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Everything posted by BoldnotBald

  1. given the fact that you have a quite prominent occiput my guess is that the size of your previous bald area was much more than 160 sq cm, probably between 240 to 260 sq cm. as for doing a correct calculation on the total number of grafts needed to get optimal coverage of a bald area your underlying formula (bald area multiplied by 80) is a bit too simplistic, unfortunately.
  2. does your swelling come from the type of anesthetics that you received? i.e. did eugenix inject anesthetics together with saline (aka tumescent anesthesia) into your forehead?
  3. a very detailed report. great, h3ri! as for your procedure does this mean that - the first 3k recipient slits were made on ht day 1 and between 8 and 13 hours before the first 2k grafts got extracted and implanted on ht day 2? - another 2k recipient slits were made on ht day 2 (in the morning or afternoon?) of which 1k got implanted with grafts that had been extracted the same day? - there was another time gap of the remaining 1k slits of maybe up to 24 hours before they got filled with freshly extracted grafts from ht day 3?
  4. thanks for letting us all know, amandeep, from what you have revealed about your profile it would be wonderful to see you become a major asset to this forum. in particular this sounds perfect that you act as a full time bridge between patients and eugenix doctors and let us participate in the wisdom and invaluable ht experience of eg. dr. arika and dr. pradeep. as such we all look forward to learning from your knowledgeable answers - answers that add true value and focus on providing meaningful information that go beyond the typical responses of a pr manager with quite often very little or... actually... no... real... content... ps.: as a matter of transparency and honesty it would be good if you could - provide additional public information: add your name above eugenix logo as well a signature at the end of each post (like your colleague abhinay singh does) and that reflects eg. your function etc. - correct the information that you provided on your profile thanks
  5. hello amandeep (?), i recently asked you to introduce yourself. unfortunately you haven´t responded so far. may i therefore kindly ask you again to tell us a little bit more about you. eg.: - whether you are employed by eugenix or doing just freelance work for them - for how long you´ve been with eugenix - your function there (eg. pr manager for social media) - your experience and expertise with ht - anything else that might be worth knowing for the forum members and guests many thanks
  6. hi, unfortunately i don´t see much difference to your previous pics: i suppose you want to show those red circled areas and they are still out of focus. i recommend you to get the app as previously suggested. it should allow you to get the areas into focus if need be and as explained in the video - after you´ve taken the pic.
  7. hi man, to better evaluate your progress and ht journey in future it would be great to see the most important parts of your pics in focus and not blurred as is currently the case, unfortunately. of course i understand the general limitations in getting the focus right whilst shooting yourself. but since you are using an iphone it should be quite easy: since we are here to help and support each other i´ve just checked especially for you (i don´t own an iphone) and found 2 possible solutions: 1. whilst viewing the pic on your iphone that you want to take you just tap on the area that you want to focus and leave the finger there a bit longer which means that the focus will get locked there. or 2. you get a very nifty app for your iphone to solve not just that problem but maybe give you even more powerful options in future. here is the app: focos and an introductory youtube review: hope this helps.
  8. with the sometimes brighter spots that seem to lurk through - would you consider your donor areas to be affected by hyperpigmentation?
  9. great to see quite clear pics. thanks a lot for that, z 007 😉 as for your crown i suppose this was filled by 400 beard hair grafts only since they look much thicker compared to the rest. but i suppose they will get thinner over time like the previous ones did - correct? in terms of the close up of the transplanted frontal grafts - what camera and settings did you use to get such a crisp image? this one looks great!
  10. i suppose the most important thing when doing intermittent fasting without any negative side effects is simply to lead a lifestyle with a balanced diet as already hinted by maz - and which also includes regularly less consumption of (unfortunately quite often hidden) sugar and salt.
  11. did / do eugenix take pre-op pics after they´ve shaved the head and in the same way they did your post-op ones?
  12. i suppose the current impression that those implanted temple grafts and which don´t look quite right at the moment in terms of their different angle and different direction is just temporarily.
  13. this is quite amazing in every respect, maz: first of all i am truly impressed by the amount of pre-op research you´ve done. apart from that i am grateful for your invaluable insights that you´ve been sharing in particular when it comes to the factor "nutrition" as well as the various sources that you´ve tapped. very good stuff! as for your own dietary journey and what you mentioned about tracking long term trends through regularly analysing macro- and micronutrients in your blood: with which deficiencies did you start? how did you change your diet and vitamin supplements as a result? and finally how much were you able to reduce the deficiencies over which period? apart from all the measured numbers and figures have you noticed any concrete improvements eg. hair or skin wise, or mentally or in terms of your energy level or...?
