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Posts posted by JoeMan

  1. Just now, Z-- said:

    Seems a bit too early for concern, no? I'd probably give it time to grow in before making final judgement.

    Completely agree. I think in a few months you'll at least get a better idea. For the moment, it's best to sit tight and let it grow. That's not to say that you can't have some concerns but the end result is what counts. 

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  2. 7 hours ago, SadMan2021 said:

    ugh crap, just another thing for me to worry and agonize over lol. I guess I have nothing to lose by asking the clinic. I just feel I will come off as an obsessive crazy person.

    Really I think it's a valid question to ask. I'm not sure how much he charges but I'd like to think a well respected Dr can answer this question and understand the concern that you have. I bet most Dr's don't do weekend procedures but I'm just guessing here. 

    I would just ask if it's normal for weekend procedures? How often do you schedule weekends? 


  3. 19 hours ago, trek said:


    Day 10

    PS: Why are temples looking so weird. One one side, at the bottom, it's unnaturally thick. On the other side, the angles are weird

    Someone else recently posted about bad angles from Eugenix. Like you, they just recently had surgery. Most people thought it was hair starting to shed, thus the angles were not as they were Implanted. I'm honestly not sure if that's the case here but I do know that all you can do is wait at this point. Have you spoken with the clinic about this? 

  4. Honestly I'd consider a touch up with HLC. Although they might not be your favorite now, they have every reason to get this right now. Looks like you won't require much to fix the spots of low density. 

    I think you really want to lower your hairline but I think it looks fine. Are your results perfect? No.

    Can HLC make good on this? Probably. 

    I highly doubt that they will refund anything, especially 50%. I'd be shocked if they offer any money considering it looks decent.

    Either way, I wish you luck and please keep us posted on what happens. Thanks for sharing 👍 

  5. 2 minutes ago, deeznuts said:

    I booked my surgery with Dr. De Freitas on a Monday (I was pretty insistent on that) just cause statistically, Monday is the day when people are most productive.

    Also, it seemed really nice to me that I would be able to fly in any day from Friday to Sunday and have an entire weekend off to figure things out

    I like this plan. I think Dr. Mwamba has multiple clinics as well so this could also be an explanation. Maybe he's at his other clinic like Mon - Wed then travels? Certainly I'd ask though. My main concern would be the staff. Most Dr's don't mind putting in longer hrs but usually the staff isn't thrilled about it. 

  6. 2 hours ago, SadMan2021 said:

    yea idk, im too deep in to the process, I'm not going to bring it up with the clinic, and I think I am just overthinking it, so I guess I will just have faith in Mwamba and his method. There is a reason he has such a good reputation. 

    Also everything I've heard about Mwamba's work ethic is he really goes ham on his work and alot of effort into his surgeries. His clinic said my surgery each day will start in the morning and can potentially last well into the night. So I doubt he's cutting corners or 'cheating' somehow with weekend work. And I'm seeing him over 3 days which seems like more than enough time to get everything in. 

    And - to your point - for all I know he has days off before my surgery, so at this point it really is just my mind worrying and coming up with every scenario imaginable haha.  

    I'm not sure it's just your mind. I think the concern is valid and it's reasonable to ask the clinic about this. I wouldn't be crazy about it and imply that he's overbooked but asking them if it's normal for weekend surgery doesn't seem out of line. Maybe you'll get an answer that puts you at ease. 

    I do think that it's a little odd but really good Dr's are usually addicted to their job. 

    My orthopedic works like 15 hr days 5 days a week and then performs emergency surgery on weekends. He basically has no other life. He's a top surgeon in the US. This is just an example of course. For a HT this seems a little odd but like I said, what's the harm in asking. 


  7. 37 minutes ago, Ilonaa said:

