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Posts posted by Gatsby

  1. 22 hours ago, Mike_2020 said:

    If someone is at least a Norwood 5 and quite probably a Norwood 6, and has never previously had any hair transplant surgery, generally speaking, should they be thinking more along the lines of FUE, FUT or a combination of both?


    Mike in my humble opinion, a brilliant FUE surgeon will always be better than an average FUT surgeon and the reverse is the also true. Their are so many variables also to consider and weigh up (hair calibre, quality of donor area, scar preference, etc, etc). Personally I suggest looking at the top surgeons in the game and try and find patients who have as close to your hair loss and as close to the results that you are wishing to obtain. Start from there and then keep asking questions. Once an FUE or FUT has begun your scalp is no longer virgin and you want to take into account how your hair/scalp/scars will appear in years to come and to prepare for the future. All the best!

    • Like 1
  2. I'm so happy to see that you have come out of this on the other side looking great! I had two bad hair transplants when I was 18 so I can relate as far as the damage done. The fact that you nearly lost your life speaks volumes on the dangers of Turkey. What really disturbs me is the amount of people now who have had a hair transplant from Turkey and have created YouTube channels sprouting how great Turkey is! It's well known that ex taxi drivers, barbers and Syrian refugees have taken part in performing hair transplants (surgery) in many of Turkey's hair mills.

    The main thing is that not only did you survive your terrible ordeal physically but have now been repaired to having a great looking head of hair! Sadly their are many, many men who are left leading a life of depression and isolation after their bad experience. Thank you for sharing yours to educate others!

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, jmghair said:

    I don't think it is safe for your hair. Turkey is the botched hair transplant capital of the world.


    There are a couple of patients that show their results and personally they missed so many bullets and were lucky getting a great result. However, if you do your research, the main factor people go there for is because it's so cheap. Why? Because a hair transplant surgeon doesn't just focus on performing one surgery on you for the day. They perform on up to 10 or more a day. It's well known that ex barbers, taxi drivers and Syrian refugees are involved in performing hair transplants in Turkey. I know this sounds crazy but it's all the more reason to be super critical in doing your research before making a major surgical decision that you will have to look at every time you look in a mirror. Look for a surgeon who does all, if not most of the operation and ask about the team who work with that surgeon/surgeons. What parts do they take in the procedure? How long have they been part of the team, etc. Their have been some good results that have come out of Turkey but you want to minimize the risks of a bad outcome, not maximize them. All the best!

  4. Actually your hair looks pretty good compared to how you view it. I know that these words won't make you feel any different but I honestly feel that your hair thickness and overall look appears really good. As Melvin has stated you could look at Eugenix and use beard hair as well as possibly some scalp hair. Keep doing your research and you will resolve this! Take care!

  5. xabi86 when you state body hair are you referring to beard hair? IMHO body hair has a very poor rate of growth. Eugenix don't bother using body hair (other than beard hair) as body hair just proves too unreliable. Dr Umar has done a lot with using body hair but the results to me look unnatural and wiry. I am no expert on using body hair but a couple of clinics who use it have said that it doesn't give the best results. 

  6. 13 minutes ago, AB2000 said:

    I thought his name was banned from this forum, when anyone tried to post it in a message.  My recollection was him being argumentative for it's own sake and not advancing anything, creating turmoil.  I am glad he is long gone.

    Sorry AB2000. I wasn't aware of a ban of his name? If that's the case then thanks for the heads up (though I personally have a lot of respect for him).

  7. Radiogaga you have one thing at the moment that you haven't lost. That's a scalp without scars! Have you considered shaving your head first just to see how you travel with it? I have horrible scars not only at the back donor area but at the frontal hairline also. Be very specific with yourself in what you expect in terms of results. With scalp and beard hair (forget body hair) you can get more coverage than scalp alone, however you want to have an assessment on how how much coverage is possible? Will you only have enough to cover up to the vertex? Are you ok with leaving the crown area bald?, etc. You need a surgeon who specializes in grade 6/7 hair transplantation. Personally I wouldn't touch Turkey whatever your hair loss is. Have a look at Eugenix and members of this forum like Paddy and Zoomster who had work done around Christmas 2019.

