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Everything posted by Bandit90

  1. Likewise! Im rooting for you all the way! Im sure 2023 will be a great year for us both!
  2. Completely Agree. I did take finasteride when I was 19 for a week, then freaked out when I read about the horror stories and in the process convinced myself I was getting all sorts of side effects (In hindsight so silly of me). Interestingly, that was when I came across the HRN. When I got to 29 I resumed finasteride, but went in with a more mature mindset following the science, and unsurprisingly did not have any side effects. I do have sympathy for men who reject the drug out of fear because I know how it feels reading those horror stories and in your 20s let's be honest a healthy sex life is very high up the agenda for most, but then again I have even more sympathy for dudes who are high Norwood’s in their 20s because let me tell you that sucks too lol! I do think the best way to tackle finasteride if you are super anxious, is doing a titration phase over six months starting at 0.25mg EOD slowly building up to 1mg ED. That is my ten pence worth lol, as I don’t want to go off on a tangent with Finasteride side effects, given the rabbit-hole nature of the topic!
  3. Haha, hair greed for sure! If there was ever an advert for getting on the meds sooner rather than later then this has to be it! Obviously, i'm absolutely over the moon with everything to date, and nice to know I still have something to look forward to when graft cloning becomes a reality!
  4. Been meaning to throw this light hearted post in. When I was there in October, I asked Dr Sethi in a non-norwood 7 world what would my hairline be. So got Dr Sethi to design it! Cant help but kick myself that I didn't start on finasteride much sooner in life 😂.
  5. Not to derail the thread, but would like to chime in about my experience getting rejected from docs. I was rejected from H&W, after an in-person consult from Dr Wong, he took a ten-second look at my hair and said “no transplant” for me, going on to say that if I did one I would like “an old man with floppy hair”, I was then ushered very quickly out the door. The feeling of rejection is not nice, especially if you had your heart set on that doctor. At this point for me, I lost all hope in the hair loss journey, as I saw H&W as the holy grail for advanced norwoods. But I have since learned that some doctors just do not like challenging cases for various reasons and especially when they have the luxury of picking and choosing patients due to high demand. This doesn’t mean that you aren’t a candidate for surgery, it just means that the doc doesn’t feel comfortable taking your case on. I know there is a lot of respect for doctors who reject patients, as this is perceived as highly ethical as opposed to taking their money. But I do get the impression, they can also reject out of just not needing to take on difficult cases, due to an abundance of demand from low-risk patients. I have a whole lot of sympathy given you waited for four years, and were very quickly told no. But you have mentioned some world-class docs you have had consults with and are keen to take on your case. I know you request confidence from the community, and without trying to beat the Eugenix drum too hard, as both a complex case (NW 7, Retrograde Alopecia, Fine & Light Hair) and as a Dr Sethi patient, I can first hand vouch that he thrives off challenges and likes to challenge the status quo. So I’m confident he would excel in a case of treating diffused hair loss.
  6. Cheers Gents. So pleased with how far the hair has come, and for you gents to call it “Hall of Fame” worthy is very kind. I’m sure Dr Sethi will be humbled by those comments too. I know the lighting of the hair inside the car tends to be the more flattering one (compared to facing the bathroom mirror under the harsh downlight) but even at any angle the before and after are mind-blowing for me. This just showcases how much the industry has evolved over the past five years, that someone even as far gone as me, can have a shot at full hair restoration. PS I will be posting my month 9 update next week.
  7. Really pleased for you Ryan. As other posters have said your hairline looks very natural. I'm also super impressed with how well your crown is looking too! Plus lots more improvement to come.
  8. Damm! This looks like some quality work. Really looking forward watching your progress over the coming year! The transplant alongside the thickening from the finasteride makes 2023 a very exciting year for you!
  9. Ive had 2500 beard grafts extracted. In honesty, you would be very challenged to notice any evidence of extraction and scaring. Beard seems to heal very well and generally can clean shave without detection.
