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Everything posted by bald-and-bearded

  1. Any pics of it? I have never seen a completely bald person. I have seen lots of NW7+ bald people who have extremely thin and sparse donor hair but it's still there. I am starting to think DUPA is not a black and white thing. A lot of bald guys' sides and back also thins out and we call it DUPA only if it becomes too thin. Is this right?
  2. We can find lots of pictures of DUPA on the internet, but if left untreated how does it eventually turn out over the years? Completely bald head without even the horse-shoe shape?
  3. I have no idea why your DHT is naturally low without even taking any medications. You should maybe consult a doctor (not hair related).
  4. Okay that is supposed to be the more accurate method.
  5. What method did they use to measure DHT? It seems there is a more accurate one and a less accurate one.
  6. Baldness happens through hair miniaturisation, not "hair fall". You are NW6, so it's only natural you don't see that much hair fall now. Add to that you are keeping your hair short. I don't think anyone can predict if you will you lose more hair or not. I am inclined to thinking you will because you are only 31. FUE also creates scars and they are not very appealing. In fact I think in some people FUT scar would look better (like an injury scar), whereas FUE scars might look like some kind of skin condition.
  7. How old are you? I am not sure if transplant is a good option for you if your hairloss has not stabilised and you are already a NW6. And you say you got terrible side effects from Finasteride so obviously you aren't going to take it? Please ask them to forecast how your hair will look over the next 10 years (or however long you care about). Even if you take just 2k grafts from the head, that will be visible scarring if you ever choose to shave it down. That is the only risk really. Do you have body hair? You can ask them to try a patch test with body hair. If the survival rate is good, then that would be promising and you could leave as much head donor untouched as possible.
  8. Maybe in the next instagram live, we could ask Hasson if he is willing to write a public prescription to the community to do our own tests (with all the details so that if you gave it to a lab guy, he would do it right). I had thought testing DHT and testosterone is simple but the more I read, the more it feels like it can have high variance and margin of error. It's better if a doctor guides us. And if not peer reviewed, some publication would be good. Not everyone in the community can manage to get these tests done properly. As @JDEE0 said in another thread, even in the UK it's not straightforward.
  9. how do we tell if that's the mechanism from seeing a product? should we ask the manufacturer? why do you say there is no need for that though? trust in H&W?
  10. Wow thanks for the video @JDEE0 If anyone is interested here is the comprehensive set of tests from the link in the video 070038: Total Testosterone (LC/MS-MS) 070038: Free Testosterone (Equilibrium Ultrafiltration) 500649: Estradiol, Total and Free (MS) 504026: Free DHT (Equilibrium dialysis, high-performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS-MS) 082016: Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG) 004317: Progesterone 004465: Prolactin 010322: Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) 004309: Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) 004283: Luteinizing hormone (LH) 006676: Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) Ab 004020: Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (DHEA-S) 140707: Pregnenolone 004051: Cortisol 235010: Lipid Panel – LDL, HDL, Triglycerides, Total Cholesterol, Ratio hdl/ldl 010363: IGF-1 005009: CBC with differential 322000: Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (14) 081950: Vit D, 25 Hydroxy 001321: Iron serum + TIBC 004598: Ferritin 001453: HBa1c 042045: TgAb+Thyroglobulin,IMA or LCMS 224576: TSH, Free T4, Free T3 070104: Reverse T3 120188: Lipoprotein (a) 004333: Insulin 001537: Magnesium 120766: C-Reactive Protein, Cardiac 001958: γ-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) 003038: Urinalysis, Routine fyi @Melvin- Moderator if you're going to test H & W's topical Finasteride. In the video there is a link to a lab which does these tests as a set with home pickup (not vouching for them or anything).
  11. Can't wait to see a peer reviewed paper from Hasson and Wong which proves that systemic absorption is low but scalp DHT levels reduce significantly. The research today is all over the place, some proving and some disproving the above. I also hope all famous clinics (BHR, Eugenix, Dr U, Konior) try to develop their own formulation like this so that we can see the maximum amount of data and have lots of options. Maybe this will become the endgame of AGA, something that has been consistently promised to arrive "in 5 years"? 😁 @Melvin- Moderatorhow do you tell if a formulation works through liposomes or not. Would there some ingredient written on the box that would imply this?
  12. If you are going this body hair route, I think the best approach is to get diffuse coverage with all the body hair you want, get a buzz cut and then get SMP to give an illusion of increased density. With buzz cut, the nature of the hair will matter less. Dr Umar has this type of videos on his YouTube.
  13. Interesting. Fin does affect testosterone. https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/finasteride-oral-route/description/drg-20063819 By preventing conversion of testosterone to DHT it increases testosterone.
  14. Nice. But all the badges look the same? It could have started from a damaged miniaturised follicle and progressed onto a thick healthy follicle. 😁
  15. What blood work would decisively tell me if there is systemic absorption of topical finasteride? A lab near me can measure DHT and testosterone levels. I will definitely get those measured.
  16. Interesting. Somehow I thought he would charge twice of that especially to utilise body hair. He gives these "celebrities' and millionaires' surgeon" vibes to me
  17. Any idea how much Dr Umar charges? I get the feeling he might be very expensive especially for utilising body hair.
  18. I have been searching for videos of people shaving their beards after a beard transplant but I have had no luck. I am particularly interested in seeing how it looks in the RECIPIENT area on the face. Does anyone know of such videos?
  19. These webpages say tricopigmentation is not suitable for laser removal. The sources are not exactly medical journals (in fact they are competitors to trico) but I couldn't find the opposite being stated anywhere else https://scalpmicrousa.com/scalp-micropigmentation-and-tricopigmentation/ "Tricopigmentation does offer some significant disadvantages. While laser can be used to remove or fix a bad SMP job, the pigment used for tricopigmentation makes it impossible to remove until they allow the tricopigmentation treatment to naturally fade away." https://yourhairdoc.com/scalp-micropigmentation-vs-tricopigmentation/ "Removal of STP pigments can be more problematic than removing SMP pigments. STP inks cannot usually be removed with a laser, as they can get very hot and can burn the skin." Is this true?
  20. Thanks @hairthere Yes a video series explains and shows the fading process to greater extent than the current one you have would be great.
  21. Even if trico were to fade eventually, the manner in which it fades could turn out to be a problem. If there are patches which take longer to go away than the rest, then it would look very unnatural during that period. I was looking into whether this procedure would require FDA approval in the United States, but it turns out that it's left to the states. If anyone has information about whether this ink has a EMA / FDA like certificate please share. This is used both in the EU and the US, so it must have gone through some stringent approval process.
  22. Great work! Probably the best in the business. Do you have some statistics of % of clients who come back for a fill-up session vs those that do only one? Would also love to see pictures of the pigments fading away in action.
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