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Posts posted by kaounis

  1. My advice to you unfortunate, would be to personally contact Dr. Feller and work out a solution. I firmly beleive that all surgeons should finish what thwy started. Dr. Feller is a stand up guy. I'm sure he can bring you closer to your goal. He knows what he has transplanted, has pictures, and can probably improve your density better than anyone else....IMHO...By the way, don't think that what another surgeon tells you, whoever he is, has your best intrest, it's still a business, and with the economy what it is, everybody thinks they are better than the other guy! Stick with Dr. Feller...Thats my advice...



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery....

  2. I think you should wait a full 24 months before you go for a second pass. I had my first HT about 18 months ago, a year later, I was ready for #2, but for personal reason's, it wasn't possible. From month 12 to 18, I saw a huge difference, ( hair maturing, more density, less wiery, etc., etc.,) I think it has to do with the hair cycle. Wait it out, you might be surprised...



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery.....

  3. Like any surgery, there is always a risk of complications. Getting a HT is not as simple as it sounds, there are many factors to consider. Age, expectations, amount of hairloss, propecia. minox, etc, etc. It is important to do as much research as possible, and consult with as many surgeons as you can. Most don't charge anything for consults. I don't beleive that surgeons post only there great results, but they certainly never post there bad ones either. The good thing about this site, is Dr. are held accountable, if they "screw" someone, they don't have to post the results...there are others who will post it for him...lol... They can run but they can't hide....



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  4. Dr. Hasson, Dr. Feller, Dr. Rahal, it seems your off to a good start. I think that you won't go wrong with any of them. I've met Dr. Rahal, excellent surgeon and a great guy. Very straightforward and understanding, his work, top notch. If you compare price, on surgeons hotels, food, etc., your best bet would be Dr. Rahal...hands down...



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery....

  5. I agree Bill. I beleive that although the internet has been a great tool for everyone, sometimes people tend to forget that behind every post, there is an actual human being...it's so hard to filter the "true" from the crap. That is why I beleive everyone should be given the benefit of the doubt at least once. So yeah, if he doesn't answer his posts terminate his a--.......



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery....

  6. I also beleive that Dr. Feller is truly a gifted surgeon, does pretty solid work. That being said, I don't include him in my top 5, top 10 definitaly!!!If this guy is just giving his "opinion" and has nothing to gain, (if it can ever be proven), then let him post whatever he beleives good or bad. That's life. IMHO...



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  7. I have to admit Martin M, for your age you seem to be very mature. Good for you. Like I said before, hair loss never stops once it starts, even with meds, it might slow down, but it will not stop. I beleive that HT's are definately not for everyone, regardless of how much or little hair you have. At your age you should be concentrating on much more important things, (education, your future and of course woman). My advice to you would be to try shaving your head at least for one year. If you still feel unhappy after that, then look into other options. Had I known what a hassle HT could be, I would have done the same....and I am almost twice your age....I wishh you all the luck in the world...



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery....

  8. Welcome to the comunity Trosen. I have to echo what dakota said. For your age you still have plenty of native hair. If I were you I would send those same pictures to as many docs via online consults, which you can do from this site, and get as many opinios as possible. When you feel satisfied with your descision, you should than meet that surgeon in person before you go forward. I'm not a Dr. so even if I give you an estimate on how many graphs you need, it wouldn't be acurate. But for the hell of it, I say about 3000-4000 for excellent restoration. Hope this helps...


    Just a thought from the peanut gallery....

  9. Three weeks is normal time for feeling and looking awful. The holes you describe are quite normal, escoecially if you surgeon used needles instead of blades to make the receipient sites. Once the hair grows out and you have fully healed, 3-6 months, there should be no evidence of surgery. You can post some photos and get opions if something looks out of the ordinary. But I think you shouldn't worry.Hope this helps.


    Just a thought from the peanut gallery....

  10. Never really thought about that way, I have pretty much stabalized at N4a, first session of 2600 fu gave me great coverage, second session of 2500 on 21st April with Dr. Konior will give me density, Nw2, I would like to stay there untill at least 50...After that I won,t think about it as much....I hope...Buy the way I'm 38 right know...



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery....

  11. The first site I started reading was hlh, I never posted, but I felt that I gaind plenty of wisdom from reading other accomplished posters. I to noticed that F was making some poor jugement calls, but I thought at the time that all sites were run that way. When I discovered HTN, I realised that some sites were run better than others. This site is much more transparent than HLH, but there are still some posters which try to pass some bs, Bill usually does a good job of handeling it. On a different note, HLH is going down the drain very fast. There is almost no traffic on the site at all....


    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  12. The only way you could get someone else's hair follicle transplanted without rejection, or without taking any medications, is if you have an identical twin, but chances are if you are identicle twins, MPB will be the same....so not very practical..By the way I like Leeson's idea..lol..


    Just a thought from the peanut gallery....

  13. If my addition is correct, you have had 5300 graphs. Even if you were totally bald to begin with, 5300 graphs should have given you a lot more coverage. I don't think you actually received what you were told. It looks like the Dr. either placed mini graphs in the back or DfU's. I think your best possible course right know is to get on fin. and have as many in person consults as you can. Sending pictures is good to, but because you may have limited donor left,it's better to have the surgeon see you in person to give you the best possible assesement. Don't be in a hurry, take your time and research well. Good luck and god bless...



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  14. Hog-wash, weather you shave or not has to do with doctor comfort and technique. Imagine trying to do a 3500 or 4000 graph procedure at, lets say 4$ agraph, and paying for part of the air-fair. If the Dr. didn`t shave, he would be at it for maybe 20 hrs. Wouldn`t be very cost efective. Don`t get me wrong, I think H&W are the best of the best. But to be able to offer such a sevice at such a great cost, they have to comprimise somewhere. Doing large sessions will be more cost effective if the patient is shaved down than if he dosn`t. Nevermind what anybody else tells you, it`s still a business.



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

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