    The most important thing is to have a game plan that both you and your hair transplant surgeon are on the same page with. It would be futile to agree to have one procedure and pending on how it turns out to have a second procedure. If after the first procedure you are unable to have a second procedure you will be left marooned! Would you be ok with that? Do lots of research into hair transplant surgeons who have done loads of Norwood 6/7 patients that have consistent results with a result you would be happy with. All the best!

    • Like 3
  8. I've had SMP for scars along my hairline and in my donor region. SMP, when performed by a skilled artist works really well in FUE scars as well as even large 'punch graft' scars. Linear scars tend to draw the eye and with SMP they can be significantly improved but they will never make them vanish. Also as @gillenator stated, the ink can spread in linear scars. As SMP starts to break down over time, the strip like scars do become more noticeable, however it can still be a huge improvement to a person's self esteem. If you ever consider SMP then treat it like you would having a hair transplant. Do LOTS of research and don't accept it blindly. All the best.

  9. Hi Igm524, First off well done on being patient on waiting to have a hair transplant. When H+W knocked you back did you ask them for their reasons? Over the lifespan as you know, MPB will continue until you reach a Norwwod6/7 at some later stage. This is just my 5 cents worth.

    If your preferred procedure is FUE then I would stick with FUE over FUT. Secondly 2,000 grafts will not be enough to cover an entire bald scalp (thinking ahead for the future). Try and find out how many scalp grafts you will have access to in total. Will this number be enough if you reach a Norwood 6 level? There are many excellent hair transplant clinics that pride themselves on performing incredible work on Norwood 6 patients. Eugenix being just one of them. I am in no way stating that you are a Norwood 6 but you have to have a game plan that will cover MPB over the lifespan. If down the path you ever decide to shave your head you will regret having FUT as opposed to FUE (from my own experience). Just something to think about but it may not be an issue for you. Keep researching don't be discouraged. I personally know of one hair transplant surgeon who only performs 1,500 FUE grafts. The sole reason for this is because he is now so old that 1,500 grafts is all he can perform in one session! Do lots of homework. Wishing you all the best.

  10. 59 minutes ago, solidsn2004 said:

    @Gatsby thanks for the valuable info!

    I just watched a few videos and Joe Tillman seems to know his stuff pretty well!
    As I said I will be waiting for replies from some clinics I have already contacted and decide how to proceed with the prescription my trichologist suggested.

    Once again thanks for everything.

    solidsn2004 you are very welcome. Joe Tillman has been in the industry for 30 years and his experience, knowledge and advise is fiercely independent of any kick backs and he will call out everything that is wrong in this industry. Furthermore he is very picky on which surgeons he will recommend according to his very high standards. If you hold these high standards for your own hair transplant surgeon that you may choose, you are doing the most to protect yourself from a bad result, etc. Also this forum is just a plethora of knowledge from equally knowledgeable people who can give you first hand advice on helping you on your journey. Remember there is no such thing as asking too many questions! I wish you all the best.

    • Like 1
  11. On 6/14/2020 at 11:50 PM, solidsn2004 said:

    Hi all,

    I am new to this forum and in general I have never looked into hair loss solutions before but it has really started to bother me recently so I need your opinion on the matter.

    I don’t have any medical diseases or any health conditions. I do not use any medicines and I don't use any particular products for my hair.

    I was looking into a possible hair transplant as I noticed that I have started losing hair 9-10 years ago. I am 34 years old and recently I've visited a trichologist and diagnosed me with androgenic
    alopecia.The trichologist suggested to me a 4 month treatment and then he needs to examine me to suggest how to proceed. He informed me that I will most probably go with a PRP treatment after the 4 months but he wanted first to see the results of the products I will be taking which would be the following:

    - Krim up Andro supplements (one pill every morning after breakfast)
    - Golden Crim B+C from Solgar (one pill every morning after breakfast)
    - Liquid Vita D3 (1ml after breakfast)
    - Minoxidil 5% Biorga (apply one time every 2 days and not twice a day
    as the recommended dosage)
    - Tricovel PRP plus gel (apply once a week)

    He also subscribed to me 3 different shampoos to use every other day:

    - Micro Peel Dercos from Vichy
    - Kerium DS from la roche ponay
    - Dercos DS greasy hair

    I was thinking of proceeding with a hair transplant sooner rather than following other treatments but I am not sure whether it's better to wait for my hair loss to advance before I do a hair transplant.

    I am also hesitant to use Finasteride as even the trichologist told me it has side effects and reduces sexual libido. What is your opinion on this? Is there any alternative after a hair transplant?

