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Everything posted by GeneralNorwood

  1. If i could turn back time, i would make hairline 1-1.5 cm higher and not so straight and i would save 1000+ grafts because of this move and i would put it behind hairline. And i would wear hairstyle similar to this and corners wouldn't be visible anyway. But guess what. This fringe on my forehead would be even denser then on this picture if i put this 1000 grafts from the hairline behind. if you implant hair in midscalp and grow it longer, after 12 months it will cover your forehead too, so it will make density not only for midscalp, but also for frontal third and for forehead. If you implant your hair in the corner, it will cover your forehead, but not midscalp, so it is waste for the density. You can't compare our cases to Mazab, because he is only Norwood 3 and used 5000+ grafts anyway. So if he used so many grafts, ask yourself how many you need. Simply, if you use grafts to implant them in the corners, when you don't have hair, they won't make ilussion of density for area behind hairline. So it's a choice between filling a corner with number of grafts with balding/less dense look behind hairline or putting this grafts behind current hairline that will create density not only behind the hairline, but it will make density for the corners too, when you grow this hair longer, Speaking about beard grafts, so you are aware that 3500-4000 grafts from the scalp is not a lot to fulfill your plan. Well, beard grafts are hit or miss and definitely the more you use beard grafts, it is more likely that it will look like "bird nest". Generally, i am not fan of beard grafts and i like my beard too and don't want to lose density from it. You can see on this forum cases from Eugenix that included beard grafts and caused a lot of trouble. What i propose to you is not only based on my own experience, but also on consultations with various surgeons and what i learned from them and of course based on lot of cases that i saw online. You will do as you want, but if you go aggresive in your 2nd transplant, then extracting grafts from the hairline in the future is problematic as you may know and require multiple procedures and lot of funds. So maybe it's better to take it slow and focus on bald areas behind hairline and see how after this procedure density in the front will look and how corners will look. And then if you are still not pleased how corners look, you can adjust your plan.
  2. Don't do temple points. Don't change anything about hairline and temple points : Your temple points look now natural. If you make them more aggresive with HT, it can bring you trouble in the future. And besides temple ponts after HT only look good if you grow them longer, so your current hairstyle with sides and temple points cut short won't be available. Check how temple points after HT look if you cut them shorter in this post : Eugenix 3514 grafts (720 on the temples) May 2022 Dr Priyadarshini Das - Page 11 - Hair Transplant Reviews - Hair Restoration Network - Community For and By Hair Loss Patients So best idea is to reinforce everything besides current hairline, strenghten red area. Second question is how many grafts can be implanted in blue area, which in fact, needs a lot more grafts then red area. 2000 grafts of course is not enough for everything, even if you stick with current hairline and don't lower it. Changing the hairline or temple points would only increase this demand of grafts. The good news is that after you did SMP, you can wear this buzzcut hairstyle and it looks neat. You don't have to rush into 2nd procedure, rather take your time and consult with other surgeons, that's my advice.
  3. Well sorry mate, but this plan is kinda mad. Eugenix, hit me baby one more time? Sure, they will do it, because dr Sethi likes money and he likes helicopters and flying with a choppa is expensive And now more serious... The buzz cut option + SMP works, it looks ok. Don't bother with opinion of your "friends". They know nothing. What feedback? They preffered your previous balding men version? I don't think so. Let's speak about 2 options : 1. This plan with wasting another 1000+ grafts for the hairline lowering, and BTW, front is your current most dense area. Maybe focus should be put on less dense areas, isn't it more logical? So no, i don't like this option, because you will have strong frontal third and very weak midscalp and crown. You can mix it with SMP and wear this SMP hairstyle with new lower hairline, but you will be basically limited to 1 hairstyle for life. Do you want to be limited to this buzzcut hairstyle for life and cut your hair very often? 2. Reinforcing the hairline rather then lowering it and focusing on midscalp + crown. It's for sure best option, if you are looking for longterm plan and don't want to limit yourself to this 1 buzzcut hairstyle and be able to grow hair longer. Just look at this pictures, it was 7 months update : So how can you lower your hairline when frontal hair looked sparse? Just add more hair BEHIND the hairline and everything will look fuller and hair will cover the forehead. And that's from 13 months update : You see this lack of density in the red circle? That should be treated. Do you want to lower hairline and leave this red area with low density? Doesn't make any sense. Reinforce red area and then the fringe will become fuller. Doctors like Zarev or Muresanu would kick out this this "hairline lowering" idea from your head. Eugenix... i think they can realize the craziest ideas of patients.
  4. Wow, you had some "luck" or things just changed, because they didn't offer me anything, not even tiny touch-up. Maybe because i didn't ask them? Anyway, for me it was about getting good HT result, so even when Eugenix last words to me were "You are not alone", then silence came and that's how we ended our cooperation
  5. It was 6700 FU, not 3200. And yeah, i think Ferreira uses rather big punch size, so with sides cut shorter, scaring is more visible. However, if he grows hair longer, it should be unnoticable
  6. @Dr. Ahmed Altan Do you have more photos after 18 months from the top? Do you plan to do second surgery?
  7. You can go to Eugenix if you are on a budget, but this choice can lead to situation where HT's will consume part of your life. Zarev is like top1, but it is hard to get HT with him, because of long waiting list. Then there is dr Sever Muresanu, very ethical doctor and very detailed. Pittella is the cheapest option per graft from this trio, but still it is not budget option. and you have to fly to South America. Laorwong, maybe he is best budget option, many people are recommending him on this forum,though i don't know many his cases. But definately he is worth researching. Some recent case to follow, i am curious how final result will look like : Absolute Hair Clinic | Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong | FUE 4128 | 45M | NW6 | October 2023 - Page 3 - Hair Transplant Reviews - Hair Restoration Network - Community For and By Hair Loss Patients
  8. I remember doing drama before the transplant, but everything turned out fine A wise decision not to rush into the next procedure.
