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Posts posted by JoeMan

  1. Well I'm not sure that you are fully considering the risks involved in such a procedure. Things can go wrong and you can look way worse than you do now. With your level of hair loss, the risk really isn't worth it in my opinion. 

    To say you'll be set for 10 years is an unknown. Since your family history doesn't have much hair loss, this might be true but you never really know what will take place. 

    If it was me I'd hold off a couple of years at least.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, digi23 said:

    But you should not expect much for a clinic charging 2350 euros, you should compare it to other hair mills, not to Dr Demirsoy or FueCapilar. 

    The old adage "you get what you pay for " rings true here. 

    Maybe a little negative but I'm sure this has been stressful. I also think your post will help guide others. I'm not sure that most people would be happy with the initial results because the temple area really was thick and unnatural. Possibly after the removal of hair but then that required more money, research and time by you. 

    Do you have your second surgeon picked out if you get a touch up?

  3. The truth is that you are still very young with rather aggressive hair loss. If I was you I'd leave the crown area alone for now and focus on the frontal area. I'd say with 2500 to 3000 grafts you can see quite a difference in your appearance. If you use up too many grafts now, you won't have any for future hair loss. I can't really tell but your donor area looks diffuse in some pictures but not in another so take this into consideration if it is thin. Pulling hair from it will further thin the appearance. Longer hair styles can mask this some. I'd be cautious about a Dr wanting to go with much more than 3k grafts since to me it looks like you maybe have 6-7K available. Of course it could just be the pictures making your hair look thin?

    • Like 1
  4. Just for reference Dr. Biçer is 2€ per graft, Dr. Pinto is 2.6€, Dr. Ferreira is 3€, Dr. De Freitas is 3.5€ 1st 1000 grafts then 2.5€ afterwards. Dr. Bisanga is either 4€ or 5€ (I think he just raised his price?) Plus a VAT. 

    While they are all more expensive, I think they are all better Dr's. This is obviously subjective so you need to do your research and select the Dr that fits for you. If I was you I'd highly consider Dr. De Freitas. He seems to always give a full youthful hairline. 

    All of the top Dr's have about a year waiting list. 

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  5. Last thing I'll say...

    If you think I'm just trolling you then you need to look in the mirror. When you have conflict or judgment by several people(which you do), it shows that maybe you are the person with a problem. 

    As far as medical advice goes, you really should seek the help of an experienced Dr. If you can't take Finasteride then a Dr should be consulted. Messing with hormones is not something to take lightly and I personally would want an experienced Dr in this field. Advice on here is just that and can't be a substitute for a Dr in this situation. 

  6. 56 minutes ago, ciaus said:

    Sound like you're about 21 now. 

    Someone said this earlier and you were too enraged to get the joke so I was clarifying it for you because it went over your head. 

    This was not said by me but I do agree with the person that said it. 

    My point was exactly to compare mountains to molehills. Hopefully you'd realize that someone always has it worse. That's not to say that each of our issues aren't real or warrant anxiety and depression but overreacting to what is a relatively small issue in the grand scheme of things will only make things worse, since hair loss can be affected by stress as well. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, dtap said:

    Can I act like 21 then? Do I have a right to be upset and act any way I want? You dont understand cuz you not affected by this. Youre acting like a 13 year old who doesnt understand what others are going through.

    Bro, you gotta chill out! I wasn't even the one who said you're acting 21 but I think it's clear in this thread who's acting like a child. Read through your own thread with a clear mind and I think you'll see your reaction is childish. 

    Might be worth putting things into perspective. Try to remember that someone always has it worse than you. Not to bring up Ukraine but just look around at what other people are going through. Whenever I have a hard time, this is what I try to do. Either way, I wish you luck.

    • Haha 1
  8. Thanks for posting. It's definitely the toughest stage to be in. Looks like you're experiencing inflammation/redness still. Are you using Aloe for this? Hopefully you this subsides and growth is experienced in the next few weeks. I'm about 1 week past you and mine is finally mostly healed. I was lucky and didn't shed everything but like you I can't wait to fast forward through this phase. My anxiety has dropped a bunch now that I can see hairs growing. You chose a great Dr so now it's just a waiting game. Ate you still convinced you'll require another procedure? When is it scheduled for? 

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