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Posts posted by BurnieBurns

  1. The advancements in FUE are pretty mind-blowing and surely a preferable option many candidates, however there I believe there will always be a minority of patients who FUT is still in their best interest.

    In my case, I don't wish to use beard grafts, I have retrograde alopecia that shrinks my donor area, I have significant area to cover, adequate scalp laxity, and no desire to wear my hair short. Without FUT my goals would be a little more challenging.

  2. This really is a personal preference at the end of the day. The reality is if your Laxity allows, that you will have greater lifetime grafts going FUT first. If you're on a very strong prevention regime, the need for more would be less of a concern. After 4k via FUE your donor would definitely look less dense, is another thing to consider. Also Dr Wong once said in his opinion, doing an FUT then later filling in the scar with FUE grafts will look superior ultimately. Hasson might think differently but this really does come back to a you decision


  3. 16 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    Yes this is excellent news @gvlaker09. I hope you keep us all updated on the forum here on how you go. I commenced with 5% topical minoxidil a few weeks ago but I really need to try to get hold of topical finasteride here in Australia somehow. Thanks for sharing mate! 👍

    Hopefully when xyon releases officially, we'll get some insight as when we an get it internationally

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  4. On 5/6/2022 at 12:58 AM, HairRun said:

    I have both Farmacia Parariti and Xyon topical finasteride at 2.5%, but Farmacia Parariti also has 4% minoxidil. The Xyon topical finasteride does not have any minoxidil, so what I do is after my shower, I apply the topical minoxidil foam, wait for about 2 hours, and then apply the Xyon topical fin. 

    For both, I only use half of what is recommended daily, and I only do it every other day, so overall getting 1/4th of what is recommended. 

    so far Xyon has been giving stronger sides than Farmacia Parariti. 

    I wonder if my topical minoxidil is some how disrupting the delivery particles from my previous day's application of Xyon fin. It may be that Xyon does have a better formulation but only if you don't use a topical minoxidil. But I also feel that this is something Hassan would have thought of already. 

    I would still encourage people to try it. Every body is different and what may not work for me may work for you. I don't regret buying it, worth the money knowing that I 100% know what's the better step forward for me. But if you're lower on cash, maybe wait for other head to head comparisons with Parariti and Xyon. 

    Would love to hear @Melvin- Moderator ask Hassan if the carriers in topical min could interfere with the delivery particles in his formulation, and if so they would consider adding min to their formula. 

    I'll probably try FueClinic's topical dut after my current batch of Farmacia Parariti runs out. I'm also considering maybe trying out oral min with the xyon formula 

    I’ve always thought about this. If the theory of minoxidil acting as a vasodilatador is true their could be something to it. Have you considered trying the topical finasteride without the minoxidil and seeing if that helps?

  5. On 6/2/2022 at 10:45 AM, Gotitback said:

    2 weeks today - seeing transplanted hair shafts in the shower more frequently over the past few days. Here is some photos of the scar right after staples removed, and a photo of hair. 





    Nice man, that's gonna be one clean and narrow scar!

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  6. 10 hours ago, Axel said:

    I'm 30. I did feel like it was a lot of grafts, perhaps for a dense packing it was needed I'm not sure. I told him my history of hair loss has been slow, bilateral, and that I was born with naturally high temples. He did not recommend any treatments. 


    Also I'm sure this will be hugely unpopular, but I can not in good conscious comfortably take finasteride knowing the possible risks. There are a plethora of studies detailing these risks. I'm not saying everyone will be affected by the side effects, but the percentages are way too high for me to be as dismissive of them as many people are. There are some links below to published, peer-reviewed studies that persuaded me. 

    Excerpt: "Subjects that reported new-onset persistent sexual dysfunction associated with the use of finasteride: 94% developed low libido, 92% developed erectile dysfunction, 92% developed decreased arousal, and 69% developed problems with orgasm."





    Ahh, good Ol' Dr Irwig 

  7. 5 hours ago, m.m said:

    I’ve used nanoxidil in the past. Currently reintegrating it into my regime. My advice to you is to try it. The effects it has on your hair are noticeable very quickly. It makes your hair feel stronger and look thicker. I should mention that there are a number of ingredients that could act as a hair stimulant besides just nanoxidil. DS labs has a formula out now with CBD oil in it along with caffeine and some other ingredients - those could work on your hair regardless of if nanoxidil is really effective. However, as of this time, I cannot reference a study that shows the effectiveness of nanoxidil, or if it’s even equivalent to minoxidil, but I have anecdotal evidence. That’s what I’m sharing with you. I think it works because I’ve tried it before and I noticed my hair growing stronger and thicker. I had fine hairs in my hairline grow to be thick over a period of 6 months, and my hair felt like bristles on a brush because of how dense and full it got. 

    I would definitely give it a try. I’m currently using spectral CBD and am noticing changes to my hair almost immediately after application.  With time, my hair will improve like last time. The only reason I stopped is because I ran out and got lazy - my hair was at a point where I didn’t feel like I needed to apply topicals anymore so I became complacent , but now I’m back on it 6 years. 


    have you used regular minoxidil as well?

  8. 13 hours ago, Nthn88 said:

    I’m using Revita for a year now. It’s working really good, my hair loss is stopped. But I got an illness with lifelong medicine needed. My GP checked all my meds, etc and she want me to stop using Ketoconazole, because it’s interact with my medication (there’s no alternative for this)

    Now I want to find the best alternative to DS Lab Revita or Nizoral in EU. Thanks for your help!

     if the ketoconazole was what was helping you hair, shampoos without keto won't do much help. Have you tried fin and minoxidil?

  9. 9 hours ago, Euphoria said:

    I take it 0.2-0.5mg every other day, or twice a week if I forget sometimes.

    It has had the opposite effect on me where my libido is actually increased the day I take them. I read that this is because there’s more free testosterone circulating instead of being converted to DHT. No clue 

    Thing is libido changes around your life/diet/day to day stuff. Sometimes it’s at peak, other times you’re preoccupied with other stuff that it doesn’t matter. 

    Also sexuality/sexual performance is something that’s very easily influenced since it’s all psychological which is why I avoid threads like these to avoid giving me a nocebo effect. I only read it to share my experience.

    I actually like it since it allows me to last a lot longer and calm down a bit 😂 The imaginations are also a lot more vivid for some reason when I am alone. Sorry if this is too much information but yeah I would check if you’re just having a nocebo effect because you read something online. We don’t really think about our bodies that much and when we do notice something, it feels out of ordinary when it’s always been like that unnoticed 

    There are many cases of the nocebo affect, that's true, but when they're real they're re real. For someone who's had multiple experiences on finasteride with a calm perspective, they can been a good idea of what their 'normal' libido is allowing for natural fluctuations and know when something is off.

    Others do get the opposite effect libido increase (lucky people), but that's not the case for everybody

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