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Everything posted by Ron5566

  1. I didn't know you had additional 600 BHT grafts to your donor 😁 So total 2,200? What donor came from the latest 600? Thanks!!
  2. Hi, There was a thread about a guy who did HT with his legs hair and other parts of the body right to his donor. I am unable to find, anyone can send a link? Thanks!!!
  3. I see.. what's your opinion about PrP? Maybe if we can actually get more blood to our scalp, just maybe it may help drastically for some people. I am really curious how my hairloss stopped and tbh only FUE explains it. (speaking on donor).
  4. Holy... Okay this MAY explain something I have been struggling to understand, would like to hear your opinion: When I was 18-19 I went to do temporary SMP in my country, I went to crappy artist that used such a weak ink that faded off every month, I went twice a month for 3 months straight. My hairloss was so aggressive back then, I was thining everywhere, after like two months I noticed my hairloss stopped, I thought I was imagined but it did stop, I know because Whenever I tried to pull hair, at least two came easily, whenever I shampoo I saw tons of hair, none came out during that time. 8 years later I went under FUT, I am suffering from retrograde alopecia or even DUPA since it effects all my scalp, after the FUT producer I did lose transplanted hair (Because obviously, I was also shedding at the back). Without going too much into this story which is complicated and you probs ask why I went to another surgery if I am losing my sides and back, I went again under FUE this time (To pick the best grafts on my head for small producer just to fill my temples to wear my hair piece successfully) However, something shocking happened afterwards, I used to lose 100 hairs in my donor on daily basis (By donor I mean nape, sides, sideburn etc) I am two months post OP, hair is in the regular length about 2.5cm-3cm which is long enough, no matter how hard I pull, no hair is going out, zero hairs in shower, zero hairs on my pillow. I was thinking what did I change again? And I actually wrote down everything : 1) Stopped working out 2) Slept outside my room for a month (I was thinking maybe because I sleep with router so idk) 3) Haven't sex for 2 months (Maybe lol) 4) And the last thing, I did FUE which caused tons of blood flow to my donor. I don't know how to explain it but after your message, maybe, just maybe it's all about blood in my situation, would like to hear your opinion. P.S - Propecia never helped me or slow downed my hairloss (took for 6 years straight and basically became Norwood 6 from 15.5-22). The article you sent me is extremely interesting, thank you!
  5. You said something extremely interesting that I had no clue but explains something I thought helped me in the past but just to ensure I got this right, you are saying weak blood circulation in the scalp has something to do with people that are sensetive to DHT??
  6. From what I remember non used any anti androgen medication. However one of those who lost his transplanted hair started to take oral Minoxidil and it did grew a lot back (Transplanted hairs only). It won't let me send a link to another forum so I assume this is against the rules. I have no doubt hair transplant does works wonders for many but maybe this is truth and without Propecia it will eventually fall (Although I know and see people here who did HT 8 years plus ago without any medication and still kept their results).
  7. I posted a thread here about a month ago: I spoke with multiple patients in other forums and also here who lost their transplanted hair. It has nothing to do with donor miniaturizion in those cases, Norwood 2/3 and even 4 won't even donor miniaturizion when he is 35-40 years old and even if he does, it won't get his transplanted hair destiny lower by 30-70% within 2-8 years.i It's really upsetting that this topic is not being raised often, people are speaking what's better FUE vs FUT or other bs questions but ignore the most important thing, Does HT is permanent? It does for any people that's for sure, however for the major people I think unfortunately it's temporary. I wish rep docs could actually aim in and let us know their opinion regarding this, I have no doubt that ALL the doctors who preformed over 1k surgeries encountered at least 20% cases over the years that their patients lost their transplanted hairs. If I know personally 2 people (Out of three that done HT) then they should know hundreds if not thousands. Donor miniaturizion definitely impact, no doubt, but the latest posts I have seen here about people complaining have no donor miniaturizion and again, even if they had, they are not supposed to lose 50% of theirs Destiny in two years unless their donor looks like hell now.
  8. Men that's amazing!!!! So basically the legs/arms grew well? So many people are complaining that legs are not good and won't grow, by your photos I assume it worked well for you? 🙂 Really happy for you.
  9. You are right. Aaron, I just looked at your signature and see you had HT in 2008, did the transplanted grafts remained? Thanks!
  10. The thing is, so many people are losing their transplanted hairs after 5-10 years. Maybe it's more common then we think.
