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Posts posted by Fue3361

  1. @Aftermath Either way, I honestly shouldn't ever need a 2nd hair transplant if first one is a success, so using extra grafts should not be that big of an issue compared to someone with progressive alopecia.  But yeah, would suck to lose half of them.  Though I'm not worried, as I've seen past patients he has had that have ended up with similar density and great end results.  Here's hoping I turn out the same.


    That said, by when would I know if some of the grafts are failing?  What does that look like?  Are there any signs?

  2. Had my FUE hair transplant almost 2 weeks ago.  I had no balding but a large forehead and mature hairline. I had a forehead reduction with very high density (self counted 75, 76, and 81 grafts/cm2 on 3 separate spots).  The temporal points are a bit lower density to match the density I have there originally.


    How does it look to you guys so far?  First picture is 7 days in, second picture is 10 days in.





    Also, here's 1 day post op:


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