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Eugenix Hair Sciences

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Eugenix Hair Sciences

  1. Greetings of the day @Big Rome, Your hair looks great, if you want to lower your hairline down a little bit, touch up on the temples, and add some density, around 2000 grafts approximately will be needed. Pictures evaluation are always tentative, you can send me more pictures from different angles and I can get it evaluated by the doctors. I can arrange a one-to-one session with our medical counsellors. They can explain you in detail and answer all your queries. Feel free to send me a personalized text and I will be happy to assist you. Regards, Eugenix Hair Science
  2. Greetings of the day @CurlymixedUK, I understand the fact that you want to go for a transplantation but at the same time don't push yourself to rush as it is a cosmetic procedure and requires years of research. If you want a one-to-one consultation with our doctors then send me a personalized text and I will be happy to arrange a session, answering all your questions like graft estimation, waiting time, and a healthy discussion of your case with the doctor. Regards, Eugenix Hair Science.
  3. Mr. Ajit Viwani (NW2) visited the Mumbai clinic recently. He did his hair transplantation almost two years back. He thanked Dr. Pradeep Sethi and Dr. Arika Bansal who were the leading surgeon performing the operation. 2500 grafts were implanted all from the scalp. This post is to show the perfect result as well as to convey the message that how important it is to choose a good clinic while going for hairline augmentation. Eugenix ensures the following while designing the hairline We make mounds to make the hairline irregularly regular. We avoid flairs in male hairline. We put the hair in front in such a way that it should fall on skin and should be concave to the skin. We intentionally put thin hair in the frontal temple so that it looks natural. The side hairline should be different from each other, if they are same, they would look artificial. The naturalness = slightly imperfection, we add micro irregularities as a natural hairline always have it We use singles hair follicle as they are like finer paintbrushes used artistically to create a natural looking hairline There is plethora of hard work, precision, and not to forget the artistic hands of a surgeon behind making a perfect hairline which makes your hair’s first impression to the world and has a profound effect on your facial appearance.
  4. Hello @Gramatik, In the comprehensive package there are three Eugenix Trained hair transplant surgeons (MBBS) and they're only indulge in restoring hairs for the last 4 years. In addition, they are trained by our founder surgeons, Dr. Pradeep Sethi and Dr. Arika Bansal. In the exclusive package, there is only one surgeon, Dr. Priyadarshini Das (MBBS). She is with Eugenix for the past 6.5 years.
  5. Greetings of the day @DriveByShooter, We ensure the same results in all the packages. The value added services are different in packages. A lot of foreigners prefers to opt for premium and super premium as they want the founding surgeon to head the operation plus they get accommodation in five star hotels, pick-up, drop-off, and lunch meal in the clinic. On the other hand, there are plethora of patient opting for exclusive package as the Dr. Priyadarshini Das has became a well known surgeon. If you want to discuss in brief, feel free to send me a personalized text. Regards, Eugenix Hair Science
  6. Greetings of the day @baldingnw3, You are a NW2, Your age is a important factor because baldness is more progressive during 20-30's. Start with Finasteride to stop the further baldness and it is advisable to younger patient's to start finasteride in early stage. If you are very much concerned about the hairline, then I think around 1500-1800 grafts will be good enough to bring your down hairline, we ensure a conservative approach is taken and you shall commit to finasteride to increase the longevity of transplanted grafts. You can send me a personalized message and I will be happy to arrange a one-to-one session with our doctors. Regards, Eugenix Hair Science
  7. Greetings of the day @DriveByShooter, Hairs on the scalp is very different from the hairs on the beard. Beard graft when implanted to scalp has a wavy appearance and the growth cycle is slow. In beard grafts the Anagen phase is shorter and telogen phase is longer, opposite to the scalp hair where anagen is the longest phase. Usually in simple hair transplant or hair restoration procedures the donor hair is taken from the back of the scalp and implanted in the balding areas but in some cases when there is not enough grafts available from the scalp area, then hair transplant surgeons take donor hair from alternative areas of the body such as the beard and chest and use them for the purpose of transplantation on the head. As mentioned in above replies Body hairs has less survival rate and it is used to provide the density in the crown area, in some cases in the mid area as well. People who are a higher level of Norwood grade (Above 5) are the one who need Body hairs to gain the illusion of maximum density.
  8. Greetings of the day, Photographic evaluation are always tentative. A physical evaluation is the best medium that can turn in the favor of a patient. Please send your pictures from all the angles and I will get it re-evaluated by our Doctors. Feel free to send me a personalized text.
  9. Greetings of the day, Don't worry if you're allergic to Augmentin 625mg. Anti-biotics is taken only for 5-7 days upon the completion of the surgery. Cefadroxil 500mg and Azithromycin 500mg are the two alternatives available. Come one day before your surgery for the pre-operation check and instructions. I hope it helps, and feel free to send me a personalized message regarding any queries.
  10. 1ST SITTING NW 5A AGE:47 TOTAL GRAFTS: 5308 GRAFTS TAKEN FROM BEARD: 580 Vigyat Singh came to Eugenix last year and meet Dr. Pradeep Sethi. He was hopeless as his baldness was progressing towards NW6. He spent ample amount of time in researching and his expectations from a hair transplant was very minimal. In April 2021, he visited us for the surgery with Dr. Sethi and Eugenix did its wonder and surpass his expectations. A total of 5308 grafts were implanted into the frontal and mid scalp. The doctors extracted 4,728 grafts from the scalp and 580 grafts from the beard. Vigyat knew that full coverage in cases above NW5 only can be achieved in multiple sittings, he started his journey of hair growth in April. He visited the clinic recently and ecstasy on his charming face is very hard to hide. He was very happy after seeing the hair growth. Vigyat is keenly looking forward to the second sitting where approximately 4000 grafts are planned by Dr. Sethi and it Mr. Vigyat restored his hair and self-assurance back and the happiness on his face about donor management and full coverage gave us a moment to celebrate. We will update his post operation pictures after the second sitting and keep you guys updated.
