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Posts posted by kaounis

  1. I think you mis-understood me GL. I was saying that even "if" you had photos it would be best "not" to post them...You might get to many conflicting opinions making you feel worse than you already do..I still think you should wait 12-18 months before you come to any conclusions...Multiple HT can get very expensive...and sometimes they may cause more damage than good.....Wait it out buddy...



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  2. To Tc17:

    Well I don't know exactlly what it was, but he did have those high powered lenses and went through every inch of my scalp..Being almost 40, he said that it was very unlikely I would ever progress past the N4a stage..My father, his father, my uncles, and cousins all have or had their hair...mature thining, but no MPB. Same on my mother's side.


    To Bill.:

    Yes you are correct, it is not a definate science, but it can give the Dr. some idea, and no there are no guarantees...except for death and taxes...lol...lol...


    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  3. Sorry to hear about your misfortunate HT..But it may not be as bad as you think? You have to give it time. Why didn't you go see Dr. A Sabourin? He did my first surgery it was quite good! The only problem was that he requires shaving the receipient area..Wouldn't do that again...You can go and see him if you want a second opinion on your work..He is a very nice Dr.



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery..

  4. I'm exactly 17 days today, no redness in the recipient area, no redness on the scar..It's actually white!!!Unbeleivable..I have started to shed my grafts, but it's hard to really tell because i have my hair quite long, wavy and curly...I need a haircut..It feels great to say that...So far no shock-loss..but it's still early..Didn't have any on my first HT..maybe I'll get lucky again..Well that's all folks...


    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  5. I'm exactly 17 days today, no redness in the recipient area, no redness on the scar..It's actually white!!!Unbeleivable..I have started to shed my grafts, but it's hard to really tell because i have my hair quite long, wavy and curly...I need a haircut..It feels great to say that...So far no shock-loss..but it's still early..Didn't have any on my first HT..maybe I'll get lucky again..Well that's all folks...


    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  6. MSM is also good for your joints and muscles...Besides propecia,(proscar), minox,..there is nothing else that has been clinically proven to grow hair faster, or regrow lost hair...All the vit and minerals you need can be found in a healthy diet. Some vit. and minerals are water solubale, (like vit c), take to much and your body will flush it out..Some are sored in the fat,( vitamine E), take to much it it will build up in the fat cells, which can leed to other medical problems...Vitamins and minerals are no different than prescription drugs..Know what you are taking and why....Self medication can be a time bomb...



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  7. If neither clinic has seen you in person, than #'s meen nothing....H&W quoted 4500 FU..Can they get them? What's your donor area going to look like? What's your donor density? Quoting such high #'s without seeing a patient is ridiculous...3000 on the other ahnd is much more cosevative, if the Dr. beleives you can get more and you want it, I'm sure he would be more than willing to do it. By the way, any clinic that would talk down about another clinic in any way shape or form, is un-professional...Shame on you...


    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  8. Having a HT at such a young age can sometimes be tricky. I beleive that one should wait untill they are in there 30 before any type of HT. That being said, for you it's to late...I definatly would advise you on getting back to the proscar...wait a full 2 years...than go and see a reputable clinic and get an opionion of what should be done if anything....Just when you think you're out...they pull you back in...


    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  9. Depending on how low the grafts are, sometimes they don't need to be removed at all...What a surgeon usually does is place graft around, in front, and inbetween...hiding the old grafts and increasing the density at the same time..Know, if the grafts need to be removed, usually the Dr. will first remove the grafts,(FUE), than stick and place them elsewhere...Once this is done a regular strip or fue procedure can than be done imidiately afterwards. The fue frafts don't need to be sutered because the hole is quite small and rarly leaves any scarring at all...Yiasou..


    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

  10. I know how you feel Dewayne...I hate people who mention anything about hair in general when I'm around...I feel it might be becuase of me....Anyways back to rekunta, I think you will need at least 4000-5000 grafts to acheive some real density...I think it would be better to do it in two surgeries...The first can add coverage and the second , strtigically placed, for density...The first will also help increas blood flow to the scalp, (because of the new follicles), thereby increasing the odds of a much better and perhaps larger second session... Reaserch...Reaserch...and then Reaserch some more...Good luck buddy...



    Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

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