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Everything posted by Hair4Days

  1. Are you really able to conceal the scar having it buzzed? I know you said you plan on grafting into it. I feel like that’s the number one reason why patients are so indecisive on getting a HT to begin with. Fearing the fact that they will never be able to shave their head once they begin surgery and create scarring. That’s the boat I’m in. I’m prepared to go to war with HT tho, if i need 3 over my lifetime so be it
  2. You aren’t considering grafting the crown when that day comes? You could potentially have like 3-4k more grafts in your donor. Or do you just overall prefer a buzzed head over any kind of hair up top? I’d be stoked if i was genuinely happy with the results of a hair transplant
  3. But would you say your transplant was a success? Does your hair look good grown out otherwise? How many grafts did you get via surgery
  4. Why did you want to shave off your transplanted hair? How do you handle the scarring?
  5. The thing is, i don’t need to shave my head just yet. I could possibly buy another 4-5 years before concealers are no longer helpful. I still have a lot or native hair, and with concealers i can pull off a nw2. But realistically, i see a future nw6 when i look in the mirror. Hairline recession, diffusing in the mid scalp, and a semi light crown. Im fortunate to say- Financially, even multiple HTs aren’t an issue. My biggest concern is getting good results. I know the front half will come out satisfying, it’s mainly the back half Im worried about not getting enough treatment(Running out of grafts) or having too little implanted back there where it looks funny
  6. Thank you man. I know once i see how terrible it looks I’ll book a procedure instantly lol. I thought maybe it would grow in patchy or slower in the crown. Right now i have my hair strategically maneuvered to hide any crown thinning. But regardless i think it needs to be done
  7. I’m thinking a number 3 or 4 will look worse than a number 1 or .5, exposing it more. I’ve become a master with concealer use. How well do they work at a number 1 though? I’d assume you can bury the crown with no issue. I’m thinking a 1.5 or 2 will work best. Not sure tho
  8. Appreciate the input. I’m mainly concerned with it growing back nicely. My hair now is pretty long, enough to hide everything. I would hate for the grow back to be all patchy and expose more zones like the crown. But i really need to see my true pattern
  9. Yes i am a diffuse thinner, i am curious to not only see what id look like with a shaved head, but to see how much space there really is between my hairs. And to see how far my crown Dips in the back. I still have a lot of native hair and when it’s wet you can obviously tell I’m losing hair, but it’s still very hide-able, so I’m curious if i have that horseshoe forming under the length
  10. Does anyone recommend shaving your head to get a better idea of your balding pattern? I feel like that’s a way to truly see what’s under all the length as It’s very easy to hide when your hair is grown out..For those who have thinning hair and chose to shave it off, did you notice a change in how it grew back? Thicker, thinner, slower, etc?
  11. Hey guys. I am looking for people’s input on the grafts per sq cm topic. When determining what kind of density & coverage you can expect, would you agree it really comes down to the basic math of total sq cm of balding & projected graft count in your donor? For an example, say a patient has 250 sq cm of baldness (nw6) and a projected graft count of 8000 grafts (using fut & fue combined). You can argue each third of the scalp is 83sq cm. If you plant 40 grafts per sq cm in the front third that Would equate to 3320 grafts. 30 per sq cm grafts in the mid scalp (2490) and 25 in the back third (2075) = 7885 total grafts. Obviously you can compromise density in certain areas of the scalp and favor the hairline. Is this a valid way to determine what kind of coverage someone with this size balding pattern can achieve? Also, i have heard anything north of 45-50 grafts per sq cm is risky due to blood supply complications, but I’ve heard some doctors claim they aim in the 55-60 range in the front. How safe is grafting this many grafts per sq cm?
  12. Looks great. Congratulations. I’m very impressed you were able to do a skin fade!
  13. Best of luck to you man. I pray you get the results we all deserve. on a side note. I see the rest of your hair is super thick so that’s a plus, you might never need any more surgery. A lot of clinics here in the states push for us to go FUT first to max out the donor if you’re likely to continue balding - which hopefully doesn’t seem to be the case for you
  14. Hahaha my apologies brother! Hey at nw2 we can also make the argument that you may even have some years before you even jump in! & very well said on your comment above. You nailed it.
  15. It’s Because there’s only a handful of clinics in the world that are trustworthy and skillful enough to deliver solid results. The rest are just so mediocre. But if you feel confident and you’ve seen plenty of patient examples, then go for it. I don’t think you’ll need more then one.
  16. For starters, I’m 28, currently a nw 3 and will happily admit I’m genetically likely on my way to a nw6 as a worst scenario with no medication.. so no i haven’t had a HT yet. But good looking out disrespecting all the advanced Nw members by recommending a wig lmao. Obviously a nw 6 would need 2-3 surgeries, that wasn’t the argument. You initially stated you had 3 surgeries already but you’re only a nw3. Not because you actually needed more density- it was more of a repair case of your first one adding additional grafts that should of been there in the first round. Lets not confuse anybody here. I’m sorry you had to go through that. Im just informing @Rossybop (who is currently also a nw3) that a skillful doctor will get enough density in the hairline region with one HT. It’s not a large area for him although they’d most likely future proof into his native miniaturized hair.
  17. I’ve heard of some clinics say they can’t transplant enough hair in the first go around (on completely bald scalp) so they have to come back for added density. But I’ve seen doctors (look up dr bloxhams YouTube channel) completely knock it out of the park with one frontal band surgery.
  18. Yeah bro because your first one clearly wasn’t done properly. You went back for 500 free grafts. That doesn’t really count as needing a “second HT”.. if they packed in more grafts off the jump you’d be fine after 1 and may have a different opinion. I’ve seen so many cases of guys having one 3k graft case blasting the entire frontal half of the scalp with good density
  19. I think regardless of if you actually think you need a second pass for density, the cosmetic difference after one pass will certainly make a massive difference to the point where you might not even want more density. I also haven’t seen many second HT sessions being worked into previous recipient zones. Second procedures typically address the second zone of the scalp like mid & crown. After all said and done touch ups can be done if you really need to fill gaps. Doctors like dr bloxham, H&w dense pack the front zone to the point where I’ve never seen weak enough density in their result videos that would call for a second pass in the same area.
  20. They told him he only had 4800 total grafts via fue only? How much higher would this number be if he did fut first ?.. 4800 isn’t enough for full coverage of a nw 6
  21. That’s a boat load of scalp only grafts. No wonder you have full coverage. Part of me wants to just haul ass & strip out followed by fue to get the same result lol
  22. Atleast you got full coverage man. How many total scalp grafts did you get ?
  23. What kind of coverage do you have currently? And what kind of donor did you have prior to surgery that makes you think fue wouldn’t of landed you coverage?
  24. Yeah, dr. konior said He’s harvested 7-8k fue scalp grafts before. Obviously the guy must of had good donor quality. Mine is very dense myself. I’m also heading towards a Norwood 5/6ish all said and done. So i either put faith in a surgeon harvesting that many fue grafts plus beard grafts for additional coverage... or take the advice of many & go fut because I’ll end up an advanced pattern.
  25. I think it’s safe to say anyone would chose fue scarring over a linear scar. It comes down to what you’re willing to compromise. It seems like Melvin (and others that chose fue) would sacrifice less grafts + concealer for crown in exchange for No linear scar.. while some I’m sure say give me the extra 2k grafts. I’m still deciding
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