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Everything posted by Z--

  1. Good choice to go all scalp for this first pass. Think your pre-op hair sort of looks like Melvin's before he went to Eugenix - hopefully you get a similar result!
  2. Most Bhatti cases I’ve seen are poor - believe he used to be recommended here until very poor behavior by his rep was uncovered. Fortunately you’ve selected a much better clinic this time around. You can’t afford for a poor repair job, so I’d highly recommend that you have a pre-set plan in mind and let Eugenix know. They tend to get great growth, but rush through planning, so mitigating that risk is imperative. Separately, I’ve heard great praise for Somesh, and he seems to be most the ethical doctor operating there, so I’d imagine you’ll be in good hands.
  3. With full doctor involvement - you know exactly who is working on your head and what they’re doing. If anything goes wrong, you at least know it wasn’t because of a poorly trained tech. The trade off is that such surgeons are naturally going to be more limited in the ability to perform mega-sessions, unless it’s via a multi-day procedure, which tend to rack up higher costs. If you want as close to full doctor involvement as possible, patient testimonials are that Konior, Nadimi, Zarev, Ahmad, and Pekiner handle all critical surgical aspects, with tech involvement to more limited roles (e.g. graft counting and separation).
  4. We have similar hair characteristics/pattern. Will follow closely. A shame they didn't listen about covering the scar, but fortunately, as you mentioned, the scar is quite thin. Post-op work clean as well. Wishing you a successful next 12 months.
  5. Who is the doctor? What is your age? What is your level of loss? 90% of time it’s best to go FUE, but in a certain subset of circumstances, FUT might be ideal.
  6. Hey thanks for confirming and congrats on the result! Looks like it’s made a big difference in appearance. skepticism isn’t due to you, but the clinic you went to (there’s many shady reviews). I’m glad you had a positive experience and hope the hair loss is behind you.
  7. I have a feeling this is going to be yet another Diep “patient” review that disappears after the initial post. I’m just glad they remembered not to alter his ethnicity this time around… OP - if you’re a real poster, apologies for the skepticism. Can you please provide photos of the FUT scar immediately post-op and now?
  8. Front exploded around month 6. I just did my crown but will update, though I expect a similar timeline.
  9. This really is a level above. Can never fault Eugenix for their hospitality. Congrats on the procedure - I’m hopeful you’ll have a stunning result.
  10. Bro chill - it’s been over nearly a month since your transplant. Even if you bump your head, unless you see loads of blood, the graft is safe at this point. You’d have to bump your head with some unholy level of force to dislodge at this point.
  11. All else being equal (e.g. cost and skill) instead of judging by plan, a critical factor in determining which clinic to select is to see how they handle their unsuccessful cases. Not one doctor has 100% success, so look at whether and how they’d stand behind you via patient testimonials for when the transplant is not up to par. Does the clinic offer a refund, repair or nothing? Does the clinic take immediate action or do they make you wait until the “magical” 12 month mark? Does the clinic accept responsibility or will they look for excuses to put the failure on the patient? In short, if skill and costs are equal, look at the doctor’s ethics.
  12. I agree with your doctor, but that requires planning beforehand. I think it would be silly to get a scar for less than 2k FUT. FUE allows them to pick out the 1s to use on the hairline as well. For FUT, they’re limited by what the scar gives. So if you’re strictly looking at the front and it’s a smaller session, FUE is the way to go, imo. However, if the FUE is harvested from where the FUT would otherwise be harvested, you’d lose the benefit of doing FUT down the line, so it all depends on where the FUE grafts are taken. Best to utilize a doctor that is an expert in both if you are contemplating FUT down the line.
  13. No procedure is scarless. You’ve got elite doctors like Zarev that can hide 10k grafts very well by homogenous donor extraction. I think any large procedure will thin out a donor, but the question is whether some thinning bothers you or not. 95%+ of people won’t be able to tell when an elite doctor does large sessions, whereas you have garbage clinics which totally deplete a donor taking out 4K grafts. It all depends on the doctors skill and your donor characteristics.
  14. If you strip out, you can utilize an additional 2-3k grafts according to Shapiro and Konior. A few doctors disagree, like Eugenix or H&W. It depends which doctors you believe. I’m inclined to side with the first on the basis that they offer both, whereas the latter either so exclusively FUE or have moved away from FUT to FUE and can charge more for FUE. That said, 85% of men shouldn’t do FUT - FUE is less intrusive for lower Norwoods, and you should only opt for FUT if you need the additional lifetime grafts.
  15. 1.) How long does it take the grafts to be fully secure? I see there are so many post op instructions but I am curious what actually "knocks the grafts out" and "ruins the transplant"? I am planning to stick to my post op religiously, but am curious. Week to Two Weeks. Consensus I've seen is about the 10 day mark is safe. 2.) How will you know if all your grafts securely implanted? Will you be able to see it at the 14 day mark? You won't. There isn't something you can see that will make clear exactly when the graft is secure. 3.) Will you be able to tell visually if any grafts didn't survive at the 14 day mark due to poor post op? Or does it take longer than that to know? Important thing is if you see bleeding (more than a scab) with a graft that has fallen out, it means its dislodged and lost. Hairs that fall out without blood is normal shedding. Otherwise, you're probably fine. 4.) Any advice based on your own experiences? Grafts are more resilient than you'd expect. Just don't hit your head and you'll probably be fine.
  16. Bro avoid this clinic like the plague. Any clinic that advertises the tools its going to use should be avoided. Only the doctor matters, and it's binary -- either they're quality or not.
  17. Oh that's interesting - I was originally scheduled to do an FUE with him (expected grafts of 2 - 2.2k). Switched it to FUT, but the price stayed the same, though ended up getting roughly 2.5k grafts. My second surgery with him was an FUT/FUE mix, but it was based on his latter and more expensive fee schedule. It's all a bit of a black-box. I agree with Dr. K's sentiment. There's very few good doctors in this industry, and the day he retires will be a very sad day.
  18. I've heard good things about Laorwong, and it'll be nice to see if there's another FUT doctor to recommend. Will follow this thread closely. Happy growing bother.
  19. Honestly, if you're willing to pay Sethi and Lorenzo prices, why not go to Zarev? Lorenzo was elite maybe 5 years ago, and I've read some serious allegations of the quality diminishing. Eugenix was considered THE clinic until last year, and now it appears they've also sacrificed quality for quantity. The issue with both is the tech reliance and multiple patients per day. If you are dead set on one of these two, Eugenix is probably safer, but you'll need to be sure you know beforehand what you want and make that clear during the consultation. For me: Zarev >>>>>>Eugenix>>Lorenzo.
  20. Can you disclose what research was done to verify that this member was not a patient representative? I find it hard to believe when all the evidence was quite blatant.
  21. Fair enough. I didn't realize you'd restricted Mustang's posting as well. In that case, given the equivalent treatment, I don't see any issue here. Cheers.
  22. Separately, does anyone find it odd that when a Mwamba's patient representative was pretending to be otherwise, no action was taken? No limitation on posting or bans. It's strange because there's even less proof here that this is Dr. Feller (not to say it isn't, there's enough there that it def could be), but I find it odd that his posting is limited until he clears his name. Why wasn't this action taken with Mustang, I wonder?
  23. I agree. Haven't seen this person post anything to sway people to Feller. His comments seem well-reasoned and informed.
  24. I don’t think you’d be able to reap the benefits of additional lifetime grafts using FUT if you’ve already had 4.4K FUE pulled. I’d stick to FUE at this point.
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