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Ryan Daniel

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Posts posted by Ryan Daniel

  1. Oh gosh. I wouldn't even worry about anything if I were you. 

    Please take a break from looking at the mirror and worrying about how thin it is or something. You have a luxurious head of hair

    You are also using medication, which is more than anyone can ask you to do. You're totally fine sir

    If you want my opinion, I would try and sport a tight haircut.  Clean up the sides and around the ear, keep it close, it will frame the face alot. You have strong temple points nothing to worry about!  Cut abit from the top and more along the back, blow dry the hair to either left or right. Abit of product for texture and you are good to go my friend! 

    Keep taking the meds and keep thinking positive. Enjoy it 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Am I the only one who expected the hat to look like it was advertised on that man on the cover?? 😅

    Damn what a shame... I would actually go for a walk with it while it's doing work on my scalp! That would be awesome, but hey the most important thing is how efficiently it works is all that matters, while doing it at home!


    ps. the hair is looking healthy bro!  getting close to that 3 month mark now 😁

    • Haha 1
  3. 19 minutes ago, AJ_HT said:

    Like I said, I'm on finasteride since the first session with Eugenix (Dec 2020), and there is no hairfall now. So my hairloss isn't progressive.

    How do you know that AJ ? 

    Finasteride isn't 100% guaranteed to work. 

    But still, im happy you are on medication for 2 years. It helps the donor area for a future procedure

  4. The 8 month touch up, was a very very big mistake and it was a silly execution to do. Why was it hard to wait? I genuinely apologize for this statement. 

    I remember myself being very unhappy with my result from Turkey, and they simply said that i should just come and get another one, instead of offering me a free touch up.

    Anyway....  before the 12-14 month result, there should never be any final judgements or complaints ever. 

    As soon as the 12th month finishes, if you are unhappy with the result, you have the right to go to the clinic and demand an explanation(unless they said from the start it wasn't possible to have a full result) or in this case a complementary touch up regarding the front all the way to the mid scalp would have been a very suitable solution.  


    Another thing I want to add, you might of been going a severe rapidness of hair loss. Meaning any native hair that you had before and after your procedure, may have miniaturized or fallen... leaving you with the end result to be simply just transplanted hairs... giving you a very thin look with the limited grafts 


    • Like 3
  5. 6 minutes ago, AJ_HT said:

    Like I said, it was only 8 months since the procedure then, and while my mid-scalp was literally empty, my frontal area was improving, and results seemed okay for month 8. So instead of getting paranoid, I trusted that it'll look good by month 12 and wasn't anxious about it. So I got the mid-scalp done because it was quite bad, even for month 8. Only later, I realized that even the frontal area isn't what I had expected.

    Hmmmmm ok, I apologize for not reading everything. Im kinda on the phone and rushing around the city. 

    At what month are you now?  

    Also, im surprised they allowed themselves to do work on you while still being in month 8. 

    What are your future plans now? Wait and hear the next step from the clinic? 

    I am truly interested to know about your case 

  6. 1 hour ago, NARMAK said:

    That picture isn't the most flattering for showing things off. The spacing makes it look so much more sparse and bare atm. 

    Guess we'll see what happens but for all their showboating and brash attitudes about being "warriors of the octagon" its funny when a mouthy McGregor won't openly show he had got a transplant lol

    The picture clearly shows it's a hair transplant, I even zoomed in the screenshot

    I don't know how much else convincing you need 

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