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Posts posted by Gokuhairline

  1. 13 hours ago, digi23 said:

    This is interesting, because my hair started to sprout at around 3 month mark, at the 4 month mark I had nothing like I have now at 162 days or 5 months and 9 days. I still see tiny hairs sprouting basically everywhere when I take close up photos with flash still. I have one spot that has not filled in but its sprouting new hairs in this area by the day still. You also see some people who have almost nothing at 5 month mark and then alot at 7 month mark so it does not seem so easy to calculate as a simple math problem, theres more to it. 

    With this calculation, everyone would be a early grower. You are saying 90% of the hairs or more have sprouted at day 135, 4,5 months. We all know this is not true, if you follow alot of patients reviews here, alot of new hairs are sprouting even at 6 months+ in most cases. 

    this sounds about right....i am at 5.5 months and still see some new hair sprouting...so don't worry fue3361 maybe you'll see a hair storm from months 6-8 , some grow early fast and slow down and others start off slower but catch up towards the later months 7-9....

  2. didn't read past the 4th or 5th post but @Melvin- Moderatori think this is a great idea, and i think maybe you should start with one of the members here that you've spoken to regularly via dm or on posts and just have them talk about their journey, if not the 1st definitely in the first 3 episodes. my 2 cents. either way its a the podcast is a a good idea , go for it regardless 

    • Like 3
  3. welcome and congrats on your decision....I will go against the 99% of users here and say it does NOT matter if you are NOT on finasteride , dutasteride, minox, any other medication....does it help if you will ? who knows ? will you get side effects? who knows ? thats a decision you have to make, plenty guys here that have gone the no medication route and seen amazing results.  one thing I am big on is genetics, that you cannot control with anything, no pill, if you see that you are continuing to thin out and lose on top then you probably lose more after a transplant and might have to get a 2nd one, if you have stabilized the loss then you are ok to go ahead and get it done, lastly the doctor and team you chose will have a big impact, not sure SC is known for this type of procedure , with that budget you can go to some of the top guys in Europe or some in Chicago, Canada, . good luck. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. 23 hours ago, slim999 said:

    I booked my flight tickets to Turkey. My first choice is still Dr. Yaman. The second choice I am not sure. 

    thats your choice and should be respected ...this is just someones experience with this dr...also I took a look at your case, thats a lot of area to cover, you should look into Eugenix in India, lastly . choosing a Dr. solely on price is a bad idea, ask anyone and will tell you the same. good luck 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Dillpickle123 said:

    Does anyone know of any success thread of people being able to grow back their temples from a Norwood 2? I’ve had trouble finding anything on the forum?

    never happening bro.....it sounds like you are still hung up on the ht.....honestly if its on your mind this much its a sign you should do it....and if you do it might be great but just know you might be right back for another one in the next year to 5 catching up....its all up to you

  6. 5 minutes ago, Dillpickle123 said:

    Even with taking fin? Well I’m willing to even take dut if that’s the case but it looks like my donor has plenty or reserve just in case and hmr and Nader seem to be really good at getting dense results I truly hope fin does it’s job and keeps my hair as is because rn it seems to just be temporal loss but no regrowth so it’s doing it’s job of stopping any further progression 

    yes even with takin fin I believe but could be wrong ? remember its not only environmental factors (diet, stress, etc) but also and in my opinion genetic factors that determine hairloss with the 2nd being the strong determinant factor, and just on quick take the 1 year photos you uploaded year ago shows slight loss, even tho its slight its still loss, meaning it will probably continue until who knows when...and yes your donor is actually decent looking which helps, i am just saying maybe you wait it out 2-3 years, rock a hat or whatever and keep taking your meds and then maybe it will have stabilized a bit OR just go now but risk when your 28-30 looking un even since you potentially will continue losing, really comes down to those 2 choices, and what its worth, its not that bad bro lol , others have it worse. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Dillpickle123 said:

    Yea bro I’ve seen your transplant and it’s very similar to what I’m looking to achieve and I think that getting something like 1600 grafts or maybe a little more would leave me very satisfied and I’ve been on meds and don’t plan on stopping dermarollin and rogaine isn’t doing anything because as u said they’re prolly too far gone and even if I managed to grow it back my hairline has never been that good to begin with do you remember where u read about that though? 

    those won't really grow back your full hairline maybe sprout a few here and that but HT is really the only thing that will grow back hair , and remember i am 10 years older than you lol...you can go get it now and a good Dr should and will tell you that you might need to go back in a few years to play catch up , do you know what I mean when I say play catch up  ? its up to you really, and I saw a video about a year go I cannot find it now but that is how my hair also started before recession began.

  8. 1 minute ago, Dillpickle123 said:

    Thanks I’ve been following your thread and a dr bisanga case closely I’ve been on fin for a year and yea I agree that those baby hair are never coming back even with the use of rogaine, I have similar hair to yours 

    bisanga is one of the top Dr in Europe for sure , yeah that is the start of your hairline recession , so if you are ok with a good chance at playing catch up to your new hairline in a few years go ahead and get a HT , its really up to you bro. 

  9. i started looking at this thread from the bottom up and i was like wait a minute this head/face looks familiar and sure enough it was you...i'll be real with you bro, you are 22 and you've lost hair in the last year , could be the massive finas shed too but who knows, you might just be in peak loss for a couple years then stabilize around 27-29 but the little vellus baby hairs along the hair line a tell tale sign that its the last time they show up before they never return ( I read that somewhere can't remember where but it makes sense, theres probably some science to it too maybe) anyway, its your decision , people will say 1. hop on finas 2. youre young wait til 30. etc..but its your decision, as far as hmr goes, great people and experience. good luck go get em. 

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