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Posts posted by Mattk494

  1. 19 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    You were thinking about Eugenix, then Pittella, now Gabel and Hasson and Wong. You already mentioned being rejected by Dr. Hasson. I feel like you haven't really thought about the reality of surgery and now you're acting on impulse. I can see you getting major buyers remorse after getting a hair transplant. I listed several reasons why I don't feel you're a candidate, and this is just another reason to the list.

    I have thought about surgery for years. It is just hard to decide on a surgeon. I want to be conservative and I am happy with Gabel’s results as well as Hasson and Wong even though they are a little more aggressive. 

  2. I was initially rejected by H&W because I sent them photos where my hair was really really short and it looked like I was full bald.


    I made the decision to be conservative. So I took Eugenix and Pitella off of the table. 

    I see nothing wrong with deciding to be conservative. I am fine with the front filled in and a bald spot on top. 

    I don’t have unrealistic expectations. I’ve thought about surgery for years. I used hair fibers for years but alway considered a hair transplant and was doing research then too. 

    a lot of people ask which surgeon they should pick. I’m not the odd one out. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, SadMan2021 said:

    just curious how long it was from the time you submitted your initial inquiry H&W to the time you had the actual consult?


    And yes its definitely not in your best interest to have crown work done at this time given your age and degree of loss. 

    It took about 1 week to get a response from their representative Doug. How long have you been waiting.


    Yeah I am not going to do the crown till much later. Going to try to keep microneedling. I wish I started on these hairloss treatments sooner.


    some days it just seems easier just to be bald.

  4. I took the advice here and started to look for smaller size surgeries to start instead of going to Eugenix right away.

    I am wondering which surgeon is better for FUE. Gable quoted me 2000-2500 grafs to fill the front and mid scalp. Hasson and Wong quoted me 3500-4000 grafs to cover the front and mid scalp. 

    I’ve heard good things about both surgeons. I may go with Gable because it might be better to start with a smaller surgery to see how my body reacts. 

    Both don’t want to touch the crown in the first surgery. 

    Any thoughts?


    see below 


  5. @Melvin- ModeratorThabk you for your insight. I will take it to heart. I think I will just get a hair transplant to restore my front hair line and use fibers for my crown. My hairloss has almost stabilized except for the front. The crown is stabilized and has been for the last 2 years.


    but I will give long thought to it. Since my hairloss is so bad at a young age maybe a hair system would be better despite the maintenance.

  6. What makes me not a good candidate?


    is it my age and aggressiveness of hairloss? As well as my donor area?


    I don’t mean to be negative I just want to understand why I might not be a good candidate.


    Eugenix said I was a good candidate based on the photos I sent them and so have other top doctors like Konior. 

    I don’t mean to be rude or anything. I’m just curious 


    i tried shaving but I have a large birth mark on my head. Maybe I can get that removed. 

  7. Yes I am a Norwood 6 and need about 5,000 grafs. Not sure who else can do a good job on such a high case. Look at my first comment that shows a photo. 

    maybe Felipe Pittella can I’ve seen his good results but he is booked till November. But he has impress results. Just want to be conservative though as I am a young age and will likely continue to lose hair. 

  8. If you go through the post @Hayden87it says he is worried the techs put the hair in the wrong way on the left side. I wish there was an update given. 

    the right side of head has come out well, but the tech who operated on your left side may have gotten the direction of the follicles wrong. Atleast, that's what it looks like from the picture you've posted. 

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