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Posts posted by Leeson

  1. Would stay away from Martinick! Do some research under the names of the surgeons first. There are some bad stories for Martinick. Do you even know the Thai doc doing your surgery? Sounds like your rushing into this and you most likely will regret your quick draw decision. The only Dr. i'd recommend in Thailand is Dr. Pathomvanich.

    Your donor hair is removed from back and placed on top, so no, it does not come back where it was taken. You only have a limited amount of donor, so use them wisely.

  2. So far the new growth is maybe a couple weeks since I started noticing some growth (the only place I would be able to tell is the hairline, due to existing hair). The front area and a patch in the mid-left top is somewhat thin. We'll see where it goes from here.

  3. So far the new growth is maybe a couple weeks since I started noticing some growth (the only place I would be able to tell is the hairline, due to existing hair). The front area and a patch in the mid-left top is somewhat thin. We'll see where it goes from here.

  4. I've never been wowed by Berstein, due to his conservative approach. I think the most should be done at once. Your basically giving up a percentage of your life (down time) in addition to the cost of HT. One pass max vs. 2 passes? No thanks. I'd agree w/ the 3500-3750. Honestly I'd go w/ HW or Rahal, as these Madevia/Dr. A, I've never seen their work. Also, that 30-35 cm2 would give a thin look, unless you have great hair characteristics (wavy, course, dense donor)

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