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Posts posted by kaounis

  1. Os, if your so certain you didn't get what you were promissed, or you can't verify it for sure, then that tells me you don't trust the Dr. you went to....if that is the case...and I am hoping for your sake it is not, the # of grafts should be the least of your worries...I know of a guy who had 2 FUE sessions of over 4500 grafts totall, and he wasn't even all that bald, they were planted...but almost nothing grew...he actually lost more because of transection and shock loss...he just recently had strip to try and repair the damage that the other hack did to him...That's why I am telling you to worry more about the surgeon and his skills, over wheather he grafted 5 and got paid for 7....I think you have a lot to learn about how HT work....Good Luck


    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  2. Check out Dr. Lindsey, I think he has worked on someone who had chemotherapy for somekind of facial tumor....Do a search...He also studied under Dr. Feller and has a cosmetic background. You could also check out Dr. Konior,. he is also an M.D. with credentials in face, neck and scalp surgery and trama reconstruction...Hope this helps...


    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  3. Trust me, this is my second surgery, shaved for the first but not the second, I couldn't tell with either...Besides even if you could...whats to say that they will all "take" and grow anyways?...Stop obssesing about numbers, it's quality and technique along with Dr. expertise that will detirmine your final outcome...Just relaxe...and enjoy the ride...



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery....

  4. First off, you have to have faith in your Dr....There should be no reason for them to charge you more than what they planted...They will eventually get caught...you can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time...And no, there is no real way to tell exactly what has been grafted...I too am 4 days out from 2000 grafts into existing hair, and I swear for the life of me I can't see a thing...No joke..You are just going to have to wait and see what your growth will be...in about 5 to 6 months...maybe in 3 if your lucky....Hope this helps....Happy growing...



    Just a thought from thje peanut gallery...

  5. The problem with this post is that first time readers might confuse L. Shapiro with "R" Shapiro of SMG...THE TWO CAN NOT BE COMPARED....

    I don't know much about L Shapiro so I will not give any advice...but I have read of patients who were not very happy...ALWAYS DO REASERCH...If you are a real patient of L Shapiro, I wish you all the luck and happy growing....If your not, shame on you...



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  6. Graet choice, as you already know, I am 4 days post op with Dr. K. Today I went in to have a follow up with him and had a chance to see a patient that he has been restoring, I think this was his second surgery, around 1300 done today, his hairline was truly awsome...once he was cleaned up you could barly see anything was done...I think he will work wonders for you...good luck and feel free to pm if you need any more info...


    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  7. I am 4 days out from a 2000 graft procedure, my second, my Dr. said that my scalp was tighter than most, so he did a double layer closure, tri., I also asked if I should keep the staples in longer, to help minimize strech...he said bad idea because the skin can begin to grow aeound the staples thereby creating more scar tissue...Listen to your doc...that's what you paid him for...good luck and happy growing...



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  8. I beleive the reason Dr. Rassman trimed the grafts to the root was because the patient had severe ridging from previous procedures. By triming the grafts so small and thin, he was able to make extremely small insisions therfore minimizing anymore ridging. By the way Dr. Rassman never removed a strip. It was taken from the top of the head in a forehead lift by another plastic surgeon. Dr, Rassman then picked up the "strip" from the other clinic, along with the patient and brought him back to his clinic, trimed the grafts, and placed them into the hairline to try and disguise his previous ridging...Very interesting story..But I don't think this is the same patient.



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  9. Kindman, from what I have learned, bio-fibre can be very dangerous. The body always tries to reject forign materials, therefore causing cronic infections which require antibiotics on a regular basis. After prolonged periods the skin becomes extremely scard and can eventually lead to skin necrosis. You can contact Dr. William Rassman of NHI to gat all the information you need...It is also know as nano fibre and was quite popular in Japan...I think they still do it there. Really reaserch this option because it can have some very serious consiquences...you could end up alot worse than you think...Hope this helps.



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  10. Sorry to hear about your misfortune, I have to agree with Spex, FUE into the scars would be your best bet...I would suggest you try some BHT into the scars...start with a small test about 100 or so, if they grow you can keep adding untill your scars become less noticeable..I wish you lots of luck, and don't give up hope.


    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  11. I have seen Drs. who shave down and get awful results, then there are Drs. who don't shave and get excellent results (Cooley,Konior,Shapiro,Alexander etc.) I think it has to do with surgeon comfort and technique. I also beleive as time goes by, more and more surgeons will begin to offer non shaven HT's...it's just a matter of time...IMO...


    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

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