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Posts posted by CJL

  1. Thanks all for the advice.

    @Portugal25 Price point isn't the biggest appeal for me, I'm onboard with @Melvin-Moderator that results are more important than price... especially when all the work will be based around my hairline which I can't really hide, but his work I've seen so far looks good which makes Dr. Bruno Ferreira a definite contender!

    @1978matt I did originally have estimates around 2000-2500, and 3500 was to move my hairline back to it's native position.   But it might be more sensible for me to consider a small surgery at first, I appreciate the advice.

    @ciaus Would you recommend taking Minoxidil at the same time as Finasteride?  The amount of stress and anxiety my hairline has caused me gives me the dedication to stick to it, so I'm willing to try pretty much anything.  

    @Doron Harati I'll PM you!

  2. Hi all, I've been browsing the forum casually over the past year or so, and I've recently taken my first steps towards getting a HT.

    I'm 26 from the UK and I've consulted with 2 Dr's already, one in the UK and one in Portugal, and both agree I am 3 on the Norwood Scale.    Both Dr's also agree that my hairline is receding at the sides with some hair loss in the forelock, but with the mid-scalp and crown area retaining good density and my donor area also looks good.

    I've just ordered Finasteride and I plan to start taking that to stabilise my hair loss before going forward with surgery, and I'm also well aware I'll need to continue taking Finasteride indefinitely which I have no issues with.

    Ideally I want to fill in the balding areas in my hairline and improve the forelock and bring my hairline forward to it's native point.  Estimates seem to be around 3500 grafts.

    The UK clinic I contacted is a no go, they were too pushy and keep trying to hound me with discounts which for me was a red flag.  I'm really happy with the information I've been given by the Dr in Portugal (Dr. Bruno Ferreria btw), but I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket especially so early on so I think it's prudent to do some more research.

    Is anyone able to recommend some other suitable Dr's I could contact, or any advice on where to start really?  I've been browsing the forum and I can see some great results, but most results I can find seem to be from individuals with dark hair and/or hair loss that's different to mine (but I'm possibly not looking very hard lol) so I would be interested to see results from people in a similar situation to mine, but any guidance is appreciated really.

    I've attached some pictures to show my current hairline and hair loss issues as well as a couple with my hair pushed forwards.   Many thanks in advance!









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