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Posts posted by Raymond92

  1. 38 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

    Can you show us some more pics ? Like the crown, mid scalp also. Yes you could refine the hair line at a late date. This is the prob with hair mills they won’t be using singles for the hairline. Looks like you do have good growth though. How is your donor area looking ? You still have another 6 months of growth/maturing for this ht. In future singles could be implanted in front of your current hairline. Of course it is fixable just needs a good Clinic/Dr. Like Dr Feriduni, Dr Pekiner and HLC...

    If I comb it off, it is very rare. The crown area has grown almost nothing. And my donor area was also very mutilated. In the future, I think beard grafts can be repaired by a good surgeon





  2. 11 minutes ago, Egy said:

    I'm so sorry, but from your first post I told you that by relying on one of these pseudo clinics in Turkey, unfortunately you are not the only one to have done so.  Of course it is possible to repair, but you have to rely on a top surgeon for repairs, there are many, for me Feriduni is one of the best.

    Yes, unfortunately I was very naive. I thought this surgery was just about taking the hair out of one of the hair and then putting it where it wasn’t. I had no idea it was one of the most complicated aesthetic surgeries. And it’s terribly annoying that these many fake clinics are actually ruining human lives with their bad work.
    In the future, I would definitely like to correct this bad result. But how is the repair process? Who can take multigrafts from the front and replace them with the right ones? Can they still make a natural hairline for me?
    • Sad 1
  3. Hi guys. Unfortunately, my hair implant is not going well. Now I realized how bad a decision I had made. My hairline was pushed very forward and the front was full of multigrafts. It doesn't look very natural. I was too naive when I went to Turkey and thought it was a routine operation. I made worst decision of my life for sure. Although, it really doesn't matter what clinic you graduate from. 


    Do you think a good clinic can fix this bad job in the future?


  4. Hi guys! I will reach the fourth month in five days. For now, I can see a slight improvement from the third month as well, as if my hair is thicker day by day and the crown is starting to get full as well. I hope my donor area recovers even better. When I comb it from the front, it already looks pretty good, but it’s downright still rare.




  5. Hello guys. Three months and a week have passed since the hair transplant. The process is progressing, but what worries me is that one side of my head is still very rare. Now I had my first haircut after surgery. and the Other side is perfectly fine. Do you think this is still a shock loss category or could it improve over time? Or is this already the overharvested category?






  6. 1 hour ago, JohnAC71 said:

    I did wonder what the donor area looked like as the OP said it was over harvested. And it would have been good to see pics directly after it was done. Rather than day 10. 
    Who knows exactly how many grafts were placed. I know from my own experiences not to blatantly trust the numbers. If that was the case I would have approx 13,000 grafts on my own head. 
    looking at day 10 it would seem at least 3000 or so. 

    I don t know. I hope it will be enough. immediately after the surgery there are unfortunately poor quality images, this was also taken after ten days


  7. 12 minutes ago, aaron1234 said:

    Yes.  They'll be little discolored dots, probably a little whiter than your normal scalp color.  0.4 punch? Doubt it. 

    And if I leave it as far to the side as the person in the picture?  For example, he had a hair implant, then he cut it bald and he doesn’t see it


  8. 28 minutes ago, Guano said:

    The scaring will be permanent. If you shave your head down there will be a noticeable difference between your native stubble and the areas that have been extracted. That being said if you can find a skilled SMP artist you may be able to camouflage the scarring.


    The only thing that your dealing with now is the scarring at the top from the incisions made. 


    5,000 grafts in one go is a ballsy gamble, I hope you recover well mate.

    and if i shave my head comletly 0, do the scars appear even then?

  9. 4 hours ago, aaron1234 said:

    If you got your first HT just 5 weeks ago then give it time to blossom before throwing in the towel and shaving it all off.  That said, we would have to see your donor area before guesstimating whether the scars will show or not.  It all depends what punch size was used and how you heal.  

    The clinic said the puch size was 04. mm

  10. 2 hours ago, aaron1234 said:

    If you got your first HT just 5 weeks ago then give it time to blossom before throwing in the towel and shaving it all off.  That said, we would have to see your donor area before guesstimating whether the scars will show or not.  It all depends what punch size was used and how you heal.  

    My donor area after 5 days


  11. Hi there. The question would be, if someone is doing a fue hair implant that we say is not happy with the result in a year or more, can they wear very short or shaved hair? I mean, for example, if you completely shave the donor area, will the wounds be very visible?
    I recently did a hair transplant and am wondering if I would be more bald or wear short hair years later, can I fix it? or is only micropigmentation the solution?
    I currently have 5,000 grafts taken out. And weird, because now that I had my hair implanted, I regretted a little that I didn’t accept myself bald like a lot of people in my environment. And as you know, baldness will continue for years to come, so I wonder what the solution will be years from now, let’s say I don’t want to spend a lot of money on medicines or other hair implants anymore.

    For example, Joe Rogan had several hair transplants, now he shaved, but I don’t see that the surgery on his head would be very visible. Can everyone be as "lucky" as he is?


    In my case, they used the micro fue saphire technique and took out 5,000 grafts with it. Now I may be happy with the result for five years, but after that, if I want to shave my head, is it possible?



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