenix 3514 grafts (720 on the temples) May 2022 Dr Priyadarshini Das - Page 2 - Hair Transplant Reviews - Hair Restoration Network - Community For and By Hair Loss Patients And in recent interview that Melvin did, dr Bruno Pinto provided information that relocating the grafts has only 40-60% survival rate. For now, I don't public the names of the clinics I visit to not create any dramas
  7. Yes, I want to. I am doing in-person consultations, i met 3 surgeons already. I recently had the consultation with well-known FUT/FUE surgeon and here are some photos from this consultation : So there is so called "disconnection" marked and i can say that this is top 1 priority for me to deal with. Basically, front is disconnected from the donor on each side. The surgeon when was looking at my head was often repeating "i don't understand why they did this like that". The surgeon has idea to extract some grafts from the hairline(he drew zig-zag line), because it is too linear and without micro-irregularities. This is the 2nd surgeon that wants to do something with this hairline. However, i am not sure if i want to do something with it right now. ' The area that needs treatment is pretty huge. This surgeon proposed 1500-2000 grafts for the surgery. I don't think that it will solve the issue He said that FUT is not good option for me, because my donor is not virgin anymore and FUT would block possibility of shaving sides very short.
  8. 150 grafts it's like nothing. I doubt that it would hurt the donor. Removing few grafts per cm2 won't make difference. But this information that only 50% grafts will survive... I didn't know that if you do the touch up procedure, survival rate goes down that significantly. So if you paid 2000 euro for the "test", do you have to pay again 2000 euro for the next "test"?
  9. Just to be clear that we are on the same page. When i wrote about losing 50-60 % donor i didn't write about natural losing 50-60 % of hair in the donor, but about extraction of this donor in HT procedure. So i meant, when you extract 60% of hair, you have now only 40% in the donor and if this 40% of hair left thins in the future, it can look bad.
  10. Yeah, megasessions is one thing, but we are talking here about super-mega-gigasessions 12000+ grafts that require 2 surgeries within 1 year. It's not the idea that you will suddenly lose all hair, but that this hair will be thinner. And 100 % of your donor when thinner, will look just fine, 80% same, 70% propably same. But when you have only 40% and it will be thinner, it can look diffuse And this surgeon that i spoke with, he did FUE surgeries of 6000 grafts within 2 days. However he won't do 12000 grafts, because of arguments that i presented. About Statham. I believe he didn't have any surgery, so he has 100% of his donor. @asterix0 I will ask this doctor if he meant senile alopecia
  11. I recently met with well-known FUT/FUE surgeon and he doesn't belive in these gigasessions either. He said that there is a risk that this patients in 10-20 years will have thining in the donor. If you take 50-60 % hair out of donor and remaining donor thins, it will look unpleasent so to speak. I am also interested in 2 hours interview. This 30 minutes went by in notime, Dr Pinto is a good talker. The good thing about youtube is that it remembers when you paused the video even when you close the browser. So you can watch for example 1 hour and then come back to the rest of the video later.
  12. Hey, can you start your topic with your HT journey? We need more independent reviews of Zarev in this forum 😉
  13. This topic is not about best YT channel, but about best surgeon 😉
  14. But you have to take into account few things : 1. Before surgery i was more then 12 months on finasteride, minoxidil + dermapen 2. There are photos from the day of surgery : Eugenix 3514 grafts (720 on the temples) May 2022 Dr Priyadarshini Das - Hair Transplant Reviews - Hair Restoration Network - Community For and By Hair Loss Patients Eugenix 3514 grafts (720 on the temples) May 2022 Dr Priyadarshini Das - Page 14 - Hair Transplant Reviews - Hair Restoration Network - Community For and By Hair Loss Patients 3. This photos show maximal effect of medical treatment. And yes, there was improvement, but photos clearly shows that all over Norwood 6 pattern there was miniaturisation. 4. After surgery the biggest improvement we notice in the area where hair were transplanted. The rest of area is still miniaturised, nothing really changed over there, it's stabilized. So generally we can trust my HT results, you only have to thoroughly analize all the pictures.
  15. For the first 3 months after operation no. But after that period i started to use minoxidil again. I will post later
  16. For 4000 grafts, it's good outcome. You would need one more touch-up procedure to have this "full head of hair" effect, but it is up to you. If i were you, i wouldn't rush into second procedure.
  17. I know this patient from Polish forum. He paid around 6000 euros and got butchered by dr. Turkowski from Warsaw. Is he has multiple grafts in the first row? I don't think so. Maybe in the third row. If he wants, he can always have small touch up procedure which will add more singles and make hairline more irregular. But i don't think he cares about it. What matters is that he left behind this sad incident which happened in polish clinic and improved his look significantly.
  18. Because i see that you prefer to cut sides and back of the head rather short. But every case is different and you should discuss this matter with surgeon who does both FUT and FUE and he will explain if FUT will give you significant benefit.
  19. I agree that around 5000 grafts would do the job. Then only touch-up if needed. Yes, you are diffused thinner case. Talk to multiple doctors and make your own conclusions, that's what i can suggest. If i were you, i would try FUE. I recommend being conservative with hairline though. Don't lower it by 2 cm, bad idea.
  20. I would elaborate on that. Pitella and Zarev have cases above 10000 grafts in total. What does dr Pinto thinks about this expansion of the safezone, aka individual approach to the safezone? What stops him from doing this? and related question : What punch size does he use?
  21. I know that Melvin already mentioned Dr. Zarev's youtube channel, but i want to emphasize that you can see there videos of patients, before and after HT. I saw post on reddit where somebody wrote "Dr. Zarev show only pictures, not the videos". So, this is not true, you can see videos(mixed with lots of photos) here : Hair transplantation / Присаждане на коса - YouTube
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