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Posts posted by Dillpickle123

  1. 3 minutes ago, Nthn88 said:

    I really concern about my hair loss. What you think? I really need FUE transplant? I using DS Revita for 2 years. All picture taken at the same day (different hair product).

    My family not straight with me, they not telling me the truth. ‘You’re fine, it’s normal, you’re not young anymore’ etc … 

    /34 years old/





    You wouldn’t need too many grafts to fill in the temples maybe 2k if that You don’t “need” one but I can see that the crown is thinning so I would hop on finasteride if I were you to stop it right now it doesn’t look bad gel makes the hair look thinner too but maybe getting a small procedure on the hairline only would make a big difference 

  2. On 3/7/2022 at 7:00 AM, SLA said:

    Hi @quantumhair- Happy growing as you will get a great result. I agree that the conservative hairline option was a great way to start and can be modified later on. Here is a good example from Eugenix of someone with non-optimal scalp and beard donor with thin hair in which over 2 sessions they implanted 6k grafts (4k scalp, 2k beard). The crown is a bit diffuse, although they mention in the notes that he could have come back for an additional 2k grafts to achieve greater density.

    In your case, your hairline design is a bit more conservative (which is a good thing) than the OP in this video and I think you have a bit more native hair still left in the crown.

    This will hopefully give you some hope for your journey.

    Eugenix might have been conservative in your initial go, but they always seem in the end to 'find' grafts to extract.


    He had the picard hairline and they were able to give home good coverage theyre amazing at what they do with higher Norwood’s 

  3. You have to take finasteride based on the pictures I think 3K grafts would be enough to cover hairline and crown but without taking finasteride first don’t even bother it’s the only proven thing to stop further loss Dr Nader in Mexico is good it’s about 5k for 2k grafts if you take finasteride for a year and reassess maybe 2k grafts for the hairline and little bit on crown to be conservative 

  4. On 1/17/2022 at 6:41 AM, Etownone said:

    2 days. 

    Day 1 is 1000 scalp 

    Day 2 is 500 beard.   (but I think I'm going to up to 1000)


    How much of a discount does he gives if you allow pictures to be posted? It’s 7$ a graft for unshaven fue but how much if I allow pictures to be shown?

  5. 10 minutes ago, Gokuhairline said:

    never heard of this Dr...but chosing a doctor based off social media especially youtube or instagram is a huge red flag....sure it looks great and all but that is marketing and all its meant is to draw attention and new clients ...and they won....good news is this is fixable like the others are saying, Mwamba and Bisanga seems to be doing great repairs good luck

    He did Tory lanez and tyga transplant 

  6. 5 hours ago, McE said:

    Thank you all for you’re replies,has anyone heard of harmony clinic in Cancun? The reason why I am hoping to find one in Cancun is because I have 2 friends that are willing to come along with me and take a vacation,if I was traveling to Mexico alone and getting surgery I don’t think I’d be able to do it,from what I hear Cancun is nice to visit for vacation and since my friends would be doing me a favor coming along with me I don’t feel comfortable asking them to come to another place that isn’t nice.... does anyone know of ANY places in Cancun? There has to be at least one lol?  Or if not does anyone have any other ideas of good places that won’t charge more then 5-7 thousand for 3500 grafts in a nice place anywhere else....? Idk about other places in Mexico,if they have other nice places there for a vacation-plus hair transplant besides Cancun...? What about hairin1day? Has anyone heard about them? Guysss I really need some ideas lol anything would be greatly appreciated!!! 


    I wouldn’t Like they stated before only Nader and hmr in Mexico besides how old are you can you share pictures ? 

  7. 2 hours ago, Slickback said:

    Hi, yes! Sorry for the late update guys, I was emailing him back and forth a bit afterwards so I lagged getting back to ya'll.

    So I basically asked him a list of questions, and I'll sum up his answers here:

    • He's been performing HT's for  about a year now after assisting/observing at CHI.
    • He specializes in HT's and doesn't do any other procedures, says he'd rather do that than be a jack of all trades. Does both FUTs and FUEs, not dogmatic about one over the other.
    • The cost estimate he gave me was much lower, and I asked him if the different docs at CHI had different prices. He said its because Konior is obviously a veteran when it comes to this stuff and he's kind of starting out, hence his rate is far less. Based on the cost estimate for me it comes about to something like $4.50 per graft. So Nadimi's I assume is also different.
    • Says he's with the ISHRS (though I didn't check) though he says doesn't really mean all that much as people may think it does.
    • Asked him for former patient pics or reviews since I couldn't find any. He says since he's only been practicing for like a year he doesn't really have an extensive album of past work. So I guess I'll have to ask again in the future if he can share any.
    • They don't have any traveling technicians, all the staff are experienced, have been there for years, and he'd be the one mainly performing the placement I believe he said, staff just assist as needed.
    • They don't use any robots, or fancy automated gadgets.
    • Some painkillers might be needed, post op care is good, might have to get stitches removed from my own doctor, and sleep with a traveling pillow (the wrap-around neck donut thing) for a while

      He seemed pretty cool, allowed me to talk most of the time, and ask me all my questions. I might ask him to give me a smaller FUE to give basic coverage on my crown, then I'll debate as to whether I should work on my frontal area with more grafts via FUT. Doing this slowly only because I have not seen his other work. But given he's worked with Konior, and the price is pretty good, I may be sticking with him rather than dumping all my savings on another American doctor or risking Turkey. We shall see!

    4.50 for fue? That’s really cheap for the us and yea he might be the next prodigy you never know 

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