  11. Impressive, Assiduous, and Sumptuous. Happy for you, give it few more months for maximum results.
  12. Greetings of the day @aussietbk, Age seems to be a factor in your case as Male patterned baldness is more progressive in 20-30s. It is good that you were taking Fin. & Min. for the past two years. More pictures of your scalp will help to evaluate what kind of hairs you have plus to know the exact NW grade, specially your donor area as you mentioned it's quite good. I can arrange a one-to-one session with the doctor and If you want to know about the cost and other factors like accommodations' you can send me personalized message and I will be happy to assist you. Regards, Eugenix Hair Science.
  13. NW 3V Total Grafts = 3287 2021 The baldness of this patient was beautifully converted to boldness by team Eugenix. He touched cloud nine seeing the results of his hair transplant. Why wouldn’t he be on cloud nine? After all, Dr. Pradeep Sethi himself took care of his hair transplant in February 2021. A total of 3287 grafts did cast the spell of magic to bring the best in him. An Australian, living in Delhi for the last 8 years, who found his joy in the neighboring city. He didn’t do injustice in taking Finasteride daily on time and consequently, he witnessed excellent growth. His gratification bought him again in the clinic of Eugenix, He visited recently, where he received 1060 grafts to get the full coverage on the crown. He was very happy with the procedure and thanked the Eugenix team. Continue following the happy journey of this patient as we will keep updating his growth journey. Regards, Eugenix Hair Science
  14. Greetings of the day @Diablo, Thanks for showcasing your confidence in us. Everyone at Eugenix was so delighted with your unmatchable persona. Happy Growing!
  15. Greetings of the day @EUG-FIN, Happy to see your growth and glad that you've gone through your research and given Finasteride ample amount of time. Thank you showing your confidence in us.
  16. Greetings of the day @Dave7, You seems like a NW3V and its good to know that you're on Finasteride for a year, continue taking it. Let's assume you will require 3500 grafts, your donor area looks good but it will be hard to extract 3500 grafts from the scalp itself. I can get your pictures evaluated by doctors and assigned a counsellor to you for a brief discussion, feel free to send me a personalized text and I will be happy to assist you. Regards, Eugenix Hair Science
  17. Greetings of the day @Shaik, Thank you for showing your confidence in Eugenix. You don't need to worry on anything, attend the consultation and plan your surgery accordingly. Rest assured, we will take care of you. A medical counsellor will be assigned, who will briefly guide you on every detail like what not to do prior at least a week to your hair transplantation. Everything will be mentioned in detail and if you have any query related to the process, please feel free to send me a direct message and I will be happy to assist you. Regards, Eugenix Hair Science
  18. Greetings of the day @ahmed9500, My advise to you for applying topical minoxidil will be at least after 30 days on non-transplanted area & after 3 months on transplanted area.
  19. Patient name: Mr. Basudev Bhatta NW 5A Total grafts in two sittings - 6205 Grafts extracted from Beard - 1905 Mastering the direct hair transplant technique has been treating its patients quite well over the years. Back in March 2017, our doctors treated Mr. Basudev Bhatta for hair loss. He decided to go for hair restoration at the age of 49. At this point, it becomes crucial to handle the donor. But since our doctors are mastered in donor management, it was not a difficult task for them. In the first sitting, 3019 grafts were extracted and consequently implanted in the front and mid-scalp. These all grafts were being extracted from the scalp. Under hair restoration science, it is to be duly noted that a second sitting can be done at least after completion of 2-3 months post-surgery, this duration is for the non-transplanted area. However, for a transplanted area one has to wait at least a year for the second sitting. Mr. Basudev waited for around five years and came back to us in July 2022. For sure he was delighted all this time, this is why he choose us again for the second sitting. This is another example of proving long-lasting years. For second sitting, he wished to restore crown hair. In the second sitting, a total of 3186 grafts were implanted on his crown. Out of which, 1281 grafts were being extracted from the scalp and 1905 from the beard. We at Eugenix specialize in transplanting body hair to the scalp. Due diligence is to be taken while extracting and implanting beard hair into the scalp. Beard hair is never to be implanted in front. The shape, texture, growing ability is totally different from the scalp hairs so, it is very idle to use beard grafts as a mixture (combination with the scalp graft) in the crown area. Persistently we are striving to achieve the perfection and delight our patients, the way we delighted Mr. Basudev Bhatta. We will keep you guys updated once the full results are out. Regards, Eugenix Hair Sciences
  20. Greetings of the day @PFUEconsul Finasteride is advisable if you have thin hairs, you can see drastic improvement after taking finasteride, probably in one year. It can improve the donor area’s quality like anything. it can stop the miniaturization on the crown and can reduce the number of grafts required. If you want to go for Hair transplant, my initial advise will be continue with Finasteride first at least for 6-8 months, then get your evaluation done again. Any more query, please send me a personalized text and I will be happy to assist you. Regards, Eugenix Hair Science
  21. Greetings of the day, Thank you very much for your kind words, safe journey.
  22. Greetings of the day @Iceee222, My advise to you is to continue on medication for at least another year to see the best results. Oral finasteride is much more effective then the topical one, you can try it out. Age seems to be vital factor in your case as you are quite young as MPB is quite aggressive between 20s to 30s. There are high possibilities of crown restoration only with the help of medications, do not rush for crown transplant. You can go for the hairline augmentation if you want although you really don't need it much. If you want a one-to-one session with our doctors, send me a personalized message and I will be happy to assist. Regards, Eugenix Hair Science
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