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Everything posted by ITA

  1. it is from next month that you will begin to see regrowth. 💪
  2. from the last photo, it doesn't look bad at all, but we often take the photos in the best conditions, maybe even in the mirror, in the car or with soft lights, if you feel like it, could you take some in direct sunlight?
  3. Could you post some photos, of the situation you started from, of the surgery and of the current situation?
  4. The countless hours of research, you spent looking for a surgeon in that area or a good surgeon? Because if that’s the first answer, it’s wrong.
  5. With that budget you can afford the best in Turkey (in my opinion Pekiner), but you’d better post some pics to better understand if your estimate is right.
  6. @Saulo BeneDon't worry, and thank goodness I told you to stay away from mirrorr 🤦🏻‍♂️
  7. The surgery looks clean, in my opinion, you will have a very good result.
  8. Probably those spaces that you see are due to a shock loss that occurs from the first 20/30 days after the procedure and falls between the second and the third month, 2500 grafts cannot cause an oversarvest, Of course, the extractions must be evenly distributed and Cosmedica we know that it is a place where surgery is almost always performed by technicians. Acar, You only see he to draw the hairline. Anyway, now you just have to wait for the donor area to heal slowly.
  9. Lo fa solo con alcune celebrità (che non sono così famose dopo tutto) forse, pollice in alto le foto 👍, sicuramente.
  10. I bet not, he will have seen he for at most 5 minutes.
  11. Yes, even if you forgot to say it, we understood from the photo, we are in the profession 😜, one thing we can advise you is not to stress yourself too much and stay away from mirrors for the next 4 months, I know it's easier to say than to do so, but you will live your post-transplant better.
  12. 4500 grafts is a lot, inevitably they had to withdraw something from the so-called safe zone, but the withdrawals still seem uniform, there is no reason for you to start worrying.
  13. So as he say @A_4_Arcanoyou might start looking Gur/Turan. Good luck.
  14. @bbowI'm sorry to read how down you are morally, can you post some pics so I can see your situation and write the name of the place where you had your procedure, the number of grafts and other details? Perhaps your situation may not be as dramatic as you see it.
  15. Serkan's clinic is one of the best hair mills in Turkey, you played Russian roulette, hope to win. 🙏
  16. Yeah, I agree, Gur/Turan are doing great jobs, and aren't particularly expensive, but I don't recall seeing them transplanted to elevated Norwood.
  17. @A_4_Arcano, if @Mohamed omaris looking at Turkey, I guess neither Zarev nor Eugenix suit his Badget, he could take a look at Yaman, I am not his fan, but I have seen some good results from him.
  18. Considerando che l'azione del Dermapen, Microdeeling o dermaroller irrita un po' il cuoio capelluto, è sconsigliabile lavarsi con lo shampoo in quanto tutti gli shampoo (quali più, quali meno) contengono sostanze chimiche che potrebbero causare una maggiore irritazione al cuoio capelluto in questa fase. ma penso che si può tranquillamente sciacquare con acqua fredda per darti un po' di sollievo di raffreddamento.
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