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Everything posted by fitwhynot

  1. It does recommend daily application, but i am not doing that and here's why: 07/22/2021 DHT - 220 pg/mL (1.3 nmol/L) ...... TEST TOTAL - 419 ng/dL (2.47 nmol/L) 11/03/2021 DHT - 125 pg/mL (.74 nmol/L) ...... TEST TOTAL - 486 ng/dL (2.87 nmol/L) After 3.5 months, DHT decreased by 43%, while TEST TOTAL increased by 16%. I don't want to nuke my DHT, so I am limiting my application to 1-3 times a week.
  2. You might be able to hide this by styling it forward. In any case, if you bring this up to your clinic they might try to offer you a second procedure at a discounted rate or something; I would decline this because the clinic simply seems not so qualified to provide a good result. I would personally seek a repair from a qualified surgeon like Rahal.
  3. I would wait to hear back from your clinic; every surgeon has different preferences but generally 2 weeks post op is ok for topicals.
  4. I'm using their Dutasteride/Biotin combo, as the duta/minox/trentinoin gave me terrible dermatitis and crazy bags under my eyes. So far so good with the duta/biotin combo.
  5. just updating this to let everyone know: i got bad dermatitis from (what my dermatologist believes to be) the combo of minox/duta and trentinoin. as a result, i messaged the doctor from STRUT about it and they sent me a solution with .1% duta and added biotin.
  6. Thanks for sharing your experience @TEXAN35! Keep us informed during your journey if you can :).
  7. I read a lot about people saying it's necessary to use an oral (like finasteride) if you want to maintain longterm or regrow as best as you can and I've seen some pretty impressive results from people using just oral fin; however, I'm apprehensive about using an oral. My current regiment post ~2 months post hair-transplant is: Micro-needle every Monday in the crown (where no hairs were transplanted), using Strut's topical Dutasteride/Minox/Trentinoin all over the head immediately after. Apply Strut's topical again all over the head on Thursdays. Rogaine twice/day on days when I don't use Strut's topical or micro-needle. FWIW: I got a baseline of my bloodwork before starting this regiment, and I will be getting new results soon to identify if this approach is affecting me systemically. I've spoke with different doctors and dermatologists and the consensus is usually that they don't know anything about topical dutasteride and would rather prescribe oral fin / topical minox. Is this a good approach or do I really need to add oral finasteride?
  8. Rahal was my second surgeon. I've done one microneedling session so far and I have a dermatologist appointment next week to confirm that needling (and the trentinoin cream) is the approach. Below is a photo demonstrating the scarring/redness and this was about 3 weeks post-op (before any needling). The lighting makes it look less dramatic than it actually is actually.
  9. Sorry for the late response, about 30 grafts were removed ~1 month ago. I'm already applying minox/duta on this area anyway, so hairs may or may not grow and cover this area, but in any case I'm wondering if something like dermarolling and trentinoin would be a good idea.
  10. I had a botched HT some years back and recently received another HT from a much better surgeon. The previous surgeon placed the grafts/hairline far too low and the new surgeon essentially removed about 50 grafts from my previously established hairline. What should I do about this scar tissue on my forehead? I've read that trentinoin can help but are there any better options? Thanks
  11. Yeah I'm getting a 3500 FUT with Rahal and most of it will be done in my frontal/mid crown hair. I suppose I can just wear a hat, but I'm wondering how to conceal it 5 days after the surgery because I'm told a hat is not acceptable.
  12. I will get a hair transplant soon and I'm wondering how I can hide it from my roommates. I will be out of town for a few days so I'm not quite sure what to tell them and when I come back I'm wondering how I can conceal the surgery as much as possible; I just don't feel like discussing this with them.
  13. How is this possible; its scar tissue, no? I thought it was typically unlikely for grafts to be implanted into scar tissue.
  14. I started this a few weeks ago. I will have to stop taking it for a period of 4 weeks due to an upcoming hair transplant in my hairline area, but I will continue using it for a year to see if it strengthens my crown area before stopping.
  15. My question is specific to the fact that one could have a hair transplant in the hairline area and all or most of those grafts could fail for whatever reason. After those grafts fail, what's leftover is small scar tissue from those failed grafts. So during a second procedure, would new grafts be able to be implanted in directly into that scar tissue? Thanks
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