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Everything posted by HMSDread

  1. Hello all, It's been a while. It's difficult to believe that it's now been an entire year (well, just shy of 2 days) since my HT. It feels like yesterday I created this thread. So what do I think? On the whole, I'm relatively happy. The transplanted hair is still incredibly 'wiry' compared to my native hair. Unfortunately, I'm not sure this is something I can expect to change at this point? I don't know. I've read it can take longer than a year to normalise but this sort of feels like a cope. Maybe someone can share their own experiences. It's definitely an improvement over what I had before and with some styling I can blend it into my native hairline...
  2. Evening chaps, 31 weeks or 7 months update. It's difficult to judge progress as I'm awful at taking consistent photos. Anyway, back from Thailand and back in good ol' Blighty... These photos were taken shortly after I got out of the shower so my hair is still quite damp / wet. I'm still a little anxious, cautious when drying the transplanted hairs. 🤦‍♀️ I think I'm starting not to worry about my progress too much? I think. I mean, I still get days where I look in the mirror and I'm not sure things are progressing. But as the hairs get longer and I suppose mature (?) It's getting difficult, for me at least, to tell apart some of the transplanted hairs from my native hairs. I think that's a good sign? Still think it looks very pluggy in places, but hopefully that'll change over the coming months. My native hair is incredibly fine as is. I'm lucky that it has a natural curl/wave to it which makes it appear thicker depending on how I style it, so hopefully if things continue progressing and growing, I'll be able to style them too... Anyway, photos. I appreciate your guys thoughts etc so please post them hair very wet
  3. Thank you for your kind words and reassurance. 🙏 Oh yeah, I trust Bisanga and his team 110% which is why I'm starting to believe maybe it's something to do with me. 😅 Just got to trust the process I guess and stop obsessing.
  4. So coming up on the dreaded, for me at least, 6 month update. 😔 I'm still struggling to see any difference this and month 4 (can compare in my earlier posts) I've attached a few different photos in various lightings. Excuse the look of humidity of some. I'm currently in Thailand and it's scorching. Please, please let me know what you guys honestly think. I'm aware we can be our own worst critics. But like I said, it feels to me all progress has pretty much stalled out since mo. 3/4. I just think now I'm nearing month 6 I've probably seen the majority of the cosmetic 'benefit' as I can't really be considered to still be in the early stages I don't know... But I've read conflicting information. Some say at 6 months only something like 50% of grafts will have grown, others say 6 months and you're mostly done... 🤷🏼‍♀️
  5. Thanks. I've been comparing my results to other patients at 5 months and it certainly seems to be lagging behind now, at least to my eyes, so I am starting to worry! I guess the only thing I can do is wait and hope things improve over the next month or two. Hopefully this isn't it. But it is what it is.
  6. Hey guys, just passed 5 months. It definitely feels like growth has slowed down a considerable amount. I think? I'm struggling to see any difference between month four and five. I mean, it definitely looks fuller under certain lighting but IDK. Currently travelling so don't have many pics. What say you guys?
  7. Thanks guys. 17 weeks / Month 4. It feels like not a great deal has changed since my month 3 update, but perhaps I'd be greedy to expect more at this point! I don't know lol. Hair definitely looks thicker than it did in places. Hopefully it starts to look less like...pubic hair...given a few more months. I think I read somewhere it can take a year or so for the texture to normalize?
  8. @JohnAC71Hey, thanks for checking in! There isn't much to report since my last update, but just passed the 3 month mark. It's all gone so quick! I did take this comparison shot though. (L) Before (R) 13 weeks, 3 days post-op.
  9. 11 weeks. Not much change since last update obviously, but think I'm starting to see some growth now in the sparser areas. 🙂 Could just be my eyes deceiving me though! But happy with everything so far and excited to see what the next few months will bring.
  10. Ha, same experience here. My surgery took about the same amount of time as you, but I cannot remember much of the day between getting into the scrubs and going back to the hotel! Good write up! 👍🏻 Happy growing.
  11. So just a little over 2 months now (or 9 weeks, 3 days). Quite a bit of shedding since my one month update. Hopefully that's the end of it now? Dunno. Still kinda early days I guess? But for the more experienced members here, are things looking as expected for this point?
  12. Thanks John! If its a pimple will it resolve itself or would I need to pop it?
  13. Hi guys, Almost two months (7 weeks and 3 days). Not really much to report since my last post, other than shedding... Recipient area has been kinda itchy again as of late and today after showering I noticed I've developed a small, raised red spot. Difficult to capture a clear photo. Anything to be concerned about? Looks like it might just be an ingrown hair? Thanks
  14. Thank you @Melvin- Moderator --- So it's now been one month (and one day!) since the transplant. I'll say, I take my figurative hat off to anyone who goes through this process more than once. It's been quite taxing! However, my patient advisor, Hilde, has been amazing and made it all the easier. There's not much to report but here are some photos, Right side: Left side: Front:
  15. Thanks. Hilde is amazing. I just don't want to pester her everytime I worry! Ha. 😄 But I've been in contact with her and she's assured me sensitive scalp, flaking, some dead skin happens. I just need to moisturise my scalp. 😀
  16. Back again. Is peeling skin on parts of the recipient area anything to be overly concerned about? Couldn't find anything on Google. I'm presuming, or hoping, that it's just a build up of dead, dry skin from being overly cautious with regards to washing the area. Hopefully doesn't affect anything.
  17. Had my stitches removed today. I think a little overdue as they were starting to get really itchy again, probably my body telling me it's time to get them out! Everything looks nice and healed though apparently! Difficult to believe it's pretty much already been two weeks. I guess now I just need to try and forget about the transplant for the next few months. Here's how it looks as of now though, Doubt much will happen now apart from shedding so I'll give another update in a few months or so.
  18. Thanks guys. Yeah, was starting to get really frustrated with the scabbing so big mood boost to have finally got it all off and see a glimpse of the result. Now to just get through the dreaded shedding phase 😱
  19. So I think I've got most of the scabbing removed thanks to @sladvice of washing twice a day. Really helped. A few stubborn bits left but I'll get them this evening.
  20. Thanks so much guys. 🙏 Am I right in thinking that from day 9 (tomorrow for me), the grafts are pretty much permanent? I think I recall seeing that number mentioned on here.
  21. Sorry for another question! First day properly washing & lightly massaging the graft site today and my patient adviser said I should make sure my scalp is clean (I meaning free of scabs) by day 10. Is this white/yellow stuff at the root of each hair a scab? Maybe I need to let it soak longer/apply more pressure when massaging...
  22. Okay guys, thank you. My post-op instructions say I am to start gently massaging the grafted area tomorrow with shampoo. Are all the grafts likely secure at this stage?
  23. Interesting, thank you! I thought I read somewhere shedding doesn't usually begin until like week 2 or 3!
  24. Day 7. Excuse me for using this post as a personal diary lol, but have been experiencing I guess what you'd call post-op anxiety. I've been following the instructions to a T but still end up thinking I've probably done something wrong! Plus, the betadine shampoo is depressing as hell. It's so drying and my native hair is in need of a good, full wash. I kinda wish I just asked for it all to be shaved off. Would be far easier to manage! Anyway, one close up photo of the left side: Does everything look as should for 1 week? Could just be the lighting/angle but looks like there's less 'dots' (dunno what to call them, hairs?) than my day three photos... 🤔
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