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Everything posted by uklex0608

  1. Not necessarily true, since it's mostly triggered by DHT, I think a lot probably has to do with your hormones and when and how hard you start puberty. My hair loss started at 16, I remember the exact appointment when my hair stylist said "Well, it looks like it's time to stop using the thinning shears on you", talk about a heart sink. But, I did start puberty way younger than most of my peers. However, I wouldn't say this kid has hair loss yet based on the picture provided.
  2. Looks like a pretty small scar to me, but I also have the gameplan that my final procedure, whether or not the hair gods decide I need a second FUT or not is TBD, will be to fill in the scar via FUE. Thankfully I was told that I had a great donor area both in terms of hair and laxity, and that I should be able to get another FUT out pretty easily should I choose to do so. Looking at your original procedure, how does it feel to look a decade younger one day in the mirror? I keep looking at mine in the mirror and am shocked by how much better it even looks buzzed, especially since the top was shaved, so I'm only seeing the transplanted hair and none of the native hair in the surgical area.
  3. Putting aloe on the area frequently throughout the day can really help speed up scab separation and is what my doctor suggested. Mine's finally almost gone, but was going nowhere until I started doing that.
  4. My doctor has intense exercise listed at two weeks, I'm looking forward to snowboarding a month after mine, helmet and all. Enjoy your workouts!
  5. From what I've found, cost is SUPER variable from Country to Country, and Doctor to Doctor.
  6. Had no idea, reposted all the photos into the post. I was wondering why people did it the other way and figured it was just because it was easier not to link.
  7. I’m wondering myself when the shedding will start, I haven’t really noticed anything coming out or on the shower floor yet. I know better than to think it won’t happen, but from what I’ve read we’ll start seeing that around week 5/6.
  8. Posted an update to original post with some additional pictures from nearly two weeks in, they’re linked as the underlined text.
  9. I began losing my hair in my teens. By the time I finally got to go in for surgery, I had receding temples, and thinning from front to vertex. Thankfully, I had a pretty good donor area to work with, and was referred to Dr. Konior by a relative of mine who found out I was going to go to a "hair mill" and wind up with plugs and intervened, and pointed me to these forums to learn more before undergoing such a major decision. Here are some progress photos for those considering the same. Pre-Transplant front and then styled photos of the crown and front. Styling was key for me for many years, the wax style made such a difference in my hair at least in the frontal areas. Day Zero (Surgery): I received 2,380 grafts about 25% were 3's, 60% were 2's and the rest were singles. All in all, nearly 5,000 hairs. This was in December 2020, the year of the dumpster fire, but something good would come from it, in finally getting this procedure. Day One: Felt pretty good from surgery, my least favorite thing was the dreaded horseshoe from shaving the recipient site. The longer side hair around the donor area was greasy and clumpy from Neosporin, so it not only looked awful, but felt bad too. Aside from this, we were happy with the initial results. Recipient Site, Donor Site (AKA Greasy Horseshoe) Day Four: This was the day I got to fly home from Chicago, they did one final cleaning of me that day and they were nice enough on day three to buzz the rest of the hair and rid me of the Greasy Horseshoe. 10/10 recommend this, your recipient shaved area is going to take a while to grow back so might as well be comfortable as you go and you are way less depressed when looking in the mirror. I actually didn't even wear my loose hat in the airport even though I'd been cleared to, off chance I would be seen by anyone I knew in an airport in another city, more off chance they'd recognize me given the cut and COVID mask, and I had become a little de-sensitized over the five days in Chicago. I actually only wore a hat during the first two weeks for Christmas photos. People really don't care or give much of a look these days. Day Twelve: This is the day I got my stitches removed. Dr. K said that they could have been removed two days prior, and the removing doctor of course agreed and was thankful I didn't wait for my Day 15 appt I had scheduled. However you know Christmas happened and everywhere was closed. Day Twelve was the best I could do. Doctor stated that I had some build up but would go away once I started regular washing rather than being extra careful and probably not doing as good of a job. This day was AMAZING, I came home and showered a little more regularly with the stitches gone, still using gentle touches and lukewarm water temperature. Getting out of this shower felt like a new man. These pictures came the next day as I wanted to wait to let the aggravation from removal go away, as well as get to buzzing the area a little more evenly where it was longer around the stitch site previously. As you can see I still have some crusty scabs in the front taking their time coming off, but they're on their way out and have improved GREATLY. I've been putting aloe on the area since day six and that's really when the scabs started coming off. I've avoided picking at them, mostly I just wipe gently post shower with a dry soft rag, and whatever clumps to it is what comes off for the day, here is the view from the top. Third is a picture that shows the scar as well as no mans land that wasn't cleaned well, between the scar which got good careful shower attention, and the graft zone which got good careful attention, be careful not to neglect this area as I did, as it now gets to get in on the healing party too. Finally we have a closer shot of the bottom of the scar, and one of the more sensitive side terminal of the scar. I will say that day thirteen of these photos is the first day I really reduced the Advil intake from every 4-6 hours to about twice a day. To be continued.
  10. Awesome, I'm going to have to follow yours to compare. I just posted mine with photo links to my profile story as I just had 2,380 done via FUT with Konior probably two weeks after you this past Monday. I likewise got to jump ahead about nine months from my prior date due to COVID cancellations.
  11. Also, just in case anyone else stumbles across this, it is basically mini-grafts after reading history of methods, it was groupings of multiple follicular units.
  12. Looking at your picture, I think I actually just watched one of your videos on youtube earlier today, trying to determine acceptable hair length after FUT vs FUE. I currently get a 2 guard at the nape faded up every six weeks, so I think I could manage a 3/4 with monthly haircuts which seems to be the shortest I could go with FUT.
  13. Thanks! I actually wound up cancelling this appointment while I research more on this forum! I got a virtual consult with Konoir, going to get one more just so that I have options, but I'm definitely leaning that way.
  14. Hey all, I could only find a few threads on here discussing PAI Medical in Nashville TN, but they were fairly old and several referenced a doctor not on their list anymore. I had a consult with them, and after speaking with a family member who has had surgery in the past, my flags are raised. I went in planning on the ARTAS procedure, but after lots of lots and lots of questions of scars, and even getting to see one in person (I was skeptical enough to not want to rely on the curated photos as just like McDonald's it doesn't look like the ad in real life), I found myself leaning to the Multi-Unit method with using single units in the front. So does anyone have any information from them from the past couple years?
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