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Posts posted by HMSDread

  1. Today is day three, so still very early days, but I've took some clearer photos of the grafts. The yellow tint is staining from the betadine shampoo because I'm probably being a little too hesitant when it comes to washing. I'm scared I'll break something or whatever lol.

    All looks a bit of a mess because my hair is in desperate need of a full wash...

    But does everything look as expected for this stage?






  2. 23 minutes ago, giegnosiganoe said:

    Have you been diagnosed with some kind of hair loss? Your native hair density does appear to be a bit low the sides. Are you taking any medication?

    Just crappy genetics, I think. 🙃 I'll note my hair is still wet in those pics as the clinic washed my hair for me, but fine hair just seems to run in my family. Bisanga said my follicles are very small.

    29 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

    Great choice of Dr. I really like the placement. Excellent hairline has been created. Look forward to following. Thanks for posting 🙏

    Thank you. 

    I'm looking forward to seeing how things progress. Dr Kostis, Bisanga's assistant/protégé (I'm not really sure. Seemed like Bisanga was tutoring him), said he thinks I'll be pleased with the result so I'm hopeful.  

    • Like 1
  3. So I posted a few months back requesting help on picking a good European surgeon, and through the help of this forum I got into contact with Dr Bisanga of BHR Clinic, and yesterday I had my surgery. 

    During my consultation, Dr Bisanga estimated I'd need somewhere between 2,600 - 2,700 grafts which ended up turning into 3,007 grafts. The goal of surgery was to conceal a previous surgical scar on my forehead and restore a more rounded hairline. 

    Total Grafts: 3,007

    Method: FUT

    Graft breakdown:

    1 follicular unit: 706

    2 follicular unit: 1175

    3 follicular unit: 619

    4 follicular unit: 507

    It's obviously very early days and I'm only writing this now because I can't sleep! Interested to hear what people think so far though on placement etc? Nervous as to how things will turn out. 





  4. 3 hours ago, cbc3113 said:

    Looking good. Now the journey begins...

    Who is Dr. Kostis? I thought you went with Dr. Bisanga?

    I did.  I think Kostis is his protégé or something, or at least that's the impression I got. Bisanga did all the cutting, making sites etc. Not sure what Kostis did during the surgery as I was pretty out of it thanks to the vallium...

  5. Small update:

    I arrived in Belgium and met with Dr Bisanga this afternoon. 

    We discussed what I'm hoping to achieve from a HT and what my 'ideal' hairline would be. I had no idea so gave Bisanga carte blanche to draw what he thought would be the most suitable for my face, and I'm really pleased and excited by the outline he sketched and trust his judgement fully. 

    Due to the fine nature of my hair, Bisanga estimated I'd likely need somewhere between 2,600 - 2,700 grafts to complete my hairline and cover a previous surgical scar.

    Surgery next week! I'll post some photos after the procedure. 

    • Like 2
  6. Hi all,

    Just posting to give an update for anyone who cares! 😛  I've finally decided on a surgeon and if everything goes well I should be having surgery with Dr. Bisanga towards the end of May! Excited! 

    In my last post I said I had narrowed my choice down to either Dr. Feriduni or H&W, but after talking with Raphael84, reading patient stories, and my experience with the clinic so far , I feel confident in going with Bisanga. 

    I'll check back in after having had the surgery hopefully. 🙂

    • Like 3
  7. So I think I've narrowed my choices down to either Feriduni or waiting for Hasson & Wong.

    Feriduni recommends FUE with 'macrolines' so the donor doesn't have to be visibly shaven, but costs extra because it 'significantly complicates the procedure'. When I google 'FUE macrolines' Feriduni is the only person that comes up so makes me think it's not something widely used? 

    What do you guys think? 

    Pros of Feriduni is I'd be able to get it done a lot sooner than H&W. 

  8. 21 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:


    I haven't heard of Feriduni before but really like his work, also nice to see he has a section on his website for reconstruction following trauma. 

    Going to request a consultation for sure, thanks. A lot of patient experiences on this forum though say he's not actually involved in a lot of the transplant work? Is that something be to be concerned about?

  9. Thanks for the suggestions! 

    Bisanga seems like he could be a good option. I'll reach out to them. 

    1 hour ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Dr. Reddy

    I've seen Reddy suggested a few times for UK based HTs. Doesn't he only do FUE? Shaving my head isn't really an option. 😬 

    On UK surgeons, does anyone know anything about  Dr Dilan Fernando? https://www.treatmentroomslondon.com/about-us/dr-dilan-fernando/

  10. Hi all,

    I'm a 24 year old female who's lost a bit of hair around my hairline due to surgery which is kinda noticeable when tied back. The rest of my hair is fine though.

    I've consulted with two supposedly good UK surgeons: Dr Ed Ball from the Maitland Clinic & Dr Farjo from the Farjo Hair Institute. But for the prices they charge, I wasn't that impressed with their work tbh. I consulted with Hasson & Wong before COVID & travel restrictions hit and their prices are comparable to Farjo & Dr Ball but they seem to get far more consistent results. 

    This is something I'd like to get fixed sooner rather than later, ideally this year, but there's no telling when Canada will open back up to international travellers.

    Are there any good options in Europe for hairline restoration? Or should I just be patient and wait for travel to North America to reopen? 

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