  9. 2000 grafts won't do much in your case, so i don't like this plan. If doctor Muresanu is coming to US in July, you should get second opinion from him. He'll tell you how it is
  10. For now this is propably good, because wound is fresh. Later on you can think about adding silicone gel with onion extract. But consult this with a doctor. A prospective placebo-controlled study on the efficacy of onion extract in silicone derivative gel for the prevention of hypertrophic scar and keloid in median sternotomy wound in pediatric patients - PubMed (nih.gov) Role of silicone derivative plus onion extract gel in presternal hypertrophic scar protection: a prospective randomized, double blinded, controlled trial - PubMed (nih.gov)
  11. Did Feriduni adviise you to take silicone gel for scar reduction?
  12. They're probably trying to pull off the wig, but to their surprise, it's real hair
  13. The shape of the hairline is the least of the problems at this point. What is worrying is the weak growth for more than 5 months. Have you cut the transplanted hair on the front?
  14. Guys, look at this video from 2:25. Feriduni must have watched it and now he knows how to extract this unwanted hair in the corners to bring back naturalness 😉
  15. Wow, It is very rare on this forum that somebody posts so many detailed videos, thank you for them! So this video answers Berba's question "how this looks with the hair brushed forward" And it looks very good. On this stage you can get maybe little cut on the fringe and wear your hair combed forward like after 1st HT and now it is fuller. But of course it's up to you, now you can change hair styles To be honest, this paste that you used in recent update pictures isn't best for the volume of hair, because it is glueing hair together. When i had longer hair and tried combed back hairstyle, i tested different products and some were glueing hair and other not. For example sea salt spray which was recommended here by many users, it was very good for the volume. Spraying all around the scalp and then blowdrying was doing the job.
  16. First time in this thread, thanks to @Berba11, because he mentioned you in another topic. It took some time to read whole journey, but it was worth it. When i thought about biggest Sethi's flops with beard hair transplant, it was the case of guy named Tony. Now i believe he dissapeared from the forum. Eugenix didn't care about him, so they are propably happy that he "diasapeared". But the forum remembers... Looking at your case, Eugenix made 2 major f*ckups : 1. So called "bird nest". And that's what happens when you use beard as the main donor(Not as 10-20% addition) and they are doing it over and over for different patients. It was just a cash grab, with no long-term plan 2. Bad extraction from the beard caused visible thining. And i really get it, because i like to grow beard too. I can only imagine how annoying something like this would be for me. We are doing HTs to improve our balding situation. So it is just terrible when after HT the situation becomes worse. And then you are dragged in long and exausting journey, you have to travel around the world to see different surgeons and not mentioning expenses that will tripple or quadruple. That mental and financial costs could be avoided if we had HT in the right place. And your surgery was done not by some juniors from Eugenix, who are not recommended by hairrestorationnetwork. The surgery was done by "super duo", Dr. Sethi and Dr Arika Bansal, the owners of the Eugenix, who are recommended by this forum. Eugenix gets huge cash flow because of this forum, that's a fact. However this forum is not protecting it's members in case of undeniably bad results. I think this forum should take responsibility for recommended surgeons and mediate in cases like this. What Eugenix proposed to repair this situation was BS. They said that to fix "bird nest" you should just use some gel and cut it shorter. Ridiculous. And to fix thining in the beard they offered 100-300 grafts, but you should bear costs of travel. So generous... After losing trust in clinic because of subpar result and such poor proposition of correcting things, no surprise that you started to look for surgeons with real solution. Here we are, after years of misery, it seems that "bird nest" fiasco is finally over and beard looks fuller. So the next step is treating the top with scalp grafts. Can you show some photos of the top from various angles? I wish you the best and i believe that with new "team" that you found, you will further improve your situation 👊
  17. One recommended surgeon is repairing after another recommended surgeon's failed HT. Very interesting. Anyway, it seems that you are on a good route now, the plan makes sense. I'm looking forward to the end of this journey
  18. From my conversation with Dr. Zarev, it seems that prices will not decrease, quite the opposite. He has no competition in what he does, only the appearance of more surgeons with this method would lower the prices.
  19. Yeah, i found out today, that you were in London too. Great city for meetups, it has 4 big airports and shocking number of pubs. If there will be an idea for a forum meeting, I think London is a great place for it. Although it must be said that it is not cheap
  20. I think you have higher native density in donor area and that's why you are better candidate for FUT then me. My native denisity in donor (untouched by 1st HT) is ~75 grafts/cm2. And my density in area where extractions were made, is between 45-60 grafts/cm2. However my hair are thick, not fine. Fun fact. The thickest hair that was found by Dr Zarev during consultation was implanted in... temple points. PS. I was in London from Friday to Sunday 🤣Touring holiday.
  21. I doubt it. Konior needed 7000 grafts for this patient : ttps://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/71395-3x-konior-fut-fue-nw6-12-year-update/ And it was obviously lower stage then mtb. I found another patient from Konior with 6700 grafts : https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/56905-raymond-j-konior-md-chicago-hair-institute-evolution-of-a-6710-graft-multi-stage-repair It is far from full head of hair He is doing slickback, because he had no-shaving FUE and hair from 1st HT are a lot longer then hair from 2nd HT. Let me remind you how his midscalp looked before 2nd HT when hair were combed forward : And we can expect that in next months midscalp will improve as well.
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