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Posts posted by Fue3361

  1. 21 hours ago, goby said:

    Hi, I am in Toronto.

    Any recommendation or a link that has a list of good clinics that do FUE in mexico City?

    Why Mexico city specifically?  

    You have Dr. Nader in Reynosa (my first choice), and you have HMR in Tijuana (Dr. Cortez, my second choice).  Both good choices.  I'd not go with anyone else in Mexico personally (don't know any other doctors as high skill as those two).

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, AhmadChaudhry said:

    There are many factors while reconstructing hairline. However, most of the clinic follow the rule of 4 fingers width ( patient's own four fingers) from the eyebrows to the hairline. The other method is 7.5 cm above the Glabella point , start of the hairline. 

    Both methods will work in majority of the cases. 

    I've never heard of clinics using patient's own finger width for measurement.  That sounds silly and arbitrary.  

  3. 13 hours ago, Marlo said:

    Do you know anything about how far out Leal is booked? And are they capable engish speakers at the clinic?

    The work you had done really is phenomenal 🙏

    A looong time.  Probably 2+ years.  One would have to ask.


    As for English, at the clinic yeah lots speak it.  But over texting, I’m not sure.

    8 hours ago, 5BetaReductase said:

    Konior. He can go aggressive or conservative and his designs are fantastic. We all drool over couto and Freitas’ hairlines but I’ve seen some phenomenal hairlines come from konior.

    I don’t think Konior is underrated.  Everyone at this forum knows him and his skills.

  4. Mine was set at 6cm, and I think it would even look good at lower.  It really depends on your face proportions, how much projection forehead has, etc.

    Now, how low SHOULD you go, it depends mainly on how much donor you have available.  

    Ideal height depends on many factors, some of which are subjective.  

    • Like 1
  5. Oh stop it OP...  How dare you get even better looking?

    Seriously, absolutely LOVE your choice of new hairline.  I think it will be a massive improvement in attractiveness.  While yes, before this you looked like you had a great head of hair, now you'll have a great head of hair + a very attractive hairline.

    I love the aggressive temple points.  This thread should be a go to for people who have high level hair loss with a good donor.  Almost 15k grafts, and donor looks amazing all things considered!  Congrats, and happy growing!

  6. 2 hours ago, Viper1991 said:

    Mine was exactly your case brother. Got my hair line and temples. Is it only me who is thinking this way? That people are noticing my hairline when i talk to them? Are you feeling the same? I feel i am carrying something on my head, and others are all normal, and natural. I feel i have an unnatural hairline, and others all have it natural and are fear less. Whats wrong with me? Do i have to live this way for the rest of my life?

    You're letting small things get into your head.  You'll only feel like this if you keep allowing yourself to get into that headspace.  Just embrace it.  Learn to enjoy your new improved self.  

    And if you're not able to, maybe telling people will help you get over it.  The positive affirmation that it's all in your head always helps.

    • Like 2
  7. Literally every person I've told about it thinks it's cool.  It usually goes one of two ways:

    1.  Wait, what?  You didn't need a hair transplant.  But it looks great.

    2.  Wow, I was thinking of doing one as well.  (Proceed to ask tons of questions which I'm happy to answer).

    Ridicule?  For what, having extra money to spend on bettering yourself?  That's silly, nobody sound of mind would think of ridiculing you.  That's like ridiculing someone who got braces.  

    • Like 3
  8. Risk being functionally zero, and being zero, are two different things.  If odds are say, 1 in 100,000 to transmit HIV while having an undetectable viral load, it's still not 0 (made that 1 in 10k number up, just an example).  I'd never get mad at someone who's paranoid enough to want to say "well, I'll just not take the risk" (even if it's not a "real" risk).  It's their business.  

  9. I just want to point out that you're wrong @whathair .  Gay people have higher HIV transmission simply because anal sex is extremely high transmission rate, compared to vaginal sex, not because they have "more sex".  I think transmission rate for vaginal sex is something like what, 2%?  

    As to the clinic refusing service, while it is a form of medical discrimination towards people with a disease, I disagree on advocating for said clinics to be closed.  When it comes to elective surgery, a clinic should be allowed to choose its own patients, regardless of reasons.  This is not a public necessity.  

    • Like 3
  10. 5 hours ago, Axel said:

    Looks great! My timeline is really similar to yours, I'd be thrilled if I had a similar result. I went with Hasson and Wong and noticed they used almost exclusively doubles and triples for my hairline. Did your doctor do this? I heard that singles are necessary at the hairline to prevent a "pluggy" look. My hair is wavy and has always been styled down, so not sure that's an issue, but I was curious nonetheless. 

    I don't have the exact distribution of hairs, but the average hairs per follicle they used on me was 2.2  

    Yours seems to be 2 exactly.  So in my case, they used more 2s-4s than in your case percentage wise.  

    For a natural hairline, only the first row or two are singles, then behind that, they pack on the doubles and tripples to make it nice and thick, and so that the hairline isn't transparent.  Those 300 are probably more than enough to get that looking great (I'd trust H&W to know what they're doing).

  11. Looks very good.  About the density you'd expect for 2.2k grafts and that area size.  Those thin tiny hairs might be from the Minoxidil instead of from the Transplant, so there's no knowing if they'll mature and thicken up.  Regardless, even if you see little improvement from here, it's still a solid looking hairline, big improvement.

    If in the future you want to thicken it up a bit, you could always do a 2nd transplant.  

    • Like 1
  12. My hair "did" the same thing.  Felt like it's own lump of hair that reacted differently to styling, had a weird texture, separate from the rest of the hair, etc.  It did this until about month 7.  After month 7, I couldn't tell where non transplanted and transplanted hair met.  They mixed together.

    It just takes time for the hair to grow in strong and healthy.  So if you're anything like me, in the next 2-3 months you should be good.

  13. 2 minutes ago, G_MAN84 said:

    Cheers for the reply FUE! Haha really? I was expecting a few but not over half, that's crazy... I'm so lucky I found this forum! I've been reading though post after post, topic after topic... if I didn't stumble upon this site I'd be definitely booked into one of those hair mill's haha looking forward to hearing from you when you have the time man! Thanks again for the reply legend 🙏 

    If you have nothing to do, feel free to check out my entire journey, I have an 11 page thread.  Could be good reading to give u an idea what to expect (since our cases are very similar, both with thick existing hair).

    Here’s the link:  


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