    Right now my budget would be around 4000 euros and I was looking into Turkish clinics but reading through this forum I really got sceptical so I am not sure anymore if to wait to gather more money and do it somewhere like Portugal at Mr Ferreira.

    Could you suggest to me some good Drs or Clinics in Italy and Greece as well or I should go with a safe bet in Portugal or HLC in Turkey?

    In case I need to wait for a hair transplant would you say it would be good to start using minoxidil or other products? How about shampoos?

    Looking forward to your comments and thanks for your attention.





    Going by your pics you are a great candidate for minoxidil and finasteride. Both have been clinically studied for years! It is true that you might have some side effects and from finasteride sexual side effects can happen but in a very small percentage. You can always lower the dose/stop the medication 'IF' you do experience side effects. You have so much hair that you could potentially keep what you have with the possibility of even improving it with medication. Again it comes down to personal choice. But the number of people who state that they were never aware of these medications until they had lost most of their hair is quite high.

    As to hair transplant surgery (and it is surgery) you really want to do lots of research . I highly recommend looking up Joe Tillman the Hair Transplant Mentor on YouTube and follow his story and watch his videos on how to vet out bad clinics and what red flags to look out for.As for Turkey, many clinics in Turkey have people performing hair transplants who are Syrian refugees, ex hair dressers and taxi drivers! Do not be guided by cheap prices and surgeons who take very little part in a hair transplant and opt to perform on more than one person per day (as in up to 10 or more!). There is no such thing as a stupid question to ask your surgeon or too many questions. Follow up care by your surgeon is equally important as the surgery itself. All the best!

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  12. You're almost at the point of just trying a solid 6-12 months of finasteride and minoxidil alone. You have an excellent head of hair and I just wouldn't risk what you have now by choosing Turkey. I would be choosing a surgeon (as this is surgery) that has a solid history of turning out excellent results with the main feature of these being 'naturalness.' I agree with everything Melvin has said and Dr Bisanga is an excellent surgeon from what I have seen. All the best!

  13. Congratulations Jron. What strikes me about your hair transplant is just how natural it looks. Personally, I wouldn't mess with the great result you have achieved. Also I think no matter how well the grafts grow we will always want more hair. I totally get it. But to achieve a natural look that appears like you never had a hair transplant is the ultimate which you have achieved. Well done!

  14. 4 hours ago, User0311 said:

    Hello there, 

    I am booked to have a HT FUE with rahal this summer but I am having second thoughts. Is this justified? I am saying this because it seem that all I can find are poor results from Rahal in the last year? Does anyone know of a good result done in 2019 or 2020 not five or six years ago? 

    What are you thoughts, should I cancel and loss my deposit. Also for fine blond hair will 50grafts/cm2 be enough to give good density or will it look poor. 


    User0311 if you are having second thoughts and do not have confidence in your surgeon now my opinion is to cancel the surgery. The money loss can be changed. Regret and poor results cannot. Remember you can have a hair transplant 'tomorrow' once you have done all of your research and due diligence. I had two hair transplants that in hindsight were the biggest mistakes that I have had to carry with me all of my life. I'd rather you learned by MY mistakes (which will cost you nothing) than by making the same mistakes and having to live with them yourself. You not only need to have a surgeon (and this is surgery don't forget) that you have confidence in, but also someone who has a consistent body of work that meets your expectations. Finally you also want someone who is fantastic in follow up care AFTER your hair transplant. This is probably even more important. If you are having doubts before the surgery it will be a night mare once the procedure is over. If you are seeing only poor results in the last year and are asking to see good results over the past year that is a HUGE RED FLAG. Forget about the deposit for what could be something you may regret for the rest of your life. Just keep researching and you will find someone that you will be looking forward to be doing work on your scalp. All the best!

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  15. Hi Krx. This is just my opinion. Is your scalp donor supply completely maxed out (as well as your beard donor area)? Body hair as you have stated does have a very high transection rate and has a different growth cycle, etc. Are you on finasteride or minoxidil? Another option to give the illusion of more density is to add SMP to your scalp. If you are happy with the results thus far it's really up to you. It's a lot of money (and time) to spend that may not achieve your goals. However this whole 'hair thing' is a mind game with all of us so if it makes you feel better off then it's definitely worth looking into. All the best!

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