  11. I wish more doctors would answer, so many patients are complaining that their transplanted hairs fall after 3-7 years (Seems when the hair cycle is over)Especially on other forum, the only reasons I can think of are : 1) Once you transfer healthy graft to unhealthy zone (like hairline), its starting to be sensetive to DHT. 2) After the cycle is over the graft won't have enough strength to re grow (What's why I read that oral Minoxidil helped some after their transplanted hair fall) 3) Some grafts were taken out of the safe zone, if you do dense packing, 50/cm2 and you lose 25% of your donor which is not noticeable in the back but going from 50-35 or so grafts I believe makes drastic change which makes believe that 50% are gone. What I don't understand is how the surgeon of my brother's gf father told him that his results will remain for 5-10 years. This guy did FUT, he never progressed after Norwood 2, now, 10 years later his transplanted hairs are much thinner (about 40% are gone). He has no donor miniaturizion (I checked him under microscope and actually just looking at his donor you can see that it's healthier than 10 years old kid. I will try to reach this doctor, he's from Romania and I will ask him why did he tell him that the results will last 5 years only, what does he knows or telling that no body else does. Btw he did FUT.
  12. Woah nice to know! Does Topical Minx caused you any side effects? Many people say it lower your collagen which may cause you aging faster, not sure how often it happens. Really happy it's working for you!
  13. That's interesting.. maybe the DHT is not in the follicle but actually in the area?
  14. Please ask what would be the reason for transplanted hairs falling after few years when : 1) Donor is 100% stable 2) health condition is perfect Seems like many people are losing their transplanted hairs and they are never progressed after Norwood 4. really curious regarding this issue when people doesn't have DUPA
  15. Hey guys, I am reading many threads lately that HT started to shed few years post OP. None of those patients are experiencing any donor miniaturizing. Here's another thread I have seen: Any doc can aim why does it happens when there is no health issue or donor miniaturizion? Someone once told me if the grafts weren't implanted perfectly it could shed after few years. Idk if it makes sense. My brother's girlfriend father done HT 10 years ago, he was Norwood 2 and the doc told him in 5-10 years they will thin and you will need a touch-up, well it did happen and now his transplanted area looks thinner. Her father has zero miniaturizion in his donor and never progressed over Norwood 2. How many patients here actually done HT 15 years ago and still have their transplanted hairs?
  16. Here is without the hair piece by the way, although donor looks pretty thick there, it's not the case.
  17. Unfortunately yes, sides hair (Even if it's thin I can still work this out with proper cut in) but without sides hair I am screwed and won't make it look natural. I attached some photos of my hair systems so it can give you an idea, donor is thick now but this is not the case unless I cut my hair in specifically way and take a shower every morning to ensure there is no oilness in the scalp. What is so frustrating is that I passed any obstacle just to get "hair", against all the odds after going to salons to get the hair piece done, which never looked natural to my eyes and I am extremely perfectionist, I was able to order my self and cut in myself to ensure no one will ever suspect. I am wearing for six years and extremely happy. Now when I see my sides fading away I still have solutions, I thought to do fade cut with SMP in the nape and blend it in etc, the only thing that freaks me out is the uncertainty, how bad my sides will look in 3,5,10 years. Does family members are indication? If so, I am pretty much set but again the uncertainty is killing me 😅🥺
  18. Oh I get this now! So basically, it's not the amount of DHT but the fact that my hairs are very sensitive to DHT. So if currently I am also shedding in my donor (Everywhere in the Scalp). Does it means I am going to lose ANY hair on my head or some hairs, let's say 50% may remain in the scalp. What age I can determine where I am heading? Looking at my dad's donor, you can see it's thinner, nape is gone but he still have lots of remaining hairs on his scalp which are enough to blend with hair piece in case he wanted to. Basically my only concern is to have zero hairs on my head since I am shedding all over my scalp right now, it will ever be stable at some age or slow down? Or it's not possible to tell?
  19. Hey man! Happy it worked out for you!! May I ask when you started to lose your hair? Was it aggressive as me? Again, what I am trying to save is my sides/donor. I am already bald on the top and wearing hair system but because my DHT is so aggressive it goes all the way to my donor. Some calls it DUPA because there's over 20% miniaturized hairs but I think it's just aggressive Retrograde Alopecia since first I started to lose hair at the top and around 21 started to lose hair at the nape, side burn which in the last few years went all over the scalp. My only fear is that I will wake up bald in my entire head and won't be able to wear the hair piece. Although I don't think it's possible to be 100% bald in the entire head I am little stressed about it and that's why I am thinking to start DUT. Thanks again for the reply 🙏🙏
  20. I am really happy to hear it worked for you! Since your hairloss wasn't so bad to begin with I believe it has a lot to do with that. I started to lose my hair when I was around 15.5, all my family members are norwoood 6/7. My blood is full of dam DHT 😅 You wrote : "guys' sex drive slowly but surely starts to lower once they hit their late 20s" I don't know if it makes sense but is there a chance that in let's say 8 years (I am 27 now) the hair I am losing in my sides/back will be stable and maybe stop because my body will produce less testosterone?
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