  14. thanks eugenix hair sciences for sharing your thoughts and examples. since you seem to have joined quite recently may i kindly ask you to provide your name and function within eugenix before i properly reply. thanks.
  15. some more questions directly related to ht: - there are quite a few red dots above your ears. does it mean that grafts were also extracted from this region? or did you get grafts implanted there to get a higher density? - since you had a close encounter with mr. future 007 aka zoomster - how on a scale between 1 and 10 would you rate the naturalness of his transplanted hair? in particular how well, in your view, did his transplanted beard hair blend with his scalp hair? (10 being completely undetectable and 100% natural, 1 being considerably noticeable)
  16. it goes without saying that decent guys like you and who are prepared to give something back to this forum deserve to be further accompanied throughout their ht journey and potential challenges... having said that it would be great to learn more from your expertise in nutrition and relevant correlation with hair and skin - eg.: which elements of a blood tests would have to be analysed? which figures to be targeted? and who would be qualified to do a proper evaluation of the blood test also including current nutritional deficiencies and dietary recommendation? which literature would you recommend to dig deeper into this subject? also, it would be quite interesting if you could share some of your experience gained with intermittent and extended fasting.
  17. @MazAB as for the wallboard that shows the statistics of your graft count - what do "f", "p1" and "p2" stand for?
  18. just had a closer look at your revised hairline. and yes, it suits you better since the now more roundish frontal appearance (caused in particular because of the smoother transition from the temples to the hairline) is more in line with the overall roundish shape of your face / chin... i am not quite sure about your advice on how to best avoid of having to post-op revise a not yet perfect hairline. from what you wrote i understand that at least 2 pre-op hairline options were drawn onto your head by a very experienced surgeon having probably drawn thousands of hairlines before. plus you showed your own design that you had already done as part of your meticulous preparation. please correct me if i am wrong - but would you a. advise to take pictures of the various hairline options and then first of all have a good and long meditation on them (whilst maybe also asking friends and partners and maybe sleep a night) before making a final decision? on the other side did you somehow feel under pressure to make a quick decision once the hairline options had been drawn? b. maybe do and finish the homework completely at home prior to the visit?
  19. splitting doubles into singles is quite common practice - that´s for sure, in particular in the fut world, as this is eg. done on a daily basis at hasson and wong. so, generally speaking this graft splitting procedure is not an issue - unless it is done with no magnification at all or with cheap microscopic devices that allow only for low magnification and which means that there might be a real danger of damaging the grafts. as for eugenix i understand they use high quality stereo microscopes from mantis with a magnification rate of up to x20 for that. but hey, they´ve got a rep here. and i am sure he knows and hopefully will tell more about the details.
  20. that´s a good point mazab, to evaluate several hairline options before deciding on the final shape. however, i understand that drawing different shapes of hairlines were / will be done when you have already been shaved. so, how were you able to imagine how you would finally look with the various options? did they at the clinic do eg. various photoshop versions of you with full hair (before you got shaved) including hairline option 1 hairline option 2 hairline option 3
  21. @Zoomster also big congrats from my side. your transformation is quite stunning. and following earlier this year´s b&w visual medley i am glad to see you finally becoming the successful successor of, well, daniel craig. you deserve it, man 😉 in terms of the massive amount of transplanted beard hair i am still intrigued to learn more of the overall experience: - did / do you notice any difference when eg. combing or/and striking through your hair? - when looking at your hair closely: did eugenix or maybe you mazab notice any visual differences between transplanted beard hair and scalp hair?
  22. 11,600 grafts is definitely a very big figure. however, it´s not unheard of in the fue world and for sure not a world record as eg. dr. zarev from bulgaria will tell you (and i believe also dr. umar with his bht sessions). have a look eg. at dr. zarev´s website who regularly does uber mega sessions above 10000 grafts in total even without using beard hair (of course if the donor allows.): https://www.hairtransplantation.bg/index.php/en/results
  23. light seems to be fine with me. And in terms of settings. Well... Would it be possible if you maybe just upload the original hi-res pics that you took with your camera - that would do. At the moment your images rather look like low res screen shots that were taken out of the original photos 😉
  24. Donor dominance vs. recipient dominance - I am not in the position to approve or disapprove either of the theories. However, I am rather curious to learn more about the truth...
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