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Posts posted by Cahustler

  1. 8 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Depends on the package you choose, but even the highest package which is the one I’m choosing is cheaper than here in the states. But I really didn’t go based on cost, I wanted someone skilled at BHT. 

    True that, but do you agree if i dont need a hairline design since i am only doing crown then 

    the exclusive package should work? even at the highest level it is well worth it i agree

    • Like 2
  2. 8 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

    I’m from the Uk, and we don’t have any options I would consider. Not for using so much BHT especially. My choices are really Bisanga and Eugenix. I did have a consultation/plan but then covid hit. Now it’s becoming easier to travel but they have a waiting list. It’s ok though I’m not in any rush whatsoever. 
    I’m looking forward to seeing @Melvin- Moderatorresult since he is choosing them for mostly beard grafts also. 

    any idea how much approximately 2k grafts will cost? 

    pm if you rather

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

    I removed them from here many years ago. But for my 6th journey I will be posting it. I know @Gatsbyis considering them also. 
    For FUE and In particular using Beard grafts I don’t know of anyone better 👍🏽

    have you gotten a quote and/or a consultation yet?

    would it still be cheaper than having it done in the state even with airfare hotels and a mini vacation?

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

    As a Norwood 6 yes I did. And still will be choosing Eugenix for my 6th. I’m ok with pain tolerance 🤩

    Im guessing your FUT is pretty good now ? Whereas mine needs a LOT of grafts (stretched) 

    do you have any pics of your head anywhere on here? 

    i also thought of Eugenix but I wouldnt go there alone..maybe we should get a few guys from here and make the trip? lol

    i keep my sides and back at size 3-4 and the salon lady tells me its not noticable

    the scar feels fine , i run my fingers through it all the time lol...like massaging it

    • Like 1
  5. So i had a year post OP appointment with Dr Diep (a year and a half after OP) 

    he said my crown is a bit thin, i will provide pics later and that he suggested some A-cell 

    shots.. i might take him up on that , he didnt mention another procedure but i did ask 

    how many grafts it would be to fill the crown.. he suggested another FUT if that is the case..

    i would probably prefer FUE and at the same time cover up the scar..he went off on like a 3rd procedure ..i swear he already knows what he wants to do with me and there is no changing his mind

    ...i asked him for repeat customer discount he said $500 off (LOL) : P

    anyway we are looking at 1500-2000 grafts to fill the crown but i am not sure i can endure another 

    procedure...maybe if he puts me to sleep i might do it.. 

    i do want to say though FUE is probably less invasive and less painful? you guys that did both can chime in on it... 

    • Like 1
  6. One of the reason I have not been active is because I had to tackle another problem..

    I just had cataract surgery in one eye and I am a little disappointed in the result..

    my vision was not the best these past years..

    if anyone here has recently done Cataract surgery or going to have it done soon please chime in

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, shucity said:

    Hahaha it's all good guys, I was actually reading through both your threads over the last few weeks to get a better idea of what I was signing up for. I had put the dating game on hold for a little when California shut back down, I'm hoping to be back at it better than ever in a few months!

    Realistically about 8 months but sooner with Dermatch or similar products , unless you are one of those freaks that grows in 5-6 months

  8. 2 minutes ago, Skyb said:

    Bro Ca Hustlers what did I tell you! You went MIA for a while. I figure you got kidnap from a crazy tinder swipe. Your hair looks fantastic btw. It’s crazy how much a full head of hair changes your life. Makes you want to go out more and live your best life.  Dr Diep is the real deal. That one guy who is as freaking out and tarnishing Dieps name after a few months needs to come out and admit he was a little dramatic with all the negativity. Melvin should use Cahustler as another home run.  This is incredible! 

    I won’t hijack this post but I want to add that I used to be so worried about my hair on a date, hit the bathroom and do a come over and hope it isn’t freaking windy. Now I’m seeing a gal in SF and it’s always windy there and I just run my fingers through my hair and wing it 😂 something like that 

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  9. 1 hour ago, Skyb said:

    Looks very good so far! Just make sure you stay safe at home for the first 10 days. The scar area always looks worse the first month but it will heal great. Just avoid any extreme head movements and heavy lifting. Dr Diep has been producing incredible results so get ready for a really nice frame and thick head of hair. I will love to see your progress 

    Good to see you’re still around Mr Sky

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