    Hi  I would like to tell you my story. I was born with quite a big forehead which was always bothering me, so I decided to lower it a bit. That time I didn't know much about hair transplant. I thought it's easy and small procedure so I chose a clinic the closest to place where I used to live. That was the biggest mistake! I end it up with horrible scar on the donor area and hair sticking out on the wrong direction with even triple grafts on the hairline. I stopped going to the hairdresser and swimming pool because of that. I was getting more and more insecure. I decide that I need to fix it I can't live like this. This time I did the research and found a doctor in my country which holds ABHRS certificate so I thought he must me good. He transplanted 1000 grafts using Fue method. Since I hit 3 moth after surgery I was checking if there are any new growth every single day. But as the time passed it wasn't much different. I never felt so low and depressed in my life. Not enough that I had bad hairline I also lost 70% of the transplanted hair. This time I start my research internationally. I found a place where there were experts in fixing bad cases and getting natural effect. I really like their job but the only tricky thing was the clinic was in India. How I am supposed to go there by myself?! But I was so desperate that I would do anything to fix it I couldn't live like that hiding behind the cap and avoiding people. 
    After online consultation I decided that will be the right place. Unfortunately covid came and my dreams were delayed for another 2 years. But finally I am here in India at Eugenix clinic. I had my procedure done. 1200 graft has been transplanted and new hair line was designed. Dr Pradeep and all of his team there where great and very precise. They all look after me and took care of me. Dr Pradeep it's not only a great doctors passionate about what he is doing but also a great, generous person. I already likeing my new hair line can't wait for the results. 
    By telling my story I just want others struggles to know that they are not alone and something can be done. But also want to warn you and ask you to please make sure you do your research not to have to go through what I went. Good luck to all of you in finding a right doctor.

    Please create a thread and share pictures. Your story can help others from making the same mistakes. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    His response was to my concerns about packages with no involvement. Not necessarily to this one case, but he acknowledged it fell short of his expectations. He offered to fix it for free. Of course, English is his second language, so perhaps it wasn’t structured well. 

    I asked him to post it here, since this thread has a lot of traction, perhaps I should’ve been better at stating my question first. 

    Well I don't remember anyone questioning his packages but maybe some people did. What I do know is that just a few days ago, several people were asking if he actually had the proper equipment to perform a HT with consistent results. I'd think this is a very serious allegation that should be easily addressed. Either he has microscopes or he doesn't. The fact that he's currently ordering more says something but doesn't say what he's currently doing. I'm not sure why this question seems to be getting dodged but it's been asked several times. 

    How can someone decide to go to this Dr without knowing if he has what is considered basic equipment. 

    I'm not saying that he doesn't have microscopes but if this question keeps getting left unanswered then what should we believe? 

    • Like 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:


    You are misconstruing what he said, my main issue with his clinic wasn’t one bad result. My main issue was him potentially moving toward a hair mill structure. That is why he responded to my concerns. The pandemic has been going on for years. My main issue is that moving forward he will be moving in the right direction, being more involved and charging more. 

    Maybe I am mistaken but I thought the Dr's response was to explain why @digi23 had an issue and to highlight if he actually has the proper equipment required for a good result. Both questions were raised on this post. Neither of which were explained and instead we got some Pandemic blaming. 

    While I agree that the result isn't horrible (temples look pretty bad), several people including other Dr's highlighted the need for microscopes to sort grafts. If I was a patient looking at this Dr, I still wouldn't be sure that he has the issue resolved that led to this post from his response. 

    If I am misunderstanding something then I apologize. 

    • Like 1
  10. On 3/18/2022 at 1:44 PM, Dr Resul Yaman said:

    Hi there, 

    I would like to make clear all your questions and concerns. First of all, my major goal is to keep my clinic's name at top level by having well done surgeries and glad patients. I am participating and supervising all my surgeries to be aware of all process and be sure about our patient's concerns. Although many clinics are having many patients per day with lower prices we do limited operations to take care of them with all our attention.
    As we all know pandemic has destroyed many things so we had offered some packages with lower cost due to pandemic. Now we offer the cost that matchs our quality and experience.
    We have always been improving our quality due to new technological developments and enhancements. So i am currently investing in additional microscopes and creating a tool for measuring the cm2 area by 3D technology, with my team we are working on new equipments currently.
    About details you can check our website and social media accounts. 
    As human being sometimes there can be some mistakes and we are always willing to compensate.

    Best Regards,

    Dr. Resul Yaman

    With all due respect to the Dr, I'm not sure what the Pandemic has to do with providing a bad HT. He said he had to lower his cost so I'm assuming this just means he was doing more surgeries per day?  Some of which were unsupervised and he didn't have the proper equipment to ramp up like this? 

    If he did the same amount of surgeries per day but just a lower cost option, then what was different about the process which caused poor quality? 

    Again, this is speculation because the Dr didn't point to any logical reason for bad results. In fact he seems to imply that for the Pandemic years, bad results may have been more common than we are led to believe. 

    It's also not clear if he has microscopes currently or if he just didn't have enough equipment to ramp up his business model. 

    While I'm glad he replied and is trying to address the issues brought up in this post, I just feel like the answer falls a little short on details. 

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