  10. Damm Adrian! It's unimaginable to see how far you have come in the ten months. To say you've been to hell and back over the course of your life would be an understatement. But the tides have well and truly turned and the improvements just keep coming. TBH I think i'm more excited for your next sitting, then I was for my own. 2023 has never been more brighter for you Adrian! 🙌🙌
  11. Great result! Great result mate! Just had a read back, and wouldn't kick yourself about being seen as overreacting, you was clearly stressed at the time, as would anyone in that situation! I do however, think certain posters replies didn't help your anxieties by stating you were over-harvested, which I have no doubt caused you a lot of unnecessary stress! Your journey will serve well to those who go through shock-loss post surgery and need some inspiration.
  12. Best of luck with everything! All be over with in a flash and soon be strolling out the clinic with a huge smile on your face!
  13. Not sure this is entirely true regarding the blond hair will give less coverage. Dr Bisanga infact states the complete opposite to this. He said this on a recent video.
  14. I agree if you can go for full coverage then do it. I was clear with Dr Sethi that I was cool with the fact that I needed two procedures. Dr Sethi did say that the benefit of focusing on the front and mid-scalp in the first surgery, is that they wouldn't need to shave the recipient down for the second procedure, which now on reflection was a good choice for me as I get to enjoy the results of the first sitting, while the crown goes through ugly duckling motions. To be honest, you still get from A to B whichever route you chose. However, I suppose not touching your crown in the first sitting, will give you that little extra determination to return and get it finished. Whereas you could maybe get used to having lower-density coverage and put off a second procedure, especially if you were to use fibres to compensate.
  15. I'm only familiar with what is required for UK nationals. We can't get Evisa's in the UK and have to apply for a regular paper visa. I'm sure @SLA would be able to assist with US requirements, given he has recently been.
  16. Thanks Adam mate! Haha.. I know exactly who you mean. In honesty, he actually did me a huge favour that day knocking me back, as gave me time to stumble on here and find Eugenix! Miss our time too, hard to believe it's been over a month... Is it to early to start planning a third procedure yet 🤣. I'm laser focused on your updates btw! If I was a betting man, I would say your on track to be the result of 2023!
  17. Thanks for the support Adrian! Very glad I opted to do the surgery over two sittings. Strangely, going through the shedding, ugly duckling phase ect for the second time, I don't feel half as bothered about it. I'm just like meh month 6 will be here before I know it!.
  18. Month 8 Update Just checking in with my Month 8 Update (Month 1 for the Crown). The front keeps going from strength to strength. I have started to do the slick back hairstyle recently, as I think this works best for me. Crown is going through the motions, most of the shed seems to have occurred, however, there are a few hairs that are growing (hopefully this sign of good things to come). I'm happy with how the donor is looking so far, especially given 5,700 grafts have been taken this year from there (this was a big worry for me, being a Norwood 7). Also, the beard has recovered fine, it looks undetectable from the 2,500 grafts which have been taken.
  19. I conceived two children while taking finasteride with no issues. Was just super cautious to ensure my other half didn't touch any pills while pregnant.
  20. Even though I went with Dr Sethi, from what I have experienced/seen I would have zero issue going with an other Eugenix doc for a future procedure. No matter what package you choose you as a minimum you are going to get an experienced doctor making the slits and a senior tech doing the extractions. For those who have issues with techs doing extraction (I was very much in this boat pre-procedure btw) I learned that there two Eugenix senior techs who do all the extractions and have been doing this for the last 13 years, so going through the process twice already, if I got given a choice between the docs doing the extraction or their senior techs, I would 100% be requesting that the the senior techs do it.
  21. Very true Karl! I for one didn't appreciate how much head shape plays in graft coverage for high NW's. I guess those with narrow skulls can get to full coverage in less grafts than those with wider ones. But that aside, you took the complete right approach to getting the result you have dreamed of, and this last sitting it really the icing on the cake!
  22. Thanks Adrian bud! I certainly couldn't imagine all this being possible a few years back. The intelligent use of BHT has been absolute game changer.
  23. Thanks Vann! For sure, Dr Pradeep did an amazing job with the front and mid-scalp, so I have a strong feeling he has smashed it with the crown too!
  24. I went on medical visa, but VFS said this time, i was supposed to have a medical letter from a UK Doctor in addition the Eugenix one (they did let me off with this, after a bit of debate). They said it would be much easier if I just went through a Tourist visa.
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