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Posts posted by JoeMan

  1. I believe only 1 or 2 tests are approved by TSA so be sure to get one. I know that they are rather expensive and I believe that you have to video conference the company while taking the test so they can witness and certify the results. I never used them because in Portugal it's really fast and cheap to just get a test at a pharmacy. I'd assume Istanbul is the same. A good resource for this question is also TripAdvisor forums then search Istanbul and covid test. I bet you find more information there. 

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  2. Maybe look at Dr. Bisanga instead. Seems like he'd be less risky to me. I don't doubt that Dr. Arshad figured out a problem and corrected it but do you want to be the test subject? All Dr's can have a bad case from time to time but to have a rash of them is more concerning. 

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  3. Not sure how you got him for 3.5€ but it's a bargain for him. I heard he just increased to 5€. I'd jump on that price if I was you. 

    Can a Turkey Dr do it cheaper? Of course!

    Will you have the same quality result? Highly unlikely. 

    Dr. Bisinga probably hits home run results 98 out of 100 surgeries. A Turkey hair mill is likely opposite 2 out of 100. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Jtoorrees said:

    Your progress is looking great Joe! I think you made the right choice for you. Then again I don’t think you could’ve gone wrong with either Dr. 

    Thanks! I'm really happy so far. I saw my mom today and it's been a few weeks. She noticed a difference already. Being at month 2 I feel like it's just starting to go now. Maybe by month 3 or 4 I can style my hair again 🙏

    I'm not here to say Dr. Ferreira is the best. I feel like he was the right choice for me though. I was comfortable with him performing my surgery knowing he's extremely meticulous. The fact that he performs the entire surgery and you are the only client is what pushed him ahead for me. I wouldn't hesitate at this stage to return to him again, but I'm also sure that had I made a different decision and went with Dr. De Freitas, I'd likely be just as happy. 

    This is why I say that once you decide on any of these top surgeons, don't look back. I had tons of anxiety looking back and forth between Dr. De Freitas and Dr. Ferreira for months after I had already booked Dr. Ferreira. Lookin back, it was silly. Do all of your research and go with your gut, then trust your decision because you know that you've done the research and selected one of the best. 

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  5. 8 minutes ago, TheGreatPretender said:

    The thing that seems consensual among most people around is that even though both Ferreira and Pinto are great at their craft they still fall short in comparison with De Freitas though but I am not sure if this is just because of personal preference or if his technical skills are better for most patients.

    I think Dr. De Freitas advertises more as well. He posts more results. I'm pretty sure on Spanish forums that you can find a bunch from Dr. Pinto. I definitely think that Dr. De Freitas has more name recognition at the moment. He's also a forum recommended Dr. I believe Dr. Ferreira is going to be more recognized in another 6-12 months. Plenty of people currently posting results. 

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  6. 1 minute ago, TheGreatPretender said:

    I got contacted by lorenzo asking some better quality pictures back which were sent too a week back but no answer came from his assistant. 

    Oh well, at least it reduces down my options currently. I like De Freitas work a lot but I think Ferreira would be a bit more of my comfort zone because the surgery would be done in my own country, although he is a tad more expensive now.

    What area of Portugal are you from? I have such wonderful memories of my stays there. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, TheGreatPretender said:

    The option where you pay for a face to face consultation in Porto for 75€ only starts in September

    I ended up doing an online fast track consultation but then I also met with him in person because I wanted to see the facility and put a face to the person I was trusting my procedure with. I made a vacation out of it so it was worth it for me but I think they will open Fast Track well before September. 

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  8. Just now, TheGreatPretender said:

    That option is down too sadly, I am not sure how long it will take as Alexandra (his assistant) told me that it "might take a few months". The option where you pay for a face to face consultation in Porto for 75€ only starts in September. Hopefully the online ones wont take that long but only time will tell.

    I got the impression that he has plenty of work and wanted to focus more on surgery than consultations to clear his back log. These are my words of course. The good news is that if you stay diligent and eventually get a consultation then the 1 year wait might be less since he's likely only booking repeat customers at the moment. 

    I just posted my 2 month results yesterday and so far I'm pretty happy with everything. Feel free to look my post over and I'd be happy to answer any questions about him that you may have. 

    Good luck!

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  9. 6 minutes ago, drawdownfx said:

    Alright thanks Joe. In regards to consultation I believe you can also pay 50 euros where he gets back to you within 48 hours, it's good to have the option.

    Actually I believe he took that option down for the time being if I'm not mistaken. He told me during my surgery that he's been wanting to open it back up but figured what's the point since I'm a year booked. This was in late November and to my knowledge it hasn't opened up yet. 

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