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Everything posted by ITA

  1. The most reliable test is a biopsy, even if it leaves a small scar of 1/2 centimeter, but I recommend you also carry out tests to check your thyroid values.
  2. Why a joke? Wong did the job. Are we sure the OP doesn't have some scalp problem or autoimmune disease that she isn't aware of? Let's go back to the discussion from a few posts ago, surgeons (especially the more expensive and renowned ones) should do a biopsy or recommend doing one, and recommend careful examinations to their patients before operating on them.
  3. Have you undergone a hair transplant? If so, it would be better that you to post pics, otherwise there are tons of threads where you can see what interests you.
  4. wow, another of the few De Freitas cases that is not published by the clinic, please don't stop updating us on your progress.
  5. At four months, you're quite advanced I'd say, could you take the next pics outdoors?
  6. No scanners, no magnifying glasses or microscopes to separate single from multiple grafts, therefore, you may end up with an overharvested donor area and a hairline with double and multiple ones, for example.
  7. Serkan's clinic is the best hair mill in Turkey, I have seen many transplants of guys who went to this clinic succeeded very well, you must be aware however that there are possibility that things don't go exactly right if you the inexperienced team will happen, because there, the entire process is entrusted to the technicians, you will see Serkan for 5 minutes, the time needed to draw your hairline.
  8. He hasn't login for 8 months, I think he won't publish pics either outdoors either indoors. 😫
  9. Pekiner's consultant thought he could do here, everything he does on his forum, even manage to have the threads of patients unhappy with the procedure eliminated (which, if I'm honest, I've seen a couple of, no more), but HRN is not like its forum, nor like most forums, here, you see both threads of surgeries gone wrong, and those of patients happy with the recommended clinics/surgeons.
  10. Doctor Pekiner is one of the best surgeons in the world in my opinion, his consultant is Italian and he is also the moderator of a well-known Italian forum (he has his own income) and has every interest in promoting his surgeon's works on that forum instead of on this forum. Pekiner operates on one patient a day, he is not interested in quantity but quality, and I believe that even with only Italian patients, his agenda is quite long. This is one of the reasons why Pekiner is not on the list of surgeons recommended here, the Italians are enough for him.
  11. did you understand that it's a metaphor? You don't risk dying, but you risk having to look for another repair transplant if it goes wrong, you could end up with an overharvested donor area or with double or triple hairlines, this is what I meant when I said "if you lose at Russian roulette". Do you understand it now? Then you call him a doctor, are you sure he is? He certainly won't operate on you. Good luck
  12. Your hair is amazing, as says @GATthose spaces you talk about make the transplant look natural.
  13. Also for me, more than looking for best surgeons/clinics for hairline, you need to focus more in finding best surgeons/clinics for high Norwoods, and in my opinion you should contact in the order (just my opinion huh) Zarev, Pittella and Eugenix.
  14. If it's too early for you to post photos, I think it's too early to even alarm you.
  15. After only two months you cannot say that the donor area will remain as thin as it is now, it will heal, you have to give it a few more months of time. Serkan is a hairmill, but I see many cases of guys operated on in his clinic with excellent results, on other forums and I have also